
Eco Dev Tracker

05 Oct


We do plan to switch to DotNet 5.0 in the future.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Jack__Union

They can regrow. It takes a 1,000 real hours.

No, they can't if you haven't modified stuff.

24 Sep


Originally posted by devvmh

Yes, I was experiencing this as well. I saw two issues

The first was when I opened the game. I fixed that by not using the steam client but manually running the game in terminal. However, as of 0.9.4 that came out today it works through steam again.

The second was when I entered the world, but occasionally I was able to play for a bit before crashing. I eventually realized I was crashing any time I was in proximity with another player. Makes it possible to play but only "socially distanced". Works for me server of 4 people but in I'm hoping it's fixed soon. I wrote up my observations here

Haven't tested if this is fixed in 0.9.4 yet

MacOS unfortunately is not officially supported and also not actively developed, resources can only go into there when some are actually free, so I can't make you any hopes for any "soon" fixes, unfortunately.

20 Sep


The bug here is rather the zone that allows crafting as fast as you describe (up to 0 / 1 s), that's not intended behaviour.


Originally posted by Himbler12

Are barrels the only item in the game that function like that though? I can't think of any other instances of items where it will round to remove items rather than gain items in larger crafts.

Most of the people I play with on servers do calculations based off of hovering over the recipes, applying whatever module percentage that can be applied and then multiplying per craft to see how many resources you need to start production and this is literally only not the case with barrels

They're the only ones yet. You'll have more of those in the future, as well as added scrap and garbage on every craft in the game.

The way you calculate doesn't work well with Eco, as the recipes displayed are rounded to the amount of crafting (or 1) - so your results will be off for many recipes, as many recipes only make efficient use of materials when you craft several at a time, due to cost or output being in 0.X range, which gets rounded for display and crafting.


This is a bug, a low priority one unfortunately. There is not really anything you can do to fix it.

17 Sep


Originally posted by Himbler12

Any plans on including that in tooltips in future? I was crying my eyes out doing the math over and over but knowing this makes it all better lol

Not sure the need for it, as it's just part of the production recipe and will show when you do a bigger craft by automatically adjusting the numbers. So that's rather a no, as it would be redundant information.

I'm personally not sure why one would question that at all, but thats probably just me. I've seen stuff like this done in other games and never questioned if the recipe was intended to be like that. I've taken it as some stuff is supposed to be lost. They had no explanation for it either, though. It was just part of the recipe, which is self explaining. You put in that and get out that.


Originally posted by Zran

It did work apparently before the latest update

No, it did never work. It's Nids mod that 'fixes' the command - or rather makes it do something it isn't supposed to do. Keep in mind most of our commands are developer commands made for QA testing, having their needs in mind, they aren't admin commands.


Originally posted by Himbler12

Also as a sidenote: with an modern upgrade 2 in an oil refinery, it requires 2.85 petroleum to make 1 petroleum product. 1 barrel is required to pump 1 petroleum, and you get 3 barrels back flat per craft of petroleum product. I seem to be losing barrels, even though I should technically be creating 0.15 barrels per petroleum product craft. Can anyone tell me why this is?

That is intended, 25% of barrels get lost in the process due to wear and tear.

16 Sep


Originally posted by Mr_hummmus

Do you know if the output is going to be sewage or for an oil pipe? because it would be very handy if you could just pump oil directly into the refinery.

It's for oil piping in the future.

15 Sep


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

I don't think that's what it means. I think the light blue is just recently earned XP.

That is correct.


Not yet, but that is planned :)

14 Sep


Originally posted by Shadow_Dragon_1848

Where do I find them?

The link I posted contains the instructions.

13 Sep


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

It means below the actual surface that the world started with.

Following the highest natural block at any given position, e.g. if the mountain goes down on one side, copper does as well.


Originally posted by clojac12345

this job is larger than like 50 full stomachs, i’m trying to find a way to do it in one shot without having to eat over and over

That's not possible. You can use CTRL / ALT + Click for bigger amounts, though.


Originally posted by clojac12345

in terms of ore generation, the game hasn’t changed the way that works in a while so it’s pretty accurate there.

The wiki gets updated whenever someone has time to do it really. I know the commands page has been updated recently.

Don't forget everyone can update it - you don't even need to be registered. ;)


As a Paladin of Ecko, I need to smite (evil) this heresy. There is only one god, of light, valor, righteousness and mercy. I'll find your evil and cleanse it whereever it may be. To battle!

Sorry, too much Pathfinder WotR.

09 Sep


It's a known issue on where the world borders are fused, all of them are already fixed in Update 9.5, but that required a lot of refactoring, so unlikely to be able to be hotfixed.

07 Sep


Hello there, this is the second megathread for server advertisements, as the former one has been archived.

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