Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

03 May



  • Vow of the Disciple
    • Removed class items from Master difficulty reward pool for encounter completions. 
Guardian Games is here! Banners unfurl in the Tower as Guardians return from the Throne World, ready to trade in their swamp-soaked boots for glory and gold. Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters; which class will claim the podium's top step?

In a brand-new out-of-game event, we have assembled class fireteams from across the globe to participate in our first ever Guardian Games Cup - a friendly competition to see which team in the world has what it takes to come out on top. From May 3 to May 24, cheer for your favorite streamers as they compete in class teams, both in-game and for charity! Over 14 territories are participating, which brings us to a total of 42 different teams all vying for number one! 
Keep an eye out on this post every week on Tuesday at 10 AM PDT as we update the standings to reveal which team and class compi... Read more

29 Apr

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
Every single Community Focus has mattered. Every single Guardian offers something unique to our community and this is our way of saying thank you for being a part of it. With our latest Community Focus, it’s going to get a little bit personal. 
As a gamer with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - a nervous system disease that affects mobility, coordination, vision, and more - and a former journalist who has covered the ways the disabled perspective and the gaming industry intersect, I've always been deeply passionate about furthering accessibility within video games. For that reason, it is my immense pleasure to introduce Grant Stoner: a writer you might have seen in some of the biggest publications in the world, like IGN and Fanbyte, that has been loud and proud when it comes to educating this space on what it means to say, “gaming is for all.”  

He's also a total beast when it comes to kickin' some foe butt in Destiny 2. 
Grant! I'm exc... Read more

28 Apr

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’ve been heads down making sure Season 17 is poised to rock ‘n roll and recovering from that whopper of a TWAB last week. I’m not going to lie, I really struggled writing this, only because the previous one by DMG dropped lots of solid info about sandbox changes, weapon tweaks, and more. This TWAB will be less extensive, but we hope you enjoy what we’ve got lined up to talk about this week. That, and we still have a few surprises up that proverbial sleeve, but we want to keep some aspects of what is next under wraps. We don’t want to ruin the sur... Read more

26 Apr



  • Fixed an issue where killing a Hive Ghost was granting more than one revive token in activities. 
  • Fixed an issue where Grandmaster The Lightblade and Birthplace of the Vile were not contributing to the Total Conquest Triumph. 


  • Fixed an issue allowing players to exit the play area on Eternity. 


  • Fixed an issue where killing the Envoys would not drop the Primeval’s shield. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Primeval would not appear after  banking 100 Motes. 

Gameplay and Investment  


  • Synthoceps 
      • Fixed an issue where the Biotic Enhancements perk prevented shattering an encased player with an uncharged melee. 
  • Renewal Grasps  
      • While equipped, Renewal Grasps now increases the base cooldown of the Duskfield Grenade from 62s to 152s.  
      • The outg...
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22 Apr

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
Happy Friday, Guardians! I wanted to write something clever as an introduction for our newest Community Focus, but this Guardian is way cooler than anything I could come up with so how about we just hop right into it?  
Please give a warm community welcome to Knitehawk!
Happy Friday, Guardian! Please tell us who you are, where you are from, and what got you into content creation?   
Hi Guardians! I’m Knitehawk! A Twitch Partner that absolutely loves to help the community with all things PVP! I’m from Texas, born and raised! I’ve been gaming for quite a bit of time now and I like to believe Halo started me off on this amazing journey! I grew up in not the best of ways and gaming became my “safe haven” as a way to keep myself out of trouble as well as express myself. It allowed me to become the person I am today and help create a welcoming community.  
  I love that gaming being a safe haven has been such a commo... Read more

21 Apr

This week at Bungie, we seem to have written a short novel about upcoming weapon sandbox changes. 
Hello, dear reader. I’d like to kick this TWAB off with a quick word of advice; never end your drafting phase with your introduction. I’ve been kicking this thing around for about 15 minutes now, trying to figure out the best way to launch you into yet another Mega-TWAB worth of sandbox information. We’ve got quite a few changes planned for next Season, and we’re excited to start spreading the word. 
Let’s keep our conversation about the live game short and sweet, shall we? It’s an interesting week, to say the least! Master difficulty for Vow of the Disciple has kicked off, with just a few short weeks left before Guardians begin to claim their raid titles. Grandmasters continue to push the limits of player skill, buildcrafting, and general gameplay strategy. Iron Banner has come and gone, but Trials of Osiris returns this Friday with some light changes to the post... Read more

19 Apr


  • The Wellspring: Attack: 
      • Fixed an issue that could cause teams to incorrectly wipe on PED difficulty during the ritual disruption phase of Attack if they completed the objective with only a few seconds left on the clock. 
      • Added failsafe to all carry objects in the ritual and boss phases so that they respawn in a reachable location if they are never picked up for 30 seconds. This should unblock the activity if they somehow spawn or fall out of bounds. 
  • Altar of Reflection 
      • Fixed an issue where the Altar of Reflection was not appearing, blocking players from completing Evidence Board Quest: Report: ALTAR-REFLECT 
  • Lost Sectors 
      • Fixed an issue where Rare (blue) engrams were dropping from PED Lost Sector chests 
  • Vow of the Disciple 
      • Fixed an issue where players could bring relics out of the Exhibition area. 
      • Fixe...
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15 Apr

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
In kindness and in good faith, one Twitch Mom takes the streaming world by storm while brainstorming some amazing ideas for the world of Destiny. 
Part of the beauty of this ongoing Community Focus series is that it’s about celebrating everyone. The streamers, the crafters, the passionate players, the accessibility-drivers; every Guardian that makes up the Destiny 2 community has a little something special they bring to the world, and our latest spotlight is no exception. Meet Dee, also known as InDeeDee and – in her community – known as Twitch Mom. She is a Brit living in Australia doing what she can to make the gaming community a little bit brighter. She’s also very adamant that her name is not in relation to Pokémon, and that she came before her cartoon counterpart (so take that).  
Ready to get started? Let’s rock ‘n roll, buckaroos!  
Stoked to have you chatting with us today, Dee! Before we get rolling here, tell us a little bit about ... Read more

14 Apr

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we talk about Rhulk finding his chill and a new way to enjoy raids and dungeons.  
It really is almost mid-April already, huh? As the weeks continue to feel like they fly by in a rush for summer, we’re excited to show off even more changes coming to Destiny 2 while we continue working on what the future means for our favorite space-faring heroes. In the next few weeks, we’ll be diving through some weapon sandbox changes and other topics of interest. One of the changes that we are ready to talk about now, however, is a new Rotator system for some of the more challeng... Read more

08 Apr

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
Happy Friday, Guardians! This week we are just knocking it out of the park with Community Focus, ya? Earlier in the week Bruno interviewed MitchySlaps, and today we have another super fun Community Focus with PRONE. 
Hello PRONE! We are so stoked to have you here so let’s get started with who are you, where are you from, and what got you into gaming?  

My name is Brian. When I started on Twitch, I went by ideaprone, but since getting Partnered last April I go by PRONE! I'm from the corn fields of Southern Illinois near S...
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07 Apr

This week at Bungie, we talk about pixels and the Kilts for Kids fundraising event! 

Welcome to your first April 2022 installment of the TWAB. Yes, you read that right! We’re already in the fourth month of the year. Time is flying by, and we can’t help but wonder why. Maybe it’s the fact that we shipped an expansion in February, or the weekly hunts for Deepsight weapons that we’ve been embarking on. In any case, Destiny 2 keeps going strong. 
Gambit Labs went live earlier this week. Invasion Swap has been getting us some great anecdotal feedback for Mote-dunking and invasion strategies, and we’re excited to see the data and feedback as it comes in. We did have a small hiccup on Tuesday where the Pinnacle reward for playing three matches was not appearing, but the team quickly issued a server-side fix to get you your just rewards. Paired with double Gambit rep, it’s a great week to complete some Seasonal Challenges for Bright Dust and earn some nice Gambit... Read more

06 Apr

Hello there, Guardians! How’s your week going so far? Have you jumped into the Grandmaster Nightfall that just launched? I’m still trying to find the courage to do one of those, but meanwhile, I just finished my first raid of the week. Let me tell you one thing: my experience wouldn’t be the same without the resource we are talking about in this Community Focus, a resource we think you will find just as useful.   
Today, we wanted to introduce you to MitchySlaps, the creator of a wonderful Stream Deck input tool for those that may not be able to communicate in the heat of battle and for those like me who have trouble remembering symbols. If you normally use this programmable keypad for shortcuts inside your streaming apps, Mitch work allows you to use it inside a Destiny raid for callouts. As simple and great as that. 

Hey, Mitch... Read more

05 Apr

 Gameplay and Investment 


  • Fixed an issue that was causing Xûr to offer Exotic armor with low stat rolls and identical stat allocation. 
    • This fix has caused an issue we are now investigating where the advertised stats on Xûr’s inventory screen may be slightly different than the item you receive.  
    • It's been a very eventful time for Xûr, but he's ready to get back to work. He thanks you for your patience.

Trials of Osiris

  • Fixed an issue where players were not receiving the expected additional rewards while being in the Flawless pool. 

Platforms and Systems


  • Fixed an issue where some users could experience black screens on Windows 7 and 8.1.
    • Note: Some players may continue to experience this issue depending on PC specs. If you experience this issue, please report any findings to our Bungie Help forum ...
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01 Apr

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
You may be looking at this Community Focus and thinking to yourself, “Self, that’s a lot of words. Ain’t nobody got time to read all that.” Let me just say: 1) stop it 2) trust me, it’s worth it. Omni Props, as an entity, has made a name for itself in the Destiny community for impressive builds, creative takes on the game, and it doesn’t hurt that the creator behind the masks is a precious cinnamon bun that must be protected at all costs. So, it’s a cosplayer lover’s delight for us to introduce you to Javier Martinez, the creative soul behind some wildly impressive contributions to our lovely microcosm of incredible people.  
Without further ado, let’s dive right in and talk about the creative cycle of translating digital love into real-life works of art while also paying special tributes to those that helped him find his style along the way:  
First off! How the heck are ya?! Go ahead and introduce yourself to the Destiny community. Who are you, what do you... Read more

31 Mar

This week at Bungie, it’s Mechs vs Monsters... evolved! 
It’s officially been over a month since The Witch Queen launched. Savathûn has been defeated. Rhulk dished out some literal kicks to the face in Vow of the Disciple. Worms have been launched, weapons have been crafted, and Guardians have dug deep into the Seasonal story. We had an accolades trailer released this week with some fun quotes about the experience of playing the expansion. We’re proud of where The Witch Queen landed, and we’re ever-thankful to all who jumped in to play. 

Don’t get us wrong, the train doesn’t stop with some nice quotes about the game! The future is bright, and we have work to do as we reach further into the stars. Season of [REDACTED] is just a couple of months out, and the team is hard at work tying down work items and jamming through test passes.  Once we get a little deeper into the Season, we’ll start talking about what’s to come in sandbox updates, general qua... Read more

29 Mar


The Wellspring: Attack 

  • Fixed an issue where players were able to avoid being pulled into the boss arena during encounter when pressed up against Hive shield barriers. 
  • Fixed an issue where players that joined the activity late would prevent activity barriers from spawning, blocking further Wellspring progression.  
  • Fixed an issue where Wizards and carried objects could be pushed to sink through the middle pillar, soft-locking the instance.  

PsiOps Battlegrounds 

  • Fixed an issue in the Cosmodrome that blocked players from picking up Captured Light, blocking further progression. 

Trials of Osiris  

  • Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris Mementos were not dropping when players claimed their first Flawless chest of the week.  

Gameplay and Investment 


  • Fixed an issue where combatants would re...
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25 Mar

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
Happy Friday, Guardians! I don’t know about you, but these Community Focus posts have been such a fun addition to my week. Just speaking for myself, I have found dozens of communities that I would have never seen without them. As Liana mentioned last week, the variety of the Destiny community is magical, and today’s Community Focus is nothing short of that. 
Hello Casey! Thank you so much for hanging out with us today. Let’s start off with who you are, where you’re from, and how did you get started in gaming?  
Hullo, I’m Caseyroo! Also known as Casey, Gremlin, Gam Gam, and sometimes Grandma. Don’t let my youthful appearance fool you, I have a not-so-secret affinity for house slippers, naps, and early bird specials. I’m from Portland, Oregon, though I grew up in Southern California.  

Gaming started early for me, with my childhood best friends that lived up the street. We spent summers playing anything...
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24 Mar

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we are saying thank you to our generous community for all their incredible contributions to this year’s Game2Give charity initiative with the Bungie Foundation. We’re also offering some clarity into our Terms of Service regarding in-game behaviors and talking about a recent wave of strikes against the Destiny 2 content creator community (and in an odd twist of events, even our own official channels).  

A lighter TWAB this week
, but no less important. This week, we’re wanting... Read more

22 Mar


Throne World 
  • Fixed a networking issue that could cause the destructible Pyramid Crux object used in many activities to desync state between client and host causing several issues and confusing players. 
  • Fixed an issue where a third Altar could unintentionally be active on the map for a short period. 

  • Fixed an issue causing perks in Gambit PvP to use PvE values. 
      • More specifically, Eriana’s Vow will no longer one-shot opponents unless they’ve already taken damage from other sources. 

Vow of the Disciple 
  • Fixed an issue where an unintentional symbol could appear where one of Rhulk's attacks met environment geometry. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could earn a lore entry while only standing in front of one of two symbols. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could shoot any symbol to pass the "kill" symbol...
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