
Eco Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by xartin

Hey Dennis is the 9.x Linux client available?

I tested downloading using steam client on Linux and steamcmd without an anonymous login and both are still providing 0.8.x versions. I also attempted to force steam client to install 9.0.1 beta and it was still providing an 0.8.x client version.

No, Linux and Mac clients are unfortunately not yet available:


Originally posted by xCrankshotx

I figured out my own problem. You will need to copy the entire, and replace the entire section of

Yes, on every Update please Check the templstes for changes, we deliver them for you to be able to see all the new options.


Depends on what ore you are searching for. The distribution is similar to 8.3.

Iron in the desert, coal in grasslands and wetlands. Copper in boreal forest, and gold spawns next to copper in many cases.


Originally posted by yodatak

Changelog is outadated for now

Web-Team is busy with the move to the new website, will be updated when they're done with the more pressing issues.


Originally posted by Kumagor0

Maybe it's time to update this subreddit's top bar

I removed the notice on the old reddit, not going to be updated any further.


Originally posted by yodatak

Eco linux client don't download NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.EcoLinux_v0.9.0.1-beta.zip9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Linux and Mac Clients aren't available yet.


Originally posted by xartin

So far this 9.x server update for Linux is a major improvement. Bravo nicely done to your programmers.

world gen with a 400x400 or 16km2 map generation is only single threaded which i guess makes sense but that completed processing in 5 minutes. same server used as the last tests. 20c/40t 3GHz E5-2690v2 xeon

No mono needed, native linux server. Impressive work other games couldn't be arsed to consider worthwhile.

The terrain generator is running now and that's definitely multithreaded :)

Here's the startup log results generating a new 400x400 map. Note this is also while running a twitch stream in chrome, apache webserver, two database servers, PO3 modded minecraft server and two qemu kvm virtual machines.

Overall result running beta

[02:05:06] [Server Initialization]... Finished in 5,435,554.2ms  

Startup log

[12:34:54] Initia...
Read more

Thanks. SteamCMD should now also work with 'anonymous' login again.


Originally posted by f0rkz

Much like your docker containers?

Sorry, small team extremely busy on release day. Actually, those docker containers aren't even meant for the public, they're internal for our Cloud Worlds. We just don't mind if you use them, but they're not really targetted at public use :D (I believe Simon updated them in the meanwhile, though)


Originally posted by goertzenator

Yeah, I see it too and it gives the sub an abandoned look. Just remove it altogether.

Did that. But we're not going to update any of the info on 'old reddit' anymore. It's fine if you still want to use an ugly and outdated page, but it's like with Windows 7 - support needs to end at some time. No matter how many downvotes i get for that ;)

09 Sep


Originally posted by ElSatan

I would also like to download the Linux server. The link on the page does not work atm.

Nevermind the link is working now

If that doesn't work, SteamCMD works - you just need to use an account that owns Eco for login, anonymous is currently not working.


Originally posted by GetoBoi


Btw, maybe I'm the last one still using old reddit on this sub but the header still says

Eco Beta 7.4.0 update is now available on Steam! View change list here.

Maybe you want to update that.

No, old reddit is no longer being updated here, sorry :)

27 Aug


We cannot guarantee that, but it should work.

17 Aug


The world can be converted, any laws will be lost, new animals and rocks and anything in regards to the new world generation will be missing and all recipes will be different so getting some stuff will definately be way harder. It's possible but we do not recommend it.

16 Aug


I can recommend PingPerfect, for dedicated servers Hetzner. I don't think there is any good US dedicated server hosts, as none of those offer big desktop hardware for cheap prices or rather not at all.

14 Aug


Originally posted by ShagBiscuit

If the server isn't putting law guidelines down on clear cutting, hunt/fishing, and tailings day 1, you aren't ECOing correctly.

You can have your fun playing Judge Dredd RolePlay though I suppose.

I'd guess that i am well aware how to "ECO" correctly.

13 Aug


Originally posted by ShagBiscuit

Burying tailings around the farmer's properties who overcharge for their goods.

The smile on my face when i permanently ban people doing that on the official servers, chuckling with the other community server admins that'd do the same. Priceless.

12 Aug


Eco unfortunately does not support controllers at the moment.

11 Aug


Originally posted by hafpluszen

What would be the consequence if he would not stop?

A moderative action fitting the offense, ranging from a deletion of the post to a permanent ban.

07 Aug


Originally posted by Rasip

if you insist to do so.

Is a threat. Not finishing their sentence doesn't make it suddenly not be a threat.

The sentence was finished. Please take into consideration that english is not my native language. It's pretty much we won't tolerate you going on to spread wrong information - from now on, when you insist to do it again after this very warning. (Cause it already was disrespectful and could have been removed)

I'm sorry if this was misunderstandable.