
Eco Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by KwaioMax

Two years later, the ecopedia still is misleading =/

The system is actually going to change in Update 10 to work differently, hence no change was made. How it works is now configurable via server config.

15 Sep


I have deleted near a dozen comments with blatant advertising of varying degree made by mainly two people, leaving exactly one of each.

Please use the megathread only for what is mainly a server ad. An occasional hint to the server name where actually being a minor part of the comment is fine, but 6 comments in a single post is not. Especially when posting discord invite codes, circumventing link blocks. (Rule 4)

12 Sep


Originally posted by ACuteLittleCrab

How has the food situation been? When they implemented the calorie changes (I think the same update they rehauled a lot of the mechanics like upgrades) they greatly increased calorie usage, and to balance it they made wild food spawn like CRAZY at the start.

However, when I tested 10 when it first went public I noticed that their new food spawning system had way less food overall since it spawns in patches instead of everywhere. Is this still the same, and if so how well did people manage?

We never made food spawn crazy on purpose, that was always a bug.

08 Sep


Originally posted by working4016

Where can I find info on White Tigers UBI? I can't seem to find it.

You'd need to join it to check it, I don't think we have any publicly available info on that elsewhere.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Motnaty

I've just checked and it's 9.7.7, does switching to 9.7.13 beta in the betas tab under game properties fix it, or is there something more difficult i have to do?

You will want to set it to "none".


Originally posted by Motnaty

I'll check in the morning, I thought it might be the game version but there were no updates when I checked so I didn't think it was that

You might have set a fixed beta version in Steam in the past, common error.

03 Sep


Probably on the wrong version, press ESC and see if it says 9.7.13, if not, your game is on a wrong version.

02 Sep


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

The other thing that sales taxes prevent is using stores to create implicit transport requests: if I sell something at one location for 12.35 and buy it at another for 12.36, that’s offering 0.01 per unit to transport it (as well as putting market orders at those prices. But a 1% sales tax would mean that the smallest amount to offer to pay for shipping intrinsically would have to be .13, of which the shipper gets .01.

Shipping contracts exist but need to be interacted with each time they happen.

On White-Tiger we hence have a transporter profession (if you didn't take any skills) that is exempt from sales tax.

But noone there would transport anything for a single cent. Can also use a contract for that, given the government will in any case want to tax that service in some way.

On the other hand our sales tax is between 10 and 20 % mostly, depending on the goods, so we're far off 1%.

01 Sep


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

It’s not a very big drawback, especially since a VAT would be prohibitively difficult to calculate.

Oh, a VAT is even more prohibitively difficult to actually create with the law system. It's a dream I have for a long time ...


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

Yeah, it just adds a lot of math in figuring out pricing of complex items. A mechanic will need to sell some items at prices different from the cost basis they need to use to determine the costs of other items.

They've been doing fine with that, though, so I don't see a drawback in that.


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

but how could this stop the initial creation of immediate winners and losers from the first injection of new global currency by server admins?

It doesn't, but it does keep that from being a problem, since there will be more currency to go around, so those early winners will need to keep selling goods that people want to maintain their advantage.

With barter and minted currencies distributed through a player store perhaps at least those who pursued advanced tech could only get as many resources as people could collect themselves

The problem is not the free money. The problem is not enough money. You still end up with the tech players having all the money regardless of how the money is distributed.

Government stores buying goods to distribute money works OK, but has its own problems. Usually what happens is one or two goods are overpriced, someone notices this, and exploits it to make all...

Read more

And fitting taxation can still reduce the money that lands on the accounts of the early winners.


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

This is, essentially, deflation in action. I've seen it a bunch of times on servers that just don't hand out enough currency. A very easy and effective solution that tends to make everyone happy is to just implement a UBI (funded by just printing money), like /u/SLG-Dennis mentioned. It makes those less active or late-joining players some spending money, and the large producers get to sell more at higher prices. It's a win-win.

Some people may grumble about inflation, but I've never seen that be an issue under UBI in this game.

Exactly - ultimately it's a game and we know the game has flaws, especially when it comes down to playtime and competetiveness. UBI can ensure that everyone can participate in some way, play and have fun (and that is what it's about ultimately, right?), even if there is the typical pro-players around. You can still limit those by good taxation.


Originally posted by SkinHungryC-3PO

Would taxation so early in the game dissuade people from going for certain industries known to generate heaps of cash like smelting and such?

Not in my experience. Would be a bit counterintuitive to actually playing the game to not play it as well (and not going for professions is basically ending up just that).


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

Not unless your taxation is past the Laffer maximum, which would be hard to do.

If you tax sales instead of profits, you’ll make it very hard to calculate prices.

Sales tax is pretty standard and works well as of my experience.


You seem to be missing taxes. This doesn't happen with taxes.

See White-Tiger's UBI and taxes.

I cannot contribute to a way without UBI, as of my experience it's the absolute best thing you can do out of a multitude of benefits it has.

27 Aug


The room tier is not determined by the furniture you have in your house, but the material the house is made of. To increase the tier you'll need to use bricks or lumber for the house instead of hewn logs / mortared stones.

21 Aug


You need to craft a town foundation at a ballot box.


Originally posted by Taradyne

Your original camp should provide I think 5 Land Claim Papers, which gets you started. If you are all alone then you don't need to worry about others taking your stuff so go explore the server for locations that can work to grow and become a city. Some might start around a coal mine while others might look for limestone or sandstone. A place near a forest or where the forest, grasslands and desert overlap might be good, as the land might be flat and you have several different biomes for resources.
Once you've found a spot, claim it using the LCPs you have. You can change the name of it on the deed. And that's how you start from nothing. As soon as you can, make a research table and start researching skills so you can get the books; learning a page from each will get you another 5 LCPs each. Those books can supply an infinite number of pages for others so you can offer them free to others who might join you as an incentive.
Hope that helps!

OP is likely talking about Update 10 where this doesn't work.

31 Jul


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

The only way to get new land now is to join a group and ask the leader of the group to give you some of their claim papers. The leader determines who gets the claim papers. The larger the group, the more claim papers the leader gets to distribute. Solo players are stuck with their initial claim papers.

You only need _two_ people to form a town, so a group is not necessary at all. Just a single potentially random person on the server you start working together with, then starting to organize how you could grow further. Incentivizes the opposite of pre-made grouping.


Originally posted by t6jesse

Hmm. I guess I'd have to try it first to judge if it's better than the abandoned homeless camps we had before.

Does the new system prevent farming completely on unclaimed land? I always just made ninja farms anyways because even back then I needed more land than I could claim

No, it does not, but as usual they're not safe from interaction by other people.