Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

11 Nov

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That would be so cool! Heck of a challenge but it would be so good - then everyone would be immersed!
    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I was actually thinking about it the other day. I bet it's pretty cool. It'd probably be really intense as a survivor, especially when going up against something like the wraith. Though you'd have to play in first person, so good luck there.

28 May

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nemeios:
Originally posted by wickedLuzi:
Can I restore your faith if I tell you, I tell these kind of survivors to ♥♥♥♥ off if I'm playing survivor and I see the killer isn't doing that well or doesn't kill anyone on purpose? I did that too before I even started playing killer, especially if a killer has a bad match and isn't doing so well. Either new killer, bad day or whatsoever.

But yeah, I get all of that, just to me... I would die from boredom eventually, lol. B...
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    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nemeios:
Originally posted by wickedLuzi:
I said "to me." You can do that, but to me it's not productive, because it's not only points I care about if I know they're alturistic. I much prefer to hunt.
Ah well, I understand that.

If I'm having good chases without pallet loop I don't camp, even somtimes I don't hook when they have been hooked 2 times and I got them down

or at least I thought that before yesterday, where I let 2 survivors live becaus...
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    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nemeios:
Originally posted by wickedLuzi: Slowly but steadily I'm believing no one is checking that these kind of posts are made several times daily.

And something else: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If someone dislikes camping, that's the opinion of an individual. I dislike camping as both killer and survivor. It is boring and not productive to me as a killer.
not productive?
I've made even 28k in games where I camped, at R1.

... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Slowly but steadily I'm believing no one is checking that these kind of posts are made several times daily.

And something else: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If someone dislikes camping, that's the opinion of an individual. I dislike camping as both killer and survivor. It is boring and not productive to me as a killer.

11 May

    Peanits from BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because it starts a witch hunt, and often times the person being targetted isn't doing anything wrong in the first place.

For example, guy gets called out for being a cheater. Turns out he was actually awarded bloodpoints because he lost his save. But now everyone's attacking the guy and shaming him for something he didn't do.

Or, let's say the dude did cheat. Now everyone calls him out, and so he wipes everything so nobody can tell and he can try to evade the banhammer.

And the list goes on and on. Every day we got loads of threads about people calling out a 'camper', but for all we know there could have been survivors carelessly sprinting around the hook. You don't get the full picture, and it's not fair to pass judgement and attack someone without that.

Basically, that's what the report buttons for. Mods will step in and figure out what needs to be done.

(Also it always turns into a huge fight, and then we gotta' come along and tell... Read more

24 Mar

    Faded ♥ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

When an instance like this occurs, you can either report it via the in-game report system or record the incident and report it to one of the moderators.

Thanks :)

13 Mar

    DickFort_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I believe in you

12 Feb

    Suggestive on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
From the pinned thread:

Note: This will download an update over the normal build. There is no way to have both builds available at the same time unfortunately.

Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
Access Properties
Access the "Beta" Tab
Enter the password "DbdPublicTest" (without quotes) in the Text Field
Click Check Code
Select "public-beta" from the dropdown
Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
Access Properties
Access the "Beta" Tab
Select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" from the dropdown
Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

31 Jan

    Mathieu Cote BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Watch out for the BAN HAMMER! Hello good people of the fog,

I am happy to announce that we have now given our mods more tools to detect, chase down and punish evil-doers.
For the good people of the fog, looking for more exciting games with fun, serious players this is great news.
The bad people trying to cheat, hack, stream-snipe, grief and ruin other people's enjoyment, you will be banned.

Some of the bannable offenses:
-Streaming hostile, hateful behaviour.
-Stream sniping
-Achievement hacks, in any way, shape or form.
-Illicit ways to obtain inventory items
-Using third-party site or software to join specific games
-Being a bot

Anything that goes against Steam guidelines, obviously.

Of course, we will make sure to have proof, not just heresay or reports. And by the way, streaming or uploading a video of yourself doing one of these things will be considered very valid proof.

the ... Read more

12 Dec

    Clyde_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
EAC запускается перед игрой, проходит проверку?
    Clyde_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aleksboste: Пробовал пиратку

Скорее всего именно в этом и проблема.

Какая разрядность системы - 32/64 бит? Операционка какая? Процессор/видеокарта?

30 Jul

    Suggestive on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Press 1 or 2 on your keyboard :)

18 Jul

    andreiB_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a known bug and developers are working on fixing it.

Meanwhile, you don't have to be rude about it.

04 Jul

    Faded ♥ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't tell you how relieved I personally am to see the bans kicking in. Who likes cheaters, right?

26 Jun

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Watch for crows. They'll circle above idling players, and land on lockers if someone is camping inside.

24 Jun

    Clyde_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Нет войсчата в игре.

19 Jun

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's coming soon. No worries.