Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

10 Jun

09 Jun

07 Jun

06 Jun


Originally posted by RChamy

Is that lembas bread

omg didn’t even notice the similarity. i want second breakfast now

05 Jun


you will get banned and gems removed


if you are in a 'mature' clan and swear regularly with the language filter off, thats fine. that's what it's there for.

i had a look through your chat logs & it should be pretty clear why you were banned. homophobic slurs like you used will result in a ban no matter the context. the same goes for racism. targeted use of swear words towards others will also get you banned, but in your case it was the homophobic slurs that resulted in a ban.

i would avoid using that language if you are not wanting to get banned for a longer period of time.

i agree that an ideal situation would be putting this information into this screen (and it's something we are working to add in all of our games).

04 Jun


Originally posted by fl164

You still don't want to comment /u/Supercell_Drew πŸ™„?

i read the post when it first popped up yesterday. i don't have a concrete answer or solution to give however (and there are lots of valid points made in the thread already) but have fed it back to the team.

03 Jun

02 Jun

01 Jun