
Eco Dev Tracker

17 Mar


Originally posted by GuerrillaMist

There was a post in the wiki years ago, it was something like 'alt z' to hide it

Or CTRL + ALT + Z if you're using GeForce Experience.


Originally posted by Wowwalex

Not to be a negative Nancy, but as an educator I’ve considered this and you already have several points against you:
1. It takes a huge time investment, which teachers and students generally don’t have.
2. Only a few people “get to” use the functions to run the government and it’s really hard to figure out all the tools and commands to set it up.
3. The ecological impacts are hard to see/share with others. There is no way to export graphs or data or anything educationally valuable to have a discussion about or write a paper on or to do math to etc.

I seem to remember some pre-made maps that had buildings already made, but it would be worth checking into whether any have been made specifically for educators. Basically, can you get it into the following time frame?.
30 minutes, everyone log in and do the tutorial.
30 minutes, everyone choose a specialty.
(Homework: play for at least 1 hour).
30 minutes, show how to vote/government stuff (A...

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We actually had and still have very good experiences with schools, they mostly run Eco as a overarching addendum to several subjects several times a week over at least a month to multiple months, so it probably depends on how you're setting stuff up. This is also what it was developed for, at least a month of regular usage in schools, it was never intended to be a 5-6 hour experience, nor a standalone experience or one for only a single subject. It's supposed to be used as a tool to support the lessons, not replace them.

If that works out depends highly on the respective school system, freedom of teaching, the school supervision and the teachers participating, which unfortunately is not only different from country to country or state to state, but probably from school to school.

It's still actively being used in such environments, especially by universities where it probably proved even more useful, as freedom of usage, research on Eco and games itself depending on ...

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11 Mar


Originally posted by DieDae

Click on the world generator tab then the sub tab configuration and its the dimensions. Must be multiples of 4. Also, you will have to regenerate the world for it to take effect.

Alternatively, the settings can be found in in the configs directory.

08 Mar


Originally posted by Drborkozy

I assumed a sale would be maybe 50%-70% but I mean I'll still get it assuming the game itself is worth it which everyone so far has said it is

We will not do any sales exceeding 20% during Early Access, typically it's always 15%. We particiate in most regular Steam sales and any ecologically themed sales, but not in sales like Midweek Madness.

04 Mar


There is no supported way to do that.

There might be other ways, but those would effectively constitute a ToS violation, as it's a manipulation of our server list to the disadvantage of our players.

You should be able to do that all well in the first three hours of a world, there even is a CivicImportExportMod that helps. :)

03 Mar


Please note that this is prohibited on the official servers and will get both accounts banned, one temporarily, the other permanently. As of my knowledge most big community servers also prohibit this in their rules, so first you'd need to find a server that actually allows it.

26 Feb


Originally posted by Tergiver

pineapple friend rice

I assumed this was a typo in the game, but here you are spelling it out the same way. Do you know something I don't know, or are you perpetuating the typo?

It's an easter egg, referencing the menu item of a restaurant down the street of our former office.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Cleoz23

Thanks for help I have a friend sever and half friend don’t want a hacked capital build and half do so yea.

Don't lie to your friends :D

16 Feb


There will be an announcement about that relatively soon over on Steam.


The WIP skills are being worked on by Jens and will probably be fixed with a total overhaul in 10.0.

10 Feb


Exhaustion timer is off by default and can be configured in


No, that is not possible, at least not without a lot of unsupported savegame editing.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Due-Bag9343

so by building more you mean just have multiple of them in a single building? or can i just break it and put it back down to reset.

Yes, doesn't even have to be the same building.


Originally posted by M0nzUn

I'd like to argue that the number of slots need to be proportional to the size requirement of the item.

What ends up happening instead of what you describe, is that people squish multiple laws into one to save space, which just creates a mess.

Demographics table would be fine with 2-3, but court should have 5 or so IMO.

I also quickly looked into modding this and it's not super simple, but probably doable.

Yeh, people squishing multiple laws into a single one is something I fear as well, could be solved by maximum amount of clauses, but that would limit lawmakers, especially such as on White-Tiger. I'm not sure if people wouldn't still squeeze multiple laws into a single one, because this basically is the typically "border" problem:

"Okay, now I got three laws and just need one more, let's squeeze it into the third".
The same also does happen with the sixth, when you can place 5 though.

It's like when companies offer a timeframe where purchasers of version X of a software can get a free or discounted upgrade to the new version released shortly after. No matter where you place the border, there will be a person being just one day over it and feeling bad about it.

06 Feb


You're supposed to create multiple of these objects, to represent the increasing size of your government through increased room needs and building size. You might be able to mod the tables to allow more slots, but it's not something currently supported via configuration and given the goals I don't know if that is something we might provide for in the future.

28 Jan


The wiki admins get all the icons from us directly, they're on their own discord which you can find here:


Originally posted by Isyckle

Dunno if they fixed that, but world size must be in multiples of 6 or something, otherwise you can break your world at server generation.

I learned that after breaking my first install.

4, and that's working as intended, so never going to be fixed.

21 Jan


Originally posted by braingkk

There is a very fine line you need to walk on the matter. I once played on a server that had a custom mod that penalized you for eating a specific food combination too many times. The game intends for you to find convenient foods to eat, and build housing even giving you the numbers telling you what to put in your house. If the devs did not want you to put down more chairs, why does the 3rd chair still give 60% of the original value?

I had someone once tell me that I was exploiting by sharing housing with 2 other people despite the ingame wiki recommending that very thing. "However, the 'diminishing' rate of rooms is favorably affected by occupany"

I see loads of people complaining about crowded rooms. I have never seen a kitchen IRL that I could walk around easily w/o needing to push chairs out of my way or move something to access counter space. Clutter is a real thing, and while some like minimalism, actually look at a middle class person in your country...

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You'd love my kitchen then, you can walk around there freely and don't need to push stuff around either on counter or on the floor. I just hate crowded stuff. Actually, this is also how the kitchens of pretty much everyone I know look, aside of those few people that still live in their student home and hence don't really have a kitchen or it's extremely small. (Standard is having the kitchen separate from the eating room or having the kitchen as a separated part of the living room, with no eating room. There is other combinations, but that's rather when you have your own house or a flat in the more upper class)

So, given there are no chairs in my kitchen, you also can't push one around.

I always explicitly hated the crowded furniture rooms for the very reason it doesn't seem realistic to me at all. I guess we just know other people :D Or whereever you come from, the people do stuff in different ways :D

20 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


That advertising was too blatant, removed.