
Eco Dev Tracker

31 Dec


What does the embassy table show? Is the homestead surrounded by town influence and not part of a different town?


Originally posted by Chribblai

Not 100% sure, but regulating immigration policies, such as who can become a citizen and what happens when they do.

That's in the Immigration Table.

The Embassy Desk is the correct one for annexations.


Originally posted by Chribblai

If thet are within your towns influence and the resident is classed as abandoned you should be able to do it with executive action.

Homesteads not part of the town are not considered to be in influence, laws don't apply there.


Originally posted by M0nzUn

The dev commands are intended to be used by QA and are generally destructive as well as useless to actual servers.

I sometimes use them to test mods, but apart from that I don't think there is a single dev command I've used for my server of 4 years.

With that said; you can use them if your account has dev tier or you enable them via a EM.Framework permission group.

Nothing more needs to be said :)

29 Dec


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

The term competitive IS used correctly. Both specialties provide the same function, food. No one was buying baking food because it was "worse" than cooking food. It was worse because it had lower values assigned than Cooking did. The stomach has limited capacity, so people must make a choice what to buy.

Baking was "buffed" to become more in line "cooking". Now more people sometimes buy baking food in stores instead of its competitor, cooking food. Both are useful now, so the buff was successful.

I get you want to bring the game closer to its design goal. I get you don't want to encourage competition. That there is such a long response that completely ignored the simple example says a lot. There is nothing to be afraid of using these words when it applies. You could just say you don't consider the brick change to be a nerf.

I did not, I did acknowledge in the very first paragraph that the baking example can be called one.


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

I agree, it doesn't make sense to try and fight this industry term, a term that is applied to all different genres of games.

At one point Baking was buffed to be competitive with Cooking. How was it buffed? Some numbers for food values for Baking was increased. One specialty was made better to be more competitive with another that fills the same role.

Feel free to call that an "adjustment" and not a buff, but everyone else understand that is what a buff is.

You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it a fact :)

The term "competetive" is not used correctly. We don't adjust things to be competetive, but to be fleshed out and usable, given we have tons of WIP stuff. The game is not about competition. We make changes for the game to take longer in general (as some people noticed correctly and which is not a "nerf" - if it is for you, expect tons of nerfs coming, though) and for gameplay to work out as we intend. There is no thinking about something is too "weak" or too "strong" with very few exceptions. We only assess the effects it has on gameplay time and interlinking mechanics. I'd agree on changes for baking being such exceptions, as in that case they were specifically changed to give them more use. In the long run baking recipes will simply be required for other things, though, so this was a simple bandaid. How that could apply to pickaxes, no idea. They must be used, there is no need to incentivize them and no ...

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28 Dec


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

What does MMO have to do with anything?
Buffs and nerfs are how you balance any game. For example nerfing charred food? Buffing other foods?

I guess it makes no sense to ride the horse to death on terms. We don't use these terms and don't feel them applying, they are a fit for MMO's and competetive multiplayer games - not for Eco.

Our balance does not revolve around any kind of competetive advantage, singular player perception or "strength" that needs to be brought in line, but solely around the concept of interlinking mechanics to facilitate the necessity of cooperation on the scale of a "default" public server. Of course you are free to call that 'nerf' or 'buff', I don't think it fits.

I'm hence not even sure what you would mean with "nerfed" pickaxes. I know we fixed the modern axe and the chainsaw, as one was intended to be optimized for cutting logs and the other for felling trees - but that wasn't the case. If one now is "worse" for the other purpose you probably would call that a nerf. We don't use that term. It is now working as intended.


In "SettlementSystemEnabled": false,

Note that this does not work for servers started via the client, e.g. singleplayer and that it cannot be changed on any world that had settlements enabled at any point, those saves will otherwise corrupt.


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

Not true. Some of the pickaxes were nerfed. Do I need to list more examples?

This is not an MMO, we don't nerf things.


Originally posted by donald12998

Oh so this was an intentional change from the 9.x style of ore generation?

Update 10 itself changed ore generation from large clusters not well distributed into better distributed vain form, it was mentioned in the release notes.

27 Dec


Originally posted by salbris

Isn't map gen configured via a text file? Could servers like Ecoville simply be using an old mapgen config file? OP might have generated it locally from a fresh install.

That would be the cause, otherwise its impossible to get the old generation.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Comment and responses removed for violation of Rule 5.


There is a mod called "Chronicler" that can log every action server-side, but nothing that could be done clientside.


Originally posted by ArchonFamily

I don't understand it then. It's showing 2 year old posts at the top, never less than 1 month, even if you scroll through it for hours you likely wont ever get a single server thats even running. Nobody gets server ads? Should we make another reddit just so theres somewhere people can look for servers?

It's in contest mode, showing posts randomized. I cannot see any old posts that weren't either made in the last 30 days or edited within that time frame.

No matter that, your post violates the rules and was removed.

26 Dec


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

Pottery got nerfed into oblivion along with a few other specialties.

The developers went overboard nerfing almost everything without buffing anything to compensate.

We don't "nerf" or "buff", but change the gameplay towards the design goals.
All professions over time are supposed to get intricate and complex crafting trees that are heavily interlinked.

23 Dec


Originally posted by Extreme-Ad-4265

You say that pre-made groups power is now decreased - but that is not true. Imagine the situation: 10 random players form a town and another pre-made group found another town close enough to the first one because of crops yeild potential. Both towns have shared borders and start pumping culture to not be annexed. Because of how reputation network multiplier works - 10 players from pre-made group can actually annex a lot more territory and start force their laws on others players from another town easely.

And yeah, in real world pre-made group will found town earlier then 10 random players in almost 100% cases.

I pesonally don't like when the game forces to have pretty high level of collaboration to have the same amount of fun from the game. For what reason? It would be fair, if the "old rules" where in place, but if you want - you may form a group and have more opportunities and more fun. But now, you forced to solve a lot of complicated social issues to have the sa...

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Towns cannot annex other towns, they don't need to defend against each other.

Yes, a premade group will be faster and more efficient, but that will not allow them to take over the whole world anymore. They are confined to restricted space, which is definitely decreased power.

Eco is all about collaboration and players figuring out communication and build a society - it is the point of the game. Not sure what other reason I could give you than that being the intended gameplay Eco is and has always been developed for?

I've seen countless introverts becoming involved and more social over my years with Eco. And we're still a framework, there is already multiple servers that change gameplay mechanics from the default to put focus a bit differently, for example with global federation start. If the base gameplay isn't for someone, there is alternatives.

22 Dec


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

The official discord server has a channel for people to advertise servers starting.

There are also a few official servers that start periodically. One is starting tomorrow at noon PST. Here's a link: to the official server schedule:

The official servers are a good place to start as a new player, with the exception of White Tiger. They tend to have a good mix of new and experienced players, and are unmodded. White Tiger is an exception, as it starts with a government and currency, plus various modifications to make things more difficult.

There is also a ad megathread on this subreddit.


The command /renounce also allows to do that where the foundation isn't accessible.


It hints at some autocorrected problems with the savegame, it can typically be ignored.


If you have unity crashes when connecting to any server, the reason may be older CPU's - a copy of our statement on that in Discord:

PSA: For the unity crashes seen on joining a world the problem is the usage of very old CPU's that do not support the AVX2 / SSE4 instructions that are required in the new Unity version we use. Those CPU's are all below our minimum requirements, but we will do our best to find a way to enable you to play nontheless. We are reaching out to players affected to test a variety of options we have via custom builds. We'll let you know if we can find a solution that works for everyone.

If that is not the case for you, please reach out to [email protected].