Dead Matter

Dead Matter Dev Tracker

25 Jul


Originally posted by Phobos_Productions

I don't understand the staggered release, what do I have to do now? Register where?

We’re letting our partners in right around the start of the countdown to CA so we can test the game with a sizeable audience and have the time to make any fixes that are needed or issues preventing the game from being playable.

We aren’t experienced AAA vets, and don’t have experience launching a project of this magnitude. It would be irresponsible to release the Closed Alpha without testing to make sure everything on our backend is functioning correctly.


Originally posted by pigglyjigglesplits

"While we have not fully solved the issue that we are having pressed on us from the legal side, it looks like that by the start of next week we should have things squared off."

"if things continue to move forward smoothly next week"

The legal issue isn't even resolved yet.... Everything after that about launch etc.. Is just fluff. None of it matters because the issue that has been holding back the CA IS STILL THERE....

Even though it isn’t resolved just yet it’s 95% there. I regrettably didn’t say that it would be resolved for certain but given how things have gone for us recently I have no doubts that the countdown will be spinning up next week.


Originally posted by AElford-4226

Either works, though one allows paypal which may be more suitable. Somebody will have to correct me on which site allows it.

Xsolla has better customer support overall and we are able to refund beyond the 10 day window Indiegogo provides. If you’re not so certain then Xsolla may be the better choice for you.


not clearly worded on the update, partners will be under nda as well

Continuing our weekly updates leading up the Closed Alpha, this update highlights the implementation of fortifications shown off last week, polished water details, more reloading animations and variations, zombie looting, and more! It's a video-heavy update, so enjoy!

July 24 Update | Dead Matter

Continuing our weekly... Read more

24 Jul

    Lyca on Forums - Thread - Direct
Later down the line, yes. ;)  
    Lyca on Forums - Thread - Direct
There will be community server from day 1 in CA.

You can rent server or you can host them yourselves from your own machine. Server files are there. Co-op will be a thing as well a bit later down the line. ;)

So it is already a thing ;)  

20 Jul


Removed and locked. User is a banned discord member attempting to bring drama to the subreddit


Originally posted by orgnll

I do not agree with a lot of your statements here, but that still doesn't mean you haven't made a great case.

I know that many community members are waiting to see additional "live" gameplay, you don't have to look any further than all the posts and comments on this sub reddit. I truly believe that if they just did a quick 5-minute stream showing off the CURRENT state of the game, it would kill a lot of these threads and the people speculating.

Again, we all have our own opinions on the subject and I will respect everyone equally.

One of those things that sounds great in theory, but when you’ve been doing this long enough, doesn’t fly in practice. Clips, streams, 5 min video, 20 minute video, doesn’t matter. People will put their frustration about not having the game toward something else.

Nothing we put out will ever be enough until the game is in people’s hands. So we are focusing solely on doing that and just asking for more patience. I personally appreciate the civility of this discussion, whatever your views.

19 Jul

OlDaky said: "Basically lying and sh*t-stirring"

Its sh*t-stirring to bring up a point that this game has been delayed multiple times? It is sh*t-stirring to bring up the fact that there are multiple rumors spreading along the line of a potential lawsuit? In their own post (which appears to have been edited) On June 13th ...
Read more

18 Jul

    Maxine on Forums - Thread - Direct
OlDaky said: 1.) These are not assumptions... They have said they were being sued for using an asset that was considered trademarked. See the update from June regarding this issue
Source or I ban you for basically lying and sh*t stirring.

I’ll give you two days.  
Continuing our weekly updates leading up the Closed Alpha, this update highlights the character creation system, polish passes, and new additions to the closed alpha map!

July 17 Update | Dead Matter

Continuing our weekly updates leading up the Closed Alpha, this update highlights the character creation system, polish passes, and new additions to the closed alpha map! ... Read more

13 Jul


Originally posted by SpewnFromTheEarth

Is it too late to back them? Just found out about this and would love to get in the CA

We will have backing options open for the duration of the Closed Alpha at these sites!


QI store:

11 Jul


Originally posted by V3rtigo44

Will that depend on your actions or will events behind our control shape future interactions?

You know I don't leak fun details like that