Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

31 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
The only thing that stands out to me in there is having both the McAfee and Windows defender AV active at the same time. Make sure ck3.exe is in all the McAfee exceptions lists, and it is not doing realtime scans of the game's Documents folders.

And that ck3.exe is in the Apps ALlowed Through list in WD-Ransomware.

Assuming that doesn't help, I do not know what it is in this machine that is doing this with our game, I'm sorry to say.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Subscriptions to the Paradox mod site or the Steam workshop ought to work the same, I can't explain the difference you see there. Has it always been like that for you?

I've never used the rules or presets, but I imagine if that was a known problem we'd see other such reports here! Again, has that ever worked for you?

Can you test both these on any other machine you might have access to?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
With all that effort, what temps did you see then?

But I agree that freezing the whole system in 60 seconds is very unlikely to be overheating. Can you see any relevant ERROR or WARNING entries in Windows event Viewer just before the freeze?

Please install and run the free utility Speccy. Send its output to a text file and attach that here please.

Speccy - Free Download

Download Speccy - the System Information tool Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Then, what happens if you run ck3.exe directly from file explorer? Same problem?

And, has this game ever worked on this machine? Or never yet?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
This was an issue under EU4 and earlier games, where loading in-game didn't clear the old save out of memory properly. But this is the first report I've seen of any game doing this since way back then though.

Can you test this on any other computer you might have access to?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
VermilionSparrow said: If I run the base Paradox Launcher, which is linked to my Steam account, IT IS able to log in, but it says I have no games. From what I understand, CK3 should be in there (every other game I own is older than Stellaris).
You must have run the launcher from the desktop shortcut or Paradox, which is a standalone mode for users who do not want to run Steam. It does need a separate game installation if used that way, but this game was never ported to that platform.

You'll need to run it from the PLAY button in you... Read more

30 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you play with these people when NO mods at all are enabled?

If so, then try that test but with a different mod - same problem?

THEN each of you try it with some third person - which of you two still see the problem?  

29 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you play with these people when NO mods at all are enabled? If not one or more of you has a bad game installation. Anyone who does NOT see checksum a370 in the main game menu or MP lobby (NOT in the launcher) needs to do a clean reinstall:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.
- start the game with no mods active and test

In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.

IF however you can play MP unmodded, then have everyone enable just ONE mod and test. ... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
If you go back to the main game menu and load from there, does it work better?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Way outside my experience or knowledge I'm afraid!

Do Xpadder have any sort of help or support you can contact?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
There are no crashes in this game in that dxdiag.

Lots of errors in that log though. Please do a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders - In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.

THEN Right click on ck3.exe , properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations" untick every other box in that dialog, Apply and exit.
Then in the launcher Game Settings menu, select fullScreen display mode, Vsync off, cap refresh rate ... Read more

28 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Right click on ck3.exe , properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations" untick every other box in that dialog, Apply and exit.
Then in the launcher Game Settings menu, select fullScreen display mode, Vsync off, cap refresh rate at 60.

If those don't help:
DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log , exceptions.log

AND please report the temperatures of your CPU and video (GPU)
1/ before starting the game up and
2/ after say 30 minutes' play.
... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd almost guarantee that was an ISP issue. Glad it came good!  

27 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Does that file now say the frame rate is capped?

What fps do you see in the game itself?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
So far as I know the game is not designed to work with any kind of controller, so you should unplug them before playing.  

26 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Great! Why that was necessary now I do not know, perhaps CK3 or Clausewitz or Jomini has changed how they work with Vram.

Next test would be to leave other apps running but keep the larger swap file; IMO 16gb is too small regardless of system memory size, 32gb ought to be the standard.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please do a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.
- start the game with no mods active and test

In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.  

25 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
76c is getting up there, but not quite to the point where problems usually start - 80c. Does it never get to 80?

But probably best to try to reduce that anyway.
Clean out all air vents it has (compressed air cans are good for this). Make sure airflow to them is not blocked by anything like walls, books or whatever.
If that doesn't drop the temps enough, you probably have a faulty fan or a heatsink/thermal paste problem. You may need professional help at that point.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
BaronSoup said: I forgot to mention, from there, I'm unable to login to my Paradox account.
In the launcher and game? Because obviously you can do it here!

Did using the VPN help that?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Now we get:
[17:24:34][include_vulkan.h:50]: Gfx error: ResultValue.result returned: ErrorOutOfHostMemory
[17:24:34][pdx_assert.cpp:619]: Assertion failed: ResultValue.result returned:
Which I guess is effectively the same problem, so your issue is not DX11.

I'm running out of ideas for this one! Let's try some memory things now;
expand your Windows paging file maximum size to 32gb


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