EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Yesterday, we introduced the Foundation Day pack featuring the Wisdom of Gheinok booster. After listening to community feedback and consulting the CSM, we agree that the booster’s exclusivity tipped the balance unfavorably. This was not our intention, and we appreciate the passionate feedback we’ve received from you.

Effective immediately, the ‘Wisdom of Gheinok’ booster has been removed from the Foundation Day pack (however those who have already purchased the pack will not have the booster removed).

We value your input and continue to take your feedback seriously as it guides our decisions and helps shape the world of New Eden.

28 Jul


Hey everyone!
Alliance Tournament XIX is a little over 2 weeks away now, which means it’s time to share with you all the team submissions for flagships this year!

Team Name Flagship
A Band Apart. Armageddon Navy Issue
Arrival. Redeemer
Boundary Experts Barghest
Brave Collective Armageddon Navy Issue
Bright Side of Death Barghest
DarkSide. Vindicator
Deepwater Hooligans Barghest
Dracarys. Vindicator
Exodus. Barghest
Fraternity. Vindicator
Goonswarm Federation...
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24 Jul



We are aware of an issue causing disconnects from tranquility and are actively investigating it. More news will be posted in this thread as information becomes available.


[14:28] A Server restart will be required and will be happening momentarily.

[14:33] Server is starting.

[14:35] Server is back online.

20 Jul



We had an update in this thread (Check client version fail - #25 by CCP_Swift) which was pinned regarding the most recent EVE Portal issues.

We’ll do our best to make such updates a bit more clear in the future :+1:


Hi there! We had updates in this thread: Check client version fail - #25 by CCP_Swift

It should now be working.


The first phase of the EVE Portal fix has gone out and should be active now for both Android and iOS. It may require an update, but please let us know if you’re still receiving the P100101 error code.

19 Jul


I’m excited to hear the enthusiasm for the upcoming CSM elections.

All the durations for each segment of the process remain the same as in previous years. The submission period begins August 1, 2023. More information can be found here: CSM 18 Announcement & Key Dates | EVE Online


There is nothing stopping folks from starting their campaigns now. Never hurt to get a jump on the competition

17 Jul


For changelogs, updates, and questions about the EVE Excel add-in

13 Jul


Hello capsuleers!

We have just been informed by our partners that there will be unscheduled maintenance on one of the routers which services the Tranquility cluster this evening, 14 July at 02:30 - 04:00 UTC.

We are working to mitigate any performance problems, however this may result in some player disconnections during that time period.

We’ll update this messaging if the unscheduled maintenance extends beyond 04:00.

Thank you!

E: This issue has been resolved, and luckily there were no extended service outages. Thanks again!

12 Jul


My understanding was this was a CCP Shanghai thing. Not sure what’s going on with them. COVID screwed a lot of stuff up there.

11 Jul


Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out about the EVE Portal app. Late last week the P100101 issue was occurring for both iOS and Android devices. The teams are looking at restoring functionality and updating the skills to reflect the new additions in Viridian.

As soon as we have a firmer update of when this will be restored, we’ll let you know.

07 Jul


If you’re not already in there you might consider joining the EVE Creatives Discord I linked in OP too!


That’s still against the alliance logo guidelines which has always been the case. If you spot a logo you that you think breaks that rule but has snuck through the review process please file a ticket and we’ll chec...

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Glad to see this change, and glad that CCP is willing to provide more detail to those who have dealt with rejected logos.


We won’t retroactively apply the quality standard to “legacy” logos by forcing people to update but if anyone with a not-so-great alliance logo wants to submit a new one they’re welcome to.

Edited OP slightly to make that clearer.


Just to add additional clarity - content creators and EVE Partners had access to Singularity the weekend before EVE Viridian launched but then lost access on Tuesday, June 13th.

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to advise you that the Singularity test server will continue to be inaccessible to players throughout July and August unless needed to test a specific feature or perform a mass test.

We’ll provide a further update as we approach September.



Please see this update from CCP Convict

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Thanks for the update, Convict!

06 Jul


Hello spacefriends,

With the arrival of corporation and alliance emblems on ships with the Uprising expansion last November, CCP decided that we should apply a more critical eye when it came to considering alliance logo submissions. Since alliance logos would be turning up in more and more places as our ambitions for Heraldry continued to expand, we felt it was important to establish a standard for alliance logos that helped make sure our players were putting their best foot forward.

Recently there has been some discussion within the community about our new approach. After listening to your feedback and holding some internal discussions we have decided we should relax the content requirements for alliance logos closer to what they were before Uprising and allow player groups to express themselves more freely. This means that an alliance logo submission will no longer be rejected outright on the grounds of being too light-hearted, comical, cute or “cartoony”.


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