
Eco Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Originally posted by Transparent_Turtle

Yeah, that would have been good to have as an option. I didn't think about it until the first response on here. I'd be willing to put up another poll/post but I don't want to whine about it/come off as a sod. Really just wanted to get some clarity on when help would be coming and hope others had some helpful suggestions.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. If you have an idea about when we might see those changes it'd be lovely to hear.

The animation change is scheduled for a hotfix, but due to requiring art work, it won't be too soon.


We do intend to address the issue on running, but after discussion not with a disable option, but instead making it more fluent and not showing the hands when you don't look down, as how it's currently it's not natural.

You really should have added an option for "Don't like the animations", cause "I can play for a little while but then have to stop" and even the other options can likely be chosen by people that just don't like them, which isn't helping a lot for actual motion sickness issues.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Lohseph

The idea that trains should have to be an endgame thing should be thrown out the window. As the game already exists we have technology that progresses all the way from stone age, to industrial then modern. Trains have existed since way back in the 1600s. The first steam locomotives were available right at the beginning of the 1800s, the industrial revolution began in 1760 which is represented in Eco through items like the Steam Truck, Steam Engine, etc. Realistically speaking with the approach that Eco is taking there is absolutely no reason why trains shouldn't be in the game. It fits the direction and it makes sense, especially considering how much travel in the game is done for some players just going from point a to b non stop. If the technology exists already for players to build things like steam trucks, then why not trains too? All that train tracks are is laid down pieces of wood and metal, shouldn't be unlocked any later than mid game tech if it was implemented imo.

It's not about the technological progression IRL mirrored in Eco though, but rather about the collaboration efforts balance-wise and to somewhat display of the impact of them given our abstractions in the game, where a full train would likely literally transport a whole town to another place.

The first (and maybe only) train I'd imagine we'd have would likely be an electric one at current development level. It might be rather unlikely we'd make several of them, as Eco is not a train simulator and the impact of several train classes would not play well with the idea behind them.

But given there is no plans for trains during EA that's all pretty moot, as there is no design work going into them anytime soon.


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

Huh. In my experience people want to be closer together than possible.

To the point that about half the time that I leave space for a future road, someone will build a house or store in it.

Maybe due to you probably actually playing on smaller servers with about recommended world size, while many servers use way too big worlds, plus the ones mentioned by the other comment on yours about bigger servers that use bigger sizes, but as recommended size?

If there isn't much room, people are more or less forced to live together (that's the intention of the small sizes on all official servers but White-Tiger for the very reason of what I'm talking about here, otherwise they would be bigger given their usercounts), but once there is more room, my experience has always been the same: People settling as far away from each other as possible (probably to exactly not have someone claim their free space), leading to issues with infrastructure needs to get to everyone else, but also ultimately over the course of the cycles leading to several towns as we had intended.


Originally posted by WolfHunter98

There a guess on time for that? End of year?

It's supposed to be the next one, but I don't think end of the year will be realistic. We generally don't do ETAs though, so not much more I could say.

26 Sep


Originally posted by Caloris97

I can definitely see what you mean but in my experience there's never enough farmers/gatherers mid to lategame. It was an unnecessary change imo (might be unintentional) that will fortify the problematic in my view but ig gatherers might be more essential at least early on.

This change was indeed fully intentional, it was never intended for gathering being as quick as spamming E while walking by until vehicles come in to begin with, but animations were planned for later on. There is several parts in Eco that just got a simple implementation to start off and that will change over time.

As usual it's a subjective thing. I'm aware people generally don't tend to like change and that some think it's annoying, but it's not news that Eco has a focus on manual labor and making the progress to newer technology very noticable.

The thought for gathering animations game-mechanically indeed went into the direction of /u/Praecipitoris though, we actually consider that as a buff for the profession. In opposite to you I usually see too much stuff on the market though, e.g. a o...

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Originally posted by ZookeepergameFirm942

As it stands right now. The word is that the Eco world sizes will not be getting any larger. In fact the default will be reduced to match White Tiger's world size. With this in mind, a large travel distance is out the question. Realistic physics for bridges is a start but they have never hinted at making that a reality. I am in the group of hating bridges that span half the world. The best way would be to increase the need the newer logistical means. Boat being able to transport a large amount of goods across the water, or trains being able to ship a large amount in one direction.

The maximum world size has already been limited to 2.56 km² in Update 9.5, so that is already in effect. As usual you can make as big worlds as you like and happen to technically work, but anything beyond that is not supported and doesn't provide the intended gameplay boundaries and for purposes of coming ecology changes probably never will - you can still play on whatever size you want though.

The swimming change is something I can imagine to happen and would surely help the row boat out a lot, I do fear that some players will not like that additional limitation of their options though. It's an idea I personally like a lot though.

Valheim Stability rules is something I like a lot as well, but given we do want to support the many extreme monumental builds we have, making a system that effectively prevents weak bridges while not limiting the monumental creative builds would prove difficult or impede each others goal. In the end, we would still want bridges to be poss...

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Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

I haven’t played in a while, what are the biome restrictions?

I just mean the distribution of resources in the world, which is intentional for that purpose and going to be expanded further in the future. We want to encourage people to settle in different biomes depending on what they do, but not really to just move as far away as possible due to 'land ownership' concerns, as many people do. The forming of local communities that need to interconnect was the general idea.


Yes, that's a known bug being worked on. We actually have tweaked these a few times and somehow they broke in different ways after each.


As described in our "No Namecalling" rule in the sidebar, if there was an actual ToS violation you can report that directly via mail to me with sufficient and conclusive proof.

That requires a ToS violation to have happened though. I understand the behaviour of some administrators might be frustrating, but from my experience every story in the end had at least two, if not even more sides and all that public shaming does is creating more fighting and drama without anything coming out from that. Which is we decided that at least on our channels we'd prefer to not see such things. It's up to the community if they want to keep a list of servers elsewhere that they do not recommend, but I wouldn't recommend doing such one.

We do plan to introduce a system for dev recommended servers in the server list, just like other games have and are thinking about a rating system as well, but as you have already noticed the moderation efforts that would need to go into that would pro...

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23 Sep


Originally posted by Birphon

so then more validation for boats/trains to cover the longer distances.

I feel like everything before the first gas powered truck is "local" use only. The first gas powered truck onwards is dependent on what the situation is like based on your server's Oil Baron/s. If they have a large Network of gas and can supply a lot of it in a large area then maybe the Boats/Trains aren't needed as much.

Let me extend on that. For all features we add we of course have an idea what they're supposed to do - but given Eco's "Framework Style" the most interesting part is what players will actually ultimately do and come up with on their own.

The hype about boats is massive, so massive the idea behind it seems to be much more limited than the expecations for change via boats actually seem to be to a degree I'm personally not super sure what everyone is ultimately going to do with them that improves their life so much.

A main, very obvious point from us is boats for fishing, that's what we wanted to do. Another is early game get-around quickly with the row-boat instead of swimming or having confusing ways with ramps only. But once infrastructure kicks in, Trucks will be typically more useful aside of when you really want to transport a lot (like multiple trucks with the ferry boat) to specific points reachable by ocean. I just don't see that happen very often or be needed...

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Originally posted by Birphon

so then more validation for boats/trains to cover the longer distances.

I feel like everything before the first gas powered truck is "local" use only. The first gas powered truck onwards is dependent on what the situation is like based on your server's Oil Baron/s. If they have a large Network of gas and can supply a lot of it in a large area then maybe the Boats/Trains aren't needed as much.

I'm not sure how boats (I omit trains, as that's not going to happen during EA) can help with that exactly, given it will be unlikely there is water access to everyone and boats will be distinctively slower than trucks - which will also get trailers as an addition for road transport. Trucks can be put on a type of boat, though, the idea is indeed the mass storage, I just personally never understand why people want that, given it seems many people cheat their stacksizes up anyway. I'm not sure those would swap to boats. And if you just up the stacksizes, you certainly don't need them at all.


Originally posted by Birphon

So, one thing that seems pretty evident is that everyone lives super close together* so that "time isn't wasted" mentality which kinda puts the likes of Trucks and other Inventory based vehicles a secondary inventory and not a "this will help me travel to other people".

Boats and Trains can aid this as you most likely wont have a boat/train to go like 20 blocks will you. Boats and Trains will enable longer distance traveling which enables more spread out communities or different clusters which also enables larger world sizes to be used.

\At least on the server I play on we basically always live on some form of island together (cause thats what gens on a Small Map) and every rarely spread apart - mainly because we only have a small handful of people playing - like we are enough apart where we can have a decent claim size but thats about it*

On public servers people spread a lot, often way more than they should. It's in opposite much more a problem that people tend to live so much away from each other that it becomes problematic. (But we're actually incentivizing that local community spread with the biome restrictions, as we want them to use trucks to drive to others - I just see people spreading that wouldn't need to as well)

12 Sep


You can add a recipe to craft Land Claim Papers like we do on White-Tiger and do so at a table only the government has access to via a law. Or just spawn them a mass of them in.

07 Sep


Originally posted by Imtheantman48

Yo straight up and also can’t access the inventory of vehicles. My first time actually using the skid steer yesterday and was absolutely baffled that I couldn’t place the contents directly into stockpiles

That I can't reproduce. Which inventories you can't access?

06 Sep


Originally posted by Praecipitoris

This whole patch is aimed at slowing things down. I didnt know about this item but it doesnt surprise me at all! It was a bit cheecky to just get out of the drivers seat, press E while looking at the bucket and transfer all out. Now you actually have to use the operating mechnanics to empty the machine. The devs have picked a direction. It is supposed to be a casual game and casually you shall play!

That's not intended. We're taking a look at it.

04 Sep


The effects you see might not even be related to trample. Have you checked the biomes are still correctly in place and made sure that your is up to date?

03 Sep


Originally posted by LovesGettingRandomPm

Factorio may not compare in this sense but do you think Eco is that unique on there, Ark:Survival Evolved and Empyrion spring to mind

I don't know Empyrion and have never played Ark in singleplayer (nor do I know if that is even possible - if it's not, they also don't need Cloud Save; they also may have more options than the default given their size compared to ours) but I host a server for the latter which world saves are nowhere near a full Eco world in size, which is likely due to indeed very little games (I know none other) keeping as much statistical world data as we do for the purposes of our economy and government systems and the fact that our singleplayer is simply a dedicated server started locally with the effect of worlds being centrally saved in the server folder, not an application folder; automatic backups being created and configs being global, not per world. (We do investigate support for per-world configs optionally in the future, though)

In any case it doesn't really matter what I think personally, the current state after developer investigation is that it is not possible with how Eco cu...

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02 Sep


Originally posted by LovesGettingRandomPm

Factorio is on geforce now and has multiplayer servers with large save files

I don't know how Factorio works in detail and if they use multiplayer dedicated servers for singleplayer like we do. But a quick Google has shown that Steam Cloud and their save file sizes often causes issues for players and that their save files seemingly don't go into the gigabyte range for a single long-played savefile as can happen with Eco. They also don't seem to save backups of the same size for a longer time that are part of each world in Eco. (And the world is the save)


Originally posted by ReaUsagi

This command doesn't seem to work when hosting a game with no dedicated server. It does give me a proper output in the chat (saying something like "XYZ run the admin command") but nothing happens. There is no UI popping up, nothing new added to the settings, nada.

I went with the initial tip to just change the local files. Worked fine :) Just wished we wouldn't need to tamper with files to begin with

Can unfortunately not reproduce. Starting a local server through the game, typing /serverui, alt-tabbing out and there it is in the task bar.