
Eco Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by totallynotapersonj

Is it really next though?

No, but noone of us said that either, at least to my knowledge.


Originally posted by Opposite-Affect-5853

Okay. Apparently it doesn't work when a VPN is active. So now it's working. But.. New problem. I'm the only one who can access the server website for voting. People outside the my local network can't load the side. Any ideas how to fix it?

Port 3001 (or whatever you configured) needs to be accessible from outside.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Taradyne

Pretty much agree with this post. Quite ruined my longterm, high collaboration playstyle but we are trying to make a go of it in v10. Our server has had corrupted file issues so we are actually running on a playtest version that has frequent updates but is mostly stable and the server only lost about 3 hours of work in a rollback. Issues like this have plagued the v10 launch and we've lost most of the very high population (300+) we had in the first couple of weeks.

I get it that dev has their own vision for the game but v10 has massive changes to governance, resources and progression that have been a shock to the system for a lot of players. I kind of wish they'd added boats and called it good. But that's just my opinion.

We had these plans communicated for years though.


Originally posted by totallynotapersonj

I read the recent negative steam reviews and most I saw were auth server/DRM related, some were new update, there were a few comparing the game to Minecraft and there was a wolf review that wanted taming and the Devs say they are planning it very soon (whether that is damage control or real I don't know)

Animal Husbandry is on the planned features list for a long while.


Originally posted by RadiantDepartment655

The game doesn’t run from their auth servers at all; there are (I think) 6 Official servers hosted by Strangeloop Games themselves (a couple are only open at certain times for certain things, for example testing out a new patch before it fully releases) and then there are literally hundreds if not thousands of player hosted servers that are hosted from different hosting servers or on player owned hardware however if the Strangeloop auth servers go down it can sometimes cause issues with logging into the game as Steam can have issues connecting to player accounts at that point but this is a pretty uncommon thing to occur.

Most of the hate lately is because of the newest update which was basically a complete overhaul from how the game has been played for several years to be more in line with what the Dev Team has been promising and originally intended for the game but the players that don’t like it are the ones that liked to power game and be able to control the economy on s...

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That is not fully correct - joining a server (and that includes singleplayer, which is only a server hosted locally) requires connection to our backend servers, both to validate the user account as well as to receive avatar and account data. It is not possible to do that when the backend servers are unreachable. The amount of time that was the case was very limited though and there have been no more issues since then - but the reviews unfortunately stay. They will be falling out of the recent rating after 30 days, though.


Originally posted by padmanek

Interesting but why a quick relog fixes it then? Seems more like a de-sync.

Because the server terminates the connection and does no longer react until a new one is established.


Most of the negative reviews are actually about a few short, but still noticeable downtimes we had for our backend servers and the resulting inability to play - both due to overload on the first day and due to attacks on them at several days during the holidays, where our staff was on limited availability. We did what we could to bring it up as quickly as possible again and there has been no more incidents since then, but we do understand the frustration that came out of it.

Other reasons for negative reviews have been provided by other users in this post already. I do see barely any hate there, though. Some people like stuff, others don't. There is valid reasons to criticize and we'll just have to deal with it. I'm rather happy it's little hate.

12 Jan


Originally posted by szaybus

Polish bureaucracy is even worse. Since it's a private company (German equivalent would be GmBH I think) every expense has to be strictly documented. As far as I know they do not accept EU invoices.

Machine licencing would be a partial solution because it would stay in company hands but it would force players to use only school lab.

I will get in touch if I can secure funding for this.

It should not be a problem to accept any sort of international invoices, it is not the case for GmbH's in germany either.


Originally posted by szaybus

For me the dealbreaker is my school will not accept any invoice or other document needed for accounting if it's from abroad. I can't even buy the licences from steam because they become students property and steam does not permit institution owned accounts.

For this to work I would need server assigned licencing in a way that I could pay upfront for a 30 slot server licence and the game would not require licence for that specific server. I know that would be a major pain in the behind to implement but maybe it's a thing for you to consider.

Another possibly would be school owned SLG accounts I could lend to students and force-recover once their activity is over.

Not even our german schools have that much bureaucracy, sigh.

We do on request offer institution owned licenses, but they are much more pricey than normal licenses and usually bound to computers. Normal purchasable eco licenses are always consumer licenses that don't allow what you are trying to do.


Originally posted by szaybus

I want to implement an eco server as a school-wide social, political and economical project but the licence cost for students kills the initiative. I've bought and handed out two licences as a reward in a coding assignment but can afford only so much from my paycheck.

We offer educational discounts for licenses, depending on the amount of licenses purchased. It so far hasn't really been a problem for the schools we worked with (and not at all for universities and institutions of adult education) to stem the cost - especially as the licenses can be kept by the students for playing at home and the costs are typically borne by either the government (e.g. whatever institution handles education on the level of the school) or the parents.


Originally posted by AnteaterAnxious352

What do you mean by this Dennis… why is there nuclear fuel just… hidden?!

So you don't find it :)


Yes, the game is still used for educational purposes, though this is no longer a main development focus as it was before. It is where the whole 30 day cycles come from, as it was made to be played daily during a school project month in conjunction with different subjects and their respective teachers. You would have your normal, but adjusted, subjects - just in the computer room (or nowadays having computers everywhere anywhere) and use Eco's capabilities as framework to teach specific subjects with its help, plus project hours that are fully focused on Eco and the soft skills it can teach, that typically aren't regular school subjects.


We will be considering console versions once we finished the full package of Eco we intend for PC for final release, but as noted before, that means that is not in the forseeable future.

10 Jan


Originally posted by SCETheFuzz

I don't disagree, but this is common practice and often one of the first steps taken even on official servers to protect resources. With the recent changes in plant spawns day 1 you find that almost every town has laws in place to prevent outsiders from using resources.

As for the locking of a town I'm 50/50 on it, if you want to push for a skill based town of like minded people that's fine. ( Farmers and cooks living together and trading with other towns for goods/ services). If they want to try and isloate and not depend on anyone then I have no issues with that as well. It's a learning lesson that realistically you can't do everything with just 2 - 3 people. My only issue comes to play when they race to endgame in isolation.

Update 10 is barely out a month - I'm suggesting it shouldn't be(come) common practice. People will notice themselves over time that it's more damaging to server health than it does good. On official server White Tiger we strictly prohibit such laws and as I see some community servers already do that as well.

Seclusion is never a good idea, that's not what we intended to use the laws for (but of course a valid option). It's just that the game experience in my opinion will be diminished, but that's stuff players need to sort themselves, given it's ultimately what the game is about.


Originally posted by Bionic_Crow

A bit of rivalry is needed to have more fun I'd say

Locking everyone out from doing anything at least to the feedback so far unfortunately did not do that to most.


Originally posted by SCETheFuzz

If it's any kind of public server set up the basics for your friends so others can't join the town, and people can't pick / chop / dig your stuff.

Use the land claims (10) per player they joins the town and expand your properties. If you really want you could add some paintings and get a bit more growth from the default size.

Or ... don't do that and cooperate with others. Much more fun for everyone.


Every object has a specific tile in it that determines authorization, that one needs to be covered.


Let the server owner know to reach out to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), the symbol shows the server does no longer react.

09 Jan


Originally posted by toddbritannia

I hope something about this changes in the future, a lot of servers wont give out land claims to anybody who isn't farming or gathering, (at least of the 4 servers I've been on) you basically have to be running your own town or managed to convince somebody to spare some.

That sounds like a political problem that needs to be solved on the servers.


Originally posted by WhoStoleMyPassport

The devs sent a answer!

"Support Status of Eco on different Operating Systems:

Windows 10+ (64 Bit): Supported.

Windows 10+ (32 Bit): Supported until Update 9.6 - No longer supported or provided for later Updates.

Linux: Unsupported. Development builds available and provided as-is without warranty. We recommend to use Proton. (Server: Supported.)

Mac without M1: Unsupported. Development builds available and provided as-is without warranty.

Mac with M1: Unsupported. Development builds not working at all.

Steam Deck: Unsupported. Compatibility: Playable, no adjustments made.

Windows: Works.

Linux: Development build available and provided as-is without warranty. "

That still applies, there is no plans to ever support ARM and hence also no Mac. We may want to support the Steam Deck in the future, which could lead to Linux support, but that is not currently planned either.