
Eco Dev Tracker

22 Jul


Originally posted by M0nzUn

There are a lot of servers using mods, but a lot of them use the same ones and there is a distinct lack of content mods in particular IMO. I find it a bit odd considering how easy such mods are to make technically.

Well, I'm not into content mods anyway :D


As a server admin I generally keep mods limited to stuff that needs no downloading, that's just a general rule of thumb for accessibility.


Interesting opinion. I actually get a way different view overall. It's like the majority of bug and crash reports we get have mods in it. It's not a majority using modded stuff, but it doesn't feel any particulary low amount from our side either.

18 Jul


Originally posted by demosthenex

Well it appears they used it for griefing.

Why would an admin do that? Sigh.


We have a unban command now, I think, so just use that with his username.


Originally posted by Nexerius91

It eliminates the additional calorie cost of debris vs. log. It should go from ~60 to ~20 calories per chop.

That's correct.


Originally posted by Givemeawayoutofhere

No supposedly it eliminates the calorie cost of picking up debris. I don't think it works as I can see calories ticking off per action.

It only removes the _ADDITIONAL PENALTY_ that is there for removing debris, so the calorie consumption goes down a lot, but is not fully removed. It also doesn't say it would, it says it removes the penalty.


Originally posted by demosthenex

Sorry to hear that. I think it requires admin rights though.

It even needs developer tier to be used at all, for the reason of it not making any sense to be used in a normal production environment, it's for QA testing.


Originally posted by clojac12345

that’s a thing? i’ve never stored them anywhere other than a stockpile

No, it isn't.

14 Jul


Originally posted by Willfullyheretical

Sorry man, their server their rules, the only way you would even have a chance is if its with one of the official servers.

We don't ban people for being too liberal, though.

08 Jul

  1. It's useless in singleplayer and optional on multiplayer - as long as no majority makes one, if they do, you're under it's force as well.
  2. Progress is independant per server and per cycle.
  3. Yes, you can.
  4. Yes, there is and it is supported, that does not apply to the client, though.

06 Jul


Originally posted by Echoii23

You probably need to open a port for them to access your server, which I assume is your pc? On the firewall which is your internet router most likely, assuming your hosting from home pc. Which port I'm not sure though.

That is correct. The Webinterface is a web application and hence needs to manually be portforwarded. Default port is 3001.

29 Jun


I've explained to you in detail why your post was removed and what options you have instead. This is your last warning, my patience has limits.


Originally posted by TheNehsi

You know you are useless right. I thought you were gonna say something along the lines of some files from the server or something. They were obscenities crafted out of dirt! I can't prove to anyone else that it was them with just a picture. I'm guessing you are also the one who hid this post? Do you support racism or are you just worried that I put their steam Ids in it as well?

In that case, if the area is claimed a screenshot of the obscenity with visible land ownership and a screenshot of the /whois of that username in the chat would be possible. Or if you are using the mod chronicler the output of that, showing who built those obscenities plus the aforementioned /whois screenshot.

And no, I don't support racism at all and told you we got a zero tolerance policy for that - but at the same time this applies to putting people at the public pillory, especially with zero proof. We generally do not tolerate namecalling.

28 Jun


Originally posted by TheNehsi

Pictures don't prove it was them. What exactly do I need to prove it?

Screenshots of the chat. If it was voice chat, you'd need a recording with a screenshot.


Once again a case of namecalling unfortunately. As much as I agree with you, I can't allow it.

If you have proof of this - we got a zero tolerance policy for this, just send your proof to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we'll make sure from our side the user is not coming back anywhere.


Originally posted by SoopahCoopah

I hope you guys are putting all that hard wood to use on that table

I have so many questions ... but no.


I had to remove your post, as namecalling is not tolerated here.

On the other hand this server violates our ToS with what it does insofar they are offering progression related stuff for money, so feel free to provide as much info about that as possible to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we'll care about it.


We don't have plans for controller support at least currently, sorry.

Also, in case you got a controller connected and notice your mouse moving on itself in Eco, plug out the controller. (Just an PSA)


Originally posted by youlocallesbean

It's alright, I managed to figure it out. I was having a problem with the display of the tutorial so it was making it really difficult to read which was very frustrating. I'm just doing my best to stick with it now but it's a really grindy game at the moment (I didn't build near trees, so I take full blame for that lmao)

Sorry for that, that is a known and already fixed issue with widescreen displays. It's fixed in Update 9.4 and in case the issue holding 9.3.6 can be resolved before the releases, it will be in there as well.