Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

26 Apr


Originally posted by juancee22

The slide doesn´t work when you need it. It's so random.

I agree with you, it's on my list but sadly I have more important stuff to work on currently.


Originally posted by doreato

Please remove the delay if you don't roll. You already take damage from falling why must I be stuck in stuns from landing too?

The heavy landing animation takes less time than the roll, so it's a trade off.


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Originally posted by Avastin

I'm on holiday in Sweden and was just strolling through Stockholm, when I came across a building I know very well from this subreddit.

Enjoy your time in the city, the weather is quite nice these days!


Originally posted by LarkTank

Where the f**k are new maps?!?!?


Originally posted by phantasatron

What in the actual f**k mate.

It states it in the above blog.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Savage_Sicario

Your answer was supposed to be "Yes, absolutely!". Colour me disappointed.

Oh, don't be. When we have something to announce, I promise you, it will be awesome.

And real talk: I rarely use the word "promise" in posts.


Originally posted by Mikey_MiG

the soldiers are screaming ''f**k'' etc but apperently you censored SUCK

Without offering an opinion on the filter itself, comments like this are completely missing the point of the filter. The filter is not because DICE doesn't want mature gamers to hear bad words, the filter is meant to discourage toxicity between players.

I'd like to upvote your comment 3 more times.


Originally posted by Savage_Sicario

Did you just accidentally confirm RSP?

No. We haven't confirmed anything, but we definitely have been having some great conversations internally regarding it.


Originally posted by TECT0RUM

Does anyone know if you can buy the gun after the week is over? I had to study for finals so I couldn't play to unlock it

Tomorrow it should be available in your Company - Medic loadout for purchase via CC.


Originally posted by IRemovedMyOldAccount

Hey /u/braddock512 Any words on the ''turn off chat censor filter'' that there was talk about some time ago?

I don't believe it's going to be an option, unless it's added to RSP/private matches.


Originally posted by AtomicVGZ

The Lahti-Saloranta M26 was a Finnish firearm used during World War II with optional ammo storage - a regular magazine or a drum.

So where is it? Why isn't that an option.

That statement was just a bit of history about the weapon itself, with a link to the source of info.

In the paragraph above that, it states that the weapon in BFV has a 20 round magazine.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

  • if the flag os contested, the player spawns on a spawn point outside of the capture area

This rule isn't always respected, for example the other day on Hamada Conquest, playing as Allies, the enemy was attacking A so a few teammates and I deployed on it, but the game spawned us on the flag, ~60m directly in front of an enemy tank that was parked just inside the flag capture area. Even if the tank was actually just outside, there was still other enemies on the flag so I'm sure it was contested; otherwise we wouldn't have spawned there en masse.

Image for reference:
My position is about where it spawned us (twice in a row for me) and the half-track is about where the enemy tank was, happily firing away at us.

I also remember having it happen on another map (minus the spawnkill) but I can't remember exactly which.

Out of cur...

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Yeah, the "contested" is a thing that works "most of the time". It just uses the range check. So if a spawn point is within the capture area it's most likely also blocked. Hamada tho has massive capture areas which only makes it work part of the times. Probably something I should look at for consistency reasons.

As for how the spawns inside the capture area work:

We use 3 different priorities. The "close spawns" on inside the area are highest priority. The second priority is used by the spawns outside the flag. The third and lowest priority is used for awkward but extremely safe spawns. They are only used if all other points are "blocked".


Originally posted by MadMuss

Is grind gone? Was it a time limited mode? Cant find it:(

It was a mode for last week’s Storyline. It will probably come back at a later point in a playlist.


Originally posted by tenzin_smith

I use new reddit

how dare you

I know, I know. It just makes formatting much easier.


Originally posted by Solaxe

Squad conquest? No thanks

Then play any other MP mode.

It tracks for regular MP modes and maps.


Originally posted by deltascorch105

I’m pretty sure that’s sadism.

And just got an update:
You can play other MP modes/maps to complete this week's Storyline.


Originally posted by majesticshitstain

Can we get some challenges for regular old conquest? I'm tired of these small player count and small map modes. I play battlefield for big 64 player games with vehicles on big maps but all these challenges don't let me play the game how I like to.

Go ahead and play how you like! Just confirmed with the team that you can play other MP modes/maps to complete this week's Storyline.