
Eco Dev Tracker

02 Dec


Originally posted by uniquepassword

I recall the original meteor having one of the devs face on it? When can I expect that plushie :)

Haha, this is a one time off thing for now. It'll highly depend on if the campaign has success on if we ever do any other ones.

01 Dec


Hey Citizens,
we're happy to announce that the Meteor Shard, our very first plushie made in cooperation with our friends at Makeship is now available for ordering at: ...

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30 Nov


Originally posted by M0nzUn

No great ones. But we already allow for stacks on the shovel when lifting from a stockpile, so maybe adding line based AOE to the shovel tier upgrades so that the iron shovel for example can lift two blocks if the same type if they are in a row? Would require the hammer UI to switch modes though.

Another idea was to set up the wheelbarrow to use iron in the recipe and make it so that it can only hold shoveled blocks and not allow mixed types while making it hold more and enabling it to traverse up 1-block inclines. Also quite a bit of work.

So no quick & easy solution. I'm mostly backing the need for SOMETHING to help terraforming in midgame. I also think I'm either case the economy needs to be rebalanced for the addition of anything that helps digging, so it's hard to solve in mods alone.

I do like the second idea a lot, gonna ask colleagues what they think.

Limited line-based AoE for shovels also seems to preserve the wish for a somewhat natural feeling as well, both nice ideas, thanks :)


Originally posted by M0nzUn

Skid steer is late game tech as it depends on industry. There's no getting away from that. If you get skid early, then you have progressed to late game fast.

My point is that T2 tech offers nothing for terraforming and there is a big need there. T1 Is fine with the shovel and T3 is fine with skid, but T2 doesn't have anything, while at T2 miners consistently have lvl6 perks to make that go faster, so they are also already covered.

The big hurdle is of course the dependency between terraforming and economy. So I don't have any good solutions or I would have modded something in.

Not wanting to get away from that at all - but late game is where most of the terraforming stuff happens on the servers I monitor and where it also should happen based on our idea. Great example was WT's queens tribute cycle with the monument, in my opinion. Best cycle we ever had as I think. Great progress, big stuff focused from mid-week 2 onwards to the later weeks. General intention is that the earlier the technology, the faster you get over it, ending in the longest play time in the full technology - balanced out to actually work, which is hard on non-concept servers, no doubt. (But that's where everything part of "Eco Infinite" is focused on - making it interesting to play once you are done with the technology race, which is indeed a major problem to solve.)

And absolutely, that is fast late-game progress, but unfortunately something that happens regularly on populated vanilla servers without specific concepts. It tends to be mostly either that or the total opposite, ...

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Originally posted by M0nzUn

The skid and excavator are late game features that don't arrive until most terraforming work is already done.

DL doesn't have any opt-in or out yet. I've been pretty fed up with how shitty Discord behaves towards bot devs and busy trying to handle how unstable their service is with the little energy I have for working on it.

Guess experiences there might be different. Even on WT those are available in week 2 and at a good point in time where most notable terraforming stuff is happening, as intended. (Terraforming is supposed to be a late-game thing, though I can understand when people count roads to it, which I don't) On vanilla servers there seems to be a tendency to them either becoming available much earlier due to people pushing for progress or them not becoming available at all, depending on activity on the server. That's only my experiences mostly from official servers and ones that I visit irregularly, though.


Originally posted by M0nzUn

I don't run it on my server and were doing fine player-wise.

There no solution really, just bandaids. So many things need to be rebalanced due to knock-on effects, but raising craft cost of bricks is definitely one of them. Bricks are already outcompeting lumber as T2 material and big shovel makes it so even more.

Granted though, I've only played on servers with the mod 3 times, but I saw about what I expected. I just wish there were better tools for digging in vanilla.

We consider the excavator and the skid steer to be these tools. Big Shovel was once part of vanilla, but didn't provide the experience we wanted people to have while at the same time feeling especially unnatural in comparison to other AoE tools we introduced later and still have.

Big Shovel impacts the economy massively and removes the intended feeling and restrictions on terraforming early game. But I do understand that some people don't like the effect of tediousness it can have, even if intended, so that's what mods are for anyway. I just personally don't play with any mods that make life easier either and see servers doing well without that as well.

In no case I would consider it a "Must Have" mod - for me that's what is on the Official Servers: Nid's admin tools and your great Chronicler. Discord Link has proven great as well at least for WT, but for data protection concerns we're not deploying it to other official servers yet, but we'd do if there ever was an ...

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28 Nov


We're partnered with PingPerfect now, so can obviously recommend them. ( I'd generally avoid any hosters that offer "slots" instead of any type of guaranteed hardware resources. If you plan on going big, hosting on own dedicated server will always be the most performant and cheapest option.


Originally posted by M0nzUn

Throw the error you're getting when you start onto the server help channel in the official Discord and they should be able to help you :)

Or throw it to [email protected].

25 Nov


We're aware, thanks. It's just a display error, though, mechanics work as intended.

22 Nov


Originally posted by TheDu42

nah, 9.7 is right on the horizon and the next update after that is 10.0. could see it being 6-9m but if they expected it to be longer 9.7 would have introduced some of the new mechanics instead of being a straight performance update.

I tell you a secret: 9.7 uses the 10.0 codebase.

21 Nov


Originally posted by Kyxoan7

This is why you the boss :). I only play with a few friends. as such we don’t do civics and just build and advance tech. I use g-portal personally. never had lag as their hardware scales on demand but I prolly do very barebones pull on the server

G-Portal is a great provider, just as Ping Perfect. I've worked with them in the past and all GSPs will provide sufficient power for your game with friends and small servers.

But once you go into the area of community forming with a server I would strongly recommend to get a dedicated server (that excludes virtual servers as well) for that - you will have better performance for the lower price and a lot more options. We do craft custom builds for servers to fix issues or improve performance for example that these communities can then use, until we can test it there and release in a hotfix. Such stuff is typically not possible on a GSP. (Though Ping Perfect might make that possible for you on request, they're really great guys)

I also cannot recommend using clouds, we have tried that for our own hosting system and it didn't work well as the CPU power of most cloud providers is insufficient, due to be made for multi-core, not high single-thread. Amazon did two years a...

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Originally posted by Divinion

I will remove it. Will point out that stating that you have no affiliation with something never equates to anyone claiming they have affiliation with something. The entire reason for it being stated is to prevent any confusion.

I would like to share my overall thoughts based on the communications from SLG in this particular thread. It really seems that there are some snide remarks that are done with the intent to belittle the people that are being replied to without any sort of negativity to warrant the need for such behaviors. They have certainly gave me the impression that SLG, if the company's views are the same as those posting here on reddit, has no care in the world for any American, specifically. This is not because that you personally said no to the Official server idea, but all of the follow up comments to myself and others in regards to their respectful wishes being presented. This whole thing about the company would not someone claiming affiliation to their com...

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I'm really sorry you got that impression, it was not intended. I just tried to honestly explain in as much detail as I am allowed why US official servers are not currently a thing and won't be other than if there is a sufficient need displayed that makes it a economically senseful thing for the company, which I am not deciding. This is nothing against americans either (just as it is nothing against Oceania or Asia for which we also do not intend any official servers at this point, aside of a potential limited china version), our CEO is one and the company, even though full remote and all over the world is registered there.

Please also give me the doubt of not being a native english speaker. I in no way intended snide remarks or any belittling, but I do not grasp the effect my words have to the extent a native speaker has. I am sorry for what I appeared as. I assume you might have gotten that impression due to me stating that the US is not actually the majority of players as...

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Originally posted by Divinion

Please let me know if the one I set up should be changed. I'm not trying to get into trouble. I did clearly state "Unofficial" in the title and included that it is NOT hosted by SLG in the description to prevent any confusion at the same time letting it be known that it is Official server settings.

I'd recommend to remove the line about Strange Loop Games completely. People overread single words really easy. Basically you should not claim any affiliation or relation to our name at all without explicit approval.


Originally posted by BinniesPurp

I may have asked three times in a row after being asked to stop lol it was deserved don't worry

That would have been a wrong decision nontheless, in that case a temporary mute is due first. A kick is generally only used for people that were active on the Discord before but are now spamming (potential hacked users that can come back without needing to write to support when they sorted it out). A ban requires at least a mute and a clear warning having been done before. So offer still stands, mistakes in moderation happen.


Originally posted by BinniesPurp

Haha have they released that boat update yet or is this game dead

I got kicked off the discord last time I asked, I just assumed they were giving up when they went silent and the servers started dropping 🤣

We don't kick people for asking for boats, when that update comes or if the game is dead. (All of this happens daily, boats probably 5 times) If you want me to look up the actual reason, feel free to start a private chat. Rules on Discord are pretty identical to the ones here on Reddit.


Originally posted by Divinion

Costing me under $50 with all the upgrades available. So it looks like it's an Unofficial Official server for us NA folk. I posted the info in the Server Advertisement Megathread.

See my answer to Kyxoan7 above, whenever people just state dollar amounts and some "upgrades" instead of rough hardware pieces I'm not sure what they are actually buying and assumption goes to being at a GSP, so saying anything concrete would just be speculation.

Feel free to keep me updated on user numbers, though. Unfortunately this reddit post didn't get a lot of upvotes either, which could have been a measure of interest as well. (Plus make sure that you don't mimic the official server names and description too closely, that is violating our ToS and has gotten servers removed in the past that tried to deceive people)


Originally posted by Kyxoan7

It is weird that the price is so expensive for you. I can host a 4 player server for 5$ a month. scale that to 100. $125 a month if you even needed that many slots. Not really expensive, unless I’m missing something?

That calculation seems off, it seems to assume we could use some Game Server Provider that offers 'slots' - we do generally advise against using such GSP's, but rather use some that give you guaranteed hardware. The best offer that PingPerfect for example has (which caps out at 8 GB memory) will be able to host - free of issues - about 30 people online at the same time on a medium sized world, if people don't use a lot of civics - it costs around 100 € already. Unfortunately it doesn't allow us full server access, which we need, as we do use custom builds and settings for official servers.

Our official servers are hosted on dedicated bare metal servers with Ryzen 5950X Processors, PCIe 4 NVME SSDs and lots of memory. White Tiger uses around up to 32 GB of memory typically, when it's 100 people, mid-game and lots of civics it can easily be another bit more. That's numbers a GSP - especially offering slots - does not give you, they share much weaker servers with multiple peop...

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19 Nov


Originally posted by Divinion

Anyone who is outside of the East Coast of the US will absolutely have a ping over 200, there is no way around that. But I would say that there is sufficient interest as a majority of your community based servers are US players on US private servers hosted in the US. As there has been more eyes on it of late due to word of mouth and content curators reaching the US audience.

Granted it is totally up to you guys to say if it's worth giving it another go and see how it works out. From my point of view it'd be a good time to try 1 server again and maybe make an announcement on Steam too so everyone can jump in on it to give a good idea of the interest, or the lack thereof. I may be a little addicted to this game and eager for a true vanilla experience on an Official Server. (Got the game on the 6th and already at 208.5 hours. I'm disabled so this helps me feel like I am working again, but enjoying it.)

I can of course only tell of data we have and my personal experience - west coast players on White Tiger did not tend to exceed the 200 ping notably, neither on the other official servers. Exceptions will very likely exist.

You also state that the US players mostly play on community servers - that's what they did when an official server was available as well, which was a major part of the reason the official was not being used. I still see lots of them on our official servers as well, though, just as before on the EU officials even when the US one did exist.

It is unfortunately very unlikely there will be another official US server anytime soon though - we do not get many requests for that (yours being the third I noted for this year, I got more requests from australian players) and the US population seems to be pretty happy with their community servers, especially considering the use you described, because US players do make the biggest single sales group of Eco, ...

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Originally posted by BinniesPurp

I'm an Aussie I basically can't play on any server with 200+ ping which is all of em loI rubber band back and forward and can't shoot/aim

The game works fine on a local connection tho but a bit hard seeing you need 10+ for a game

Well, that does fit with our state of knowledge and my experience. (There should be two Aussie communities, though?)


Originally posted by BinniesPurp

I'm confused by the "lag is unlikely to be caused by your ping" part lol

Is it not basically the definition of what that means

Come on this is about money more than cultural diversity homie bahahah

I've not seen any US players having a ping surpassing 200, and that is absolutely fine to play Eco without noticeable issues. Peeps I play or have to do with also do not report any issues due to ping of that value. There is several of server side lag issues though that will be prevalent, but are not ping related. (See the Steam announcement on what we are working on)

Where ping kicks in was mostly the australian players at 600.

And as for the edited in money comment: We do plan a whole culture feature for Eco and bringing people from different countries together on the same server is super interesting. US and EU players on the same server typically give a good fight about taxes and governance.