
Eco Dev Tracker

04 Jul


Originally posted by minimeowsketeer

Is the link working for others? It is saying page not found for me

What link do you mean?


Originally posted by minimeowsketeer

I could tell pineapple friend rice was intentional. But please fix froth "floatation" :) (should be flotation without the extra a)

I unfortunately have no good excuse for that typo :D

01 Jul


Originally posted by Strythe_Horde

Pineapple friend rice.

You guys just owning that typo, huh?

It's not a typo - at least not ours. We took it from the menu of a restaurant near our office when we still had one, so the typo was always intended :)


Hey Citizens,
Eco offers a wide variety of food items from different regions of the world that players can craft - have you ever wondered how those would look like on a table?

Let's find out - our art team has been cooking up some 3D food for Update 9.6!

External link →

29 Jun


Originally posted by Hecfret

Leaving any vehicles unattended seems to have them yeet to random locations or underground. Any chance we'll get a fix for this before shop carts. Seems like a great idea but if I'm trying to set up a roadside food shop would be annoying digging it out of oles in the ground every log in.

Shopcarts are not planned to behave like vehicles once their 'store is opened', they are supposed to be static objects then.

28 Jun


Are both claimed?


Update 9.5.3 introduced a regression while fixing another related issue that broke this, we're already working on a fix.


Originally posted by TatharNuar

A food truck normally has a built-in kitchen though.

That it does not have :)

27 Jun


Originally posted by TatharNuar

Shopcart, or food truck?

Can be used to sell anything even if it's appearance might suggest otherwise :D


No, the sea level cannot be lowered, that includes admin / dev commands. (Fun Fact: As Devs we just need to know if raising works, we don't ever care about lowering it, as that is not intended to happen - so there is no dev command for that)


Correct answers have already been given - just adding we wish to expand the whole statistics for economy a lot, given there is nearly nothing for that in the game yet, neither on Web UI nor in a usefulness for making decisions, especially with range longer than 100 transactions, sorting or graphs.

22 Jun


Originally posted by FirefighterAncient

Does anyone know if eco will be on sale for the Steam summer sale?

Yes, with the usual 15%.

21 Jun


Something lurks below in the water.


Originally posted by Goondok

When update?



Originally posted by MikaMattOfficial

Hey all, thanks its1700somewhere for sharing!! This is a boats mod for Eco that myself and our community at eCore / (site coming soon, wiki under way) have worked on.

There was a slight misframing - what is meant is that this does not represent the final product by SLG; rather than this is not SLG's asset. This is absolutely a fantastic asset made 100% by SLG. The details they've put into it are incredible - controllable ramps, what appears to be a hook-line for linear transport, and more. I feel bad spoiling it so soon but we have their blessings, and there was just a misunderstanding here in framing this mod.

So to be crystal clear, this is using Eco boats assets, and a lot of Eco boat code. All contributors had Dev Tier access, which is a very reasonable request by SLG. Unfortunately this means we cannot release the mod. We are considering spinning up multiple server types and regions, though, to supp...

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Yeh, that went a bit bad, especially given our regulations are so that this is not happening.I will keep your post with this statement around for a day, but then delete the whole post, as the confusal is just too high. As I read the OP he's saying this is not made by SLG, which it is.

20 Jun


Hey Citizens,
our next Update is making good progress and going into polishing now, so we're going to start a little series of teasers and outlooks on what you can expect in Update 9.6:

Ever settled somewhere at the end of the world with all your customers being elsewhere, but not wanting to move your whole residence? Settlements too scattered to have a shop everywhere?

Worry no more, instead of the customer coming to you, you simply make your way to the customer - with the new shop cart!

The shop cart comes with the well-known store UI and internal storage and works everywhere without requiring a building.

Additionally, you can also set up...

Read more External link →

I know you have done a lot of big effort for that post, but unfortunately the same rules apply to everyone - Server Ads can only be posted as comment on the megathread, so I'm removing this one.


Lighting will be fixed ... eventually. As in darker, not removing that bug.


That looks suspiciously like our barge coming in 10.0, very much actually. Did they use our assets? (That is okay for Dev Tier users if they state it as info on their server - but it cannot be released)


Originally posted by Birphon

I know of a tester for ECO (like that does game testing) and has files and such, sadly (and naturally) cant give them to me but has mentioned:

What you would do is write a basic plugin for Eco server that dumps everything to a JSON with the ability to run that operation on startup. Then use the container form of Eco server we publicly distribute as a GitHub action

This is because I was wondering if there was a ECO Calculator not only for Recipes but also something that I can add onto for custom battering setups since we use the 1 currency = 1 log = 5 rock = 4 ore = 1 sand/clay = 10 crop = 0.1 Bison formula for our server and I would like to make something that auto prices everything

Sadly I'm not that much of a smart code brain (WIP) to make a plugin to dump everything into a JSON file. the Documentation isn't well documented either and I recently asked how I would go about this in t...

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The wiki does have the recipe files, they're in the data space and used to show the recipes on the item pages. There is also a mod that does that, but afaik it's not yet fully updated, it was maintained by someone that took a break. There is also several calculator mods out there, one adding a calculator to the Web UI. Other option of course is to make a mod that dumps the info and keeping that up-to-date.

If someone comes up with a new tool, feel free to hit me up via DM, the ones pinned on Reddit and Discord are a bit outdated and I'd love to add new ones with your credits.