
Diabotical Dev Tracker

06 Oct


The last threads still have multiple things to address which are not forgotten, but I'll create this to separate some of the solved problems from last week and issues that players find during this week

Week 1 - Bug Report Thread


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  • There is now a Pause function in private Custom Games, each player has access to a single pause that can last for 60 seconds, while the host and others in the lobby that have been given the admin role have unlimited pauses each lasting infinite time. By default the Pause/Resume function is bound to F9 and Pause/Break, it can be rebound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay-Pause/Resume - this function is an experimental state

Visual changes

  • There are now screen-edge waypoints that indicate the current base that you should go to in MacGuffin (whether you are delivering or attacking)
  • Increased the resolution of the waypoint icons


  • The volume of enemy movement sounds above and below has been tweaked to better represent the relative distance of players


  • Updated translations
  • Added Pause abuse to the list of report reasons


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05 Oct


Originally posted by sl4m_os

So make different bind keys for pncr and crossbows. For example I have both weapons, but I want to take pncr, why should I press the weapon button twice to get it?

That situation is not possible in a regular game after it starts, only during the warmup state if the map has both pickups and in edit mode. In a regular game if you get the Crossbow and then the PnCR (or in the other order) you will not be able to use the Crossbow because the PnCR is the upgraded version and replaces it. If you still want to be able to access the weapon separately with a bind in the warmup state of a mode or in edit mode it's possible to
/bind KEY weapon_specific 7 for the Crossbow
/bind KEY weapon_specific 8 for the PnCR


Originally posted by lp_kalubec

No. I have all settings at max including textures. 4K resolution + 50% resolution scaling. So I suppose that it's caused by scaling.

Ah no, in that case I don't think it's a scaling issue. I think the texture is just a bit too low-res and it may even be a bit more noticeable for you because you play at x2160. We can increase them two-fold.


Originally posted by lp_kalubec

The Ping Screen-edge waypoints no longer become very small at long distances

Works great. Thanks for this fix.

When using lower resolution scales the various in-game indicators now retain the full resolution of the application so that they have better readability (indicators such as Base waypoints, teammate names, Powerup waypoints, MacGuffin waypoint, Weapon waypoints)

Markers look fine now but the icons inside are still blurry/distorted. Another minor issue is that icons are not centered.


If you play with the texture quality setting to low, that halves the resolution of every texture, and this includes these icons used in UI elements like this too. Do you use this setting?


Originally posted by mamamarty21

I was really excited for the seperate crossbow and PnCR settings, except it deleted my reticle and mask from both of them. It's all redone now, but it's kinda frustrating to have to deal with that.

This is unexpected. PNCR settings would be clean because it's a new slot and you'll have to fill them in, but Crossbow ones should have remained as they were. Are you sure this was not the case?



  • Fixed an issue in MacGuffin that could cause the overtime to be restarted when an attacking player that died on the point respawned, and could also prevent the MacGuffin from being stolen

Visual changes

  • When using lower resolution scales the various in-game indicators now retain the full resolution of the application so that they have better readability (indicators such as Base waypoints, teammate names, Powerup waypoints, MacGuffin waypoint, Weapon waypoints)
  • In Settings-More Settings it's now possible to select the color of damage numbers (default is white), select whether it stays that color or goes from that color to red with higher amounts of damage, or if it corresponds to the color of the weapon that was fired - note that when healing teammates with the Siphonator the healing number remains green
  • In Settings-More Settings it's now possible to select the scale of damage numbers
  • The Ping Screen-...
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04 Oct


Originally posted by lp_kalubec

In Settings-More settings there is now an option to customize the screen-edge ping waypoints so that they are always visible, only threat pings (red) visible, or never visible

  • Let's fix the waypoints' size. IMO their size should not change depending on the distance. Sometimes they are huge, sometimes they are really tiny and barely noticeable.
  • Let's fix the image quality of waypoints. It seems that you use bitmaps rather than vectors or there is something wrong with scaling because they are not always sharp, especially when resolution scaling is enabled.

Let's fix the waypoints' size. IMO their size should not change depending on the distance. Sometimes they are huge, sometimes they are really tiny and barely noticeable.

We plan to add some more options for this. But there is also an issue with the waypoints for pings, they don't scale in the same way the other waypoints do, we'll fix this in the next patch.

Let's fix the image quality of waypoints. It seems that you use bitmaps rather than vectors or there is something wrong with scaling because they are not always sharp, especially when resolution scaling is enabled.

Vectors are still going to look very similar if you play with resolution downscaling as long as they are rendered at the downscaled resolution. We need to render those elements in native resolution. I'm not even sure why it's not that way at the moment, it may have regressed by accident at some point and I didn't notice. We'll try to fix th...

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Originally posted by Gockel

Fixed an issue that could cause a team's score in MacGuffin to be stuck on 99

My team had that issue ALL THE TIME ... wait ..

Sorry we actually made this issue way more frequent for a brief period of time this morning. It should be fixed now.


Originally posted by iQueQq

Fixed an issue that could cause a team's score in MacGuffin to be stuck on 99

Maybe this is a different issue but this appears not fixed, I just played a ranked McGuffin 3v3 that got my team stuck on 99 in the first round, we were stuck in perpetual overtime so we let the other team cap in the end

game ver: 0.20.366c

match id: 33e77dd3-6754-476e-8f65-481b3b89db3a

I'll make a post in the bug thread also

Pushed a tentative actual fix for this at 13:40 CEST to all servers. I'll update if we can confirm the issue is gone.

UPDATE: Seems to be fixed now, sorry about that, we were trying to fix a fairly rare issue that only happened in a very few instances and we made it way more frequent.

UPDATE2: Minor version 366d which is going out now brings the same fix that's live on our servers to LAN.



  • Fixed an issue that could cause a team's score in MacGuffin to be stuck on 99
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the MacGuffin to disappear after death

Visual changes

  • In Settings-More settings there is now an option to customize the screen-edge ping waypoints so that they are always visible, only threat pings (red) visible, or never visible
  • Fixed issue causing the environment decals to be displayed on top of the MacGuffin when held
  • Fixed an issue that would cause entities of a previous map to show up in another if the initial map's load was cancelled (unreported 2 days ago)


  • It's now possible to spectate matches hosted on LAN correctly


  • An issue affecting Suddenlink customers in the West coast NA causing high ping to our servers has been fixed by i3D.net - thanks to Pankz for providing a trace


  • ...
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Originally posted by pikacho123

I have tried disabling Tinywall and same think. It takes a bunch of attempts until it works, this is so annoying, I waste so much time waiting.

If you DM me on discord I can send you some things for diagnostics and look into it.

03 Oct


Originally posted by fknm1111

Can you fix the mapvote crash? Getting a 30 minute ban because of a bug really sucks. Especially when I'm trying to queue for duel, a mode where me leaving doesn't even hurt anything.

Really sorry about that. That's a crash on a 3rd party dependency, the HTML UI engine we use to render the menu screens. We sent them info about the crash and they fixed it, but the version in which it's fixed introduced a performance regression that prevents us from updating. We are looking into it with them. We'll fix this as soon as we can, it's a top priority. (We also have long term plans to reduce our exposure to this sort of thing.)



  • Experimental LAN/Direct connection support: It is now possible to select Direct connection in Custom Games in order to host Diabotical matches and play with others through a direct connection. Players are required to be online in their Diabotical accounts in order to join a lobby, if the players are not on LAN, you as the host will need to open UDP port 32123 on your router in order to start a match with others, a selection of your detected IP addresses will be shown prefixed as Direct/, including the Public IP (for players online to connect to you) and your Local IP (to host matches on LAN ) - This is a feature under development, only client side netcode is currently supported in this mode and statistics are incomplete at the end of the game
  • Updated translations

Visual changes

  • Tactical pings by teammates now have indicators on the edge of the screen when not within the current field of view


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02 Oct


Originally posted by creeeeb

Can Firefrog speak to the specifics on improvements to netcode and projectiles?

In general, if we expect things to work we won't get into much detail intentionally. If we are transparent about things (explaining just in case we have created this expectation), it's usually in the context of explaining what we are doing about an issue for the sake of productive communication with the community or to give some technical context on things so that the feedback that we get on a particular area is more focused. Ideally things just work so that people don't even need to discuss it. There're reasons for this discretion that involve often-unfounded anticheat fears, competitive-edge protection, not giving fodder to patent trolls, time constraints, embarrassment because an issue was too dumb, a desire for conciseness to not waste people's time or a general sense of modesty. Also netcode may be the kind of thing where you don't want to explain too much or people start reporting ghosts because you colour their experience introducing concepts for which the scope can't be com...

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  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Crossbow to deal two instances of damage
  • The MacGuffin now bounces off after landing on a steep surface


  • Improvements to overall projectile netcode accuracy
  • Improvements to projectile netcode addressing point-blank and close-range scenarios


  • The Custom Games menu has been reworked with a new design and now shows a list of players in the selected match
  • The Leaderboards now display only players that have 25 or more matches played in a given mode
  • Updated translations


  • In Oxide, fixed a collision issue on the trims and a misaligned texture
  • In Ukiyo, the ramp section has been replaced with stairs, various adjustments to the path

-The Shop has been updated

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01 Oct



  • Fixed the excessive projectile knockback on the bots in the Practice Range, Tutorial
  • Fixed issue where a player with the Siphonator powerup would heal a teammate when firing projectiles at other players (now teammates are only healed if the player with the Siphonator hits them specifically)
  • Fixed issue where grabbing Health or Armor pickups would reset your Health and Armor to the regular maximum values when using custom games commands to increase Health and Armor beyond those values


  • The range of item pickups has been increased to match the range of player movements
  • Props with sounds now emit them again - the Ambient Volume slider in Settings-Audio can be adjusted to control the volume of ambient sounds

Masterserver and matches

  • Fixed an issue where loading a map at the moment that a queue match was found would prevent you from joining that match


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Originally posted by Tyeatera

The GD studio is based in Sweden. Date makes no sense to me, even in UTC it would be the 27th. So what am I missing?

We date them to American time for very silly reasons. This started happening because we would write patch notes during the evening, then there would be delays due to some last minute issue and it ended up bleeding into the next date. Now we intentionally date them to American time. This works better with the work schedule of the core technical development team where we release around midnight, sometimes before, most of the times much later. (Our messed up schedules are also convenient right now as it means that we can reach our American partners any time, so we don't have much incentive to fix them though we'll try to do that in the future). That way we get patches for days 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th that each correspond to a day of work instead of something like 11th, 11th, 13th, 13th. The neater dates make more sense in retrospect, and personally I'd like to be able to look back and see that we have released a substantial patch every day for however long and at least the date makes s...

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30 Sep


To simplify things, there is a trade-off involved here that arises when games have to deal with discontinuities in the flow of data. At one end of the trade-off we don't have these kinds of situations that are frustrating to the attacker and at the other end of the trade-off we have less potential for frustration on the side of the target. It is clear that in general we want to be a bit more on the attacker side, as this is generally what results in more fun overall for everyone involved, but we must proceed with caution when incrementally moving in this direction.

We will crank it up more towards the attacker side with regards to projectiles, look for a patch note mentioning projectile netcode sometime in the next days.



  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to die after respawning
  • Knockback intensity is now more proportional in wrap-around-edge damage situations
  • Fixed issue causing the application of direct hit damage and knockback when splashing enemies through ledges
  • Fixed issue causing projectile explosions to sometimes be represented slightly inside the contacting surfaces

Masterserver and matches

  • Datacenters with less than 65 ping are now automatically added to your selection list the first time you load the game and when a new server is added
  • Improved the process of checking the datacenter preference by ping, which is used for determining which datacenter will be used in a match


  • Collision fixes to Icefall and Marina


  • Added some new orange colored production props
  • The default /edit map now has more entities...
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