
Eco Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Looks great! :)


That's what experimental features are for :D


Originally posted by FalloutCreation

Your still limited by distance from a power source, right?

Yes, the ranges were kept.


Originally posted by LankeNet

Yeah, wish that the starter kit was a storage chest that had in it a tiny stockpile, tools, and the food. The campsite just gets tossed at some point, but I guess you got to have some trash in the end.

The campsite allows sleeping, which is important in singleplayer.


Originally posted by SoopahCoopah

So in every eco run I have ever done I have used the torch stand to link stockpiles (ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT WHILE MINING) I understand I can easily just use tiny stockpiles or any other 1x1 piece of furniture that connects to stockpiles (a brazier comes to mind) but starting with one makes it so much easier. IMO the torch stand is the most useful item you get in your campsite

This behaviour is actually an exploit which is going to be fixed in a future update, hence bringing back the torch stand for this would totally not be an option *g*

The machete has much bigger use for new players to cut foliage, especially in the jungle for faster movement, so it is much more useful than the torch stand. As campsite slots are limited, we've decided to replace the torch stand with it.

19 Aug


Originally posted by Rebdontrape

You don’t wanna know where I put the arrow…

Removed a post from /u/Binkabonkaa below yours that violated rule 2. I really have no problem with adult talk personally, but if you're going to make NSFW jokes, at least do so in a way you still have to do a bit guessing work in your head.

An explicit description of furries and what people think they would do in a way worse than any dirty talk I've seen is definitely not suitable for this sub, though, and not only NSFW but quite a bit negative prejudice to them as well, no?

(Just for transparency)


Originally posted by Kreepie82

Huh, guess they are. Wonder when that changed.

They are not, they just need to go to the respective megathread.

16 Aug


Originally posted by The_Amazing-Mango

I was just asking because in no mans sky for example there is a system where all the changes in the hosts world are getting sent to all the players save files and vice versa so if the players change something it gets sent to the hosts sage file so everyone can play in his free time and not need to worry if the host is online.

No, Eco uses a server system, especially as save files can easily get as big as 10 GB. :D

13 Aug


Removed for violation of rule 9 - No namecalling. (Rule 5 after rules rework)

11 Aug


Unfortunately, this is basically a server ad - with an added money incentive. Server-Ads need to go into our megathread though, so I'm removing this post.

07 Aug


Originally posted by M0nzUn

Is this still the case? In one of the 9.x updates you changed the behavior of the rubble to freeze more freely and I thought that would mostly solve this issue?

It's still bad at least.


Originally posted by Bezbozny

So just start disabling drivers till it works?

Unfortunately, basically yes. The error itself does not report what software is the cause for it, so trial and error is the only solution.


No, but as rubble contributes a lot to server lag, many admins clear rubble (ir)regularly.

06 Aug


Originally posted by Bezbozny

hm i dont have asus sound studio, any other software that might be in conflict?

Any software doing anything with sound could be, including every driver.


This is an incompatibility issue with WWise Sound Engine that we use since Update 9.

Basically, it means that any sound-related software on your PC is not compatible with it, that is mostly due to outdated graphics drivers (sound part), sound drivers or very old sound-affecting drivers, for example from Webcams.

Another software causing issues is ASUS Sound Studio that got an update making it incompatible with all games using WWise recently. (If you got that, revert to the prior version or remove it)


Originally posted by Wooderz94

Thank you very much for the fast and informative reply! I plan on running a long term server and using a 2km map, the 40 player cap will never see the full capped amount as I've only got about 10-12 truly active players.

Will it make a noticeable difference using HHD or SSD for storage?

Yes, SSDs greatly speed up the access to the database and hence anything law and statistics related, which often causes the most lags. I would never use a HDD for a public Eco Server.

05 Aug


RAM requirements are dependant mostly on world size and sophistication of play (how many laws are used and how complicated they are, for example). We officially only support a maximum of 4km². 32 GB of RAM is recommended for that size and a permanent player count of 40 players online that are very active, you can go with notable less for smaller words and less active servers.

For CPU you generally want a high frequency CPU, a CPU with many cores will not benefit Eco.

Storage depends on activity of the server and the time its running as well. White-Tiger needs about 10 GB per savegame and hence about 250 GB for all backups.

02 Aug


The answer of KaleMaster is unfortunately wrong. Yes, you need a internet connection to play Eco, even in Singleplayer.

22 Jul


Originally posted by salbris

Oh, to allow people with slow internet connections to play with minimal interference?

No, just that those are typically content mods, changing the game massively, which I do not like and is not very suitable for public servers.