EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

10 May


I’ve also been made aware of a defect with regards to pulling information from the Pochven region which results in the error message stating that “This region cannot have a market”. This is not intended and It’s been relayed to relevant teams and I’m hoping that we’ll be able to have that tweaked as soon as we can as well.


This information pertains to the original topic of this thread which was the history endpoint.


Hello everyone,

We are aware of reports of intermittent chat connectivity issues on Tranquility. Our tech team is aware of it and an investigation has begun, however, it’s currently likely that unfortunately, this issue will persist until at least downtime.

Additional information will be shared in this post, as and when it becomes available.

Edit: Logs indicate the last chat disconnect was at 03:55 UTC.

Whilst the causes remain under investigation, this is going to be marked as resolved for now.

09 May


Hey everyone!

  • The ESI Market endpoint has been bought back online as of 1300 UTC today!
  • The change introduces a rate limit per IP address and a filter for regions that don’t have markets.
  • The endpoint is tentatively limited to 300 requests per minute per IP address. The rate limit is subject to review at any time, and we will update according if and when a change is made such that all third-party developers can adjust their apps accordingly.
  • When the rate limit is exceeded, users can expect an HTTP 500 error with the original error in the reason text.
  • If the rate limit is reached, users must wait 1 minute before trying again. There is also a limiter on the number of errors, so avoid excessive cooldown checks.
  • Additionally, requesting stats for a region with no regional market will return a 400 error.
  • The above rate limits only affect the Market ESI endpoint. All others can be used as normal for the time being.
  • ...
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08 May


I expect so, although I do not like it when folks aren’t physically there. It was rough on Kaz doing everything remote at 2 AM his time.

07 May


Well, that’s exactly what this article is for. Give the developers feedback so that they can also respond to errors and wishes :slight_smile:
Thanks for your mostly constructive feedback friends - keep on going!

06 May

1. Missing the ability to start the client without logging in.
You want the ability to come to the login screen without actually login in on a given character.
There are situations where you want to be able to be ready to login quickly on several accounts, ,so be
on login screen without actually logging in yet (eg. waiting for some ingame intel …)
This is really important, and also in the current form it is quite dangerous: you click and think you come to login screen but in fact you are coming into the game perhaps in a dangerous situation (eg. safe log in enemy system) and that gets you killed.

At least this Function is allready there:

image1039×313 31.4 KB

05 May


Each of the presenters has released the stuff - I know Mark’s stuff is in his discord. I don’t know where the others have put theirs out. I would check with them in the Official CSM Discord.

04 May


@Asura_Kai and @Xochitl_Balam: Please send us support tickets with screenshots and launcher logs. Do you also get an error in the launcher on cis.eveonline.com/EVE/agreements/ or have you got such an error in t...

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Applications will open in July for CSM 18 to take term September 26th, 2023

A bit later than usual, discussed here: CSM 17 Summit Recap and Upcoming Election Announcement


o7 Capsuleers!

We are excited to share the meeting notes taken from the latest CSM 17 summit, which was hosted at CCP headquarters in Reykjavik, Iceland. This summit was a week-long affair, with CSM members given a day on Friday to have break-out discussions with developers and to share some of their insights with the entire company. As always, the content of the summit included a mix of CSM-requested topics and CCP-proposed sessions, designed to gather valuable feedback on current and future projects. The sessions were quite densely populated with nearly 30 sessions over all.


I’d like to go over a few changes to the CSM Summit process to provide the most clarity into how and why the summits take place.

Due to COVID and travel restrict...

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We are aware that the “Historic Capsuleer Day Crate”, which was added in todays downtime, cannot be looted. This issue will be resolved tomorrow at downtime :+1:

02 May

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’re right, we’ll make sure to push for 20 min minimum in the future.
Thanks for the feedback Cursedlion.

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello spacefriends,

We’re deploying an update of today’s patch, which means we’ll have an unscheduled downtime.
This should address some of the issues outlined in the Known Issues post.

Patch Notes have been updated.


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26 Apr



在《EVE Online》即将迎来20周年庆这一具有历史性意义的时刻,矗立于冰岛雷克雅未克的“Worlds Within Worlds”纪念碑也将迎来首次扩建。扩建后的纪念碑将在2023年的Fanfest上揭幕。这座令人惊叹的纪念碑代表了《EVE Online》对游戏世界的影响,我们希望它继续成为亲手创造这一切的广大玩家社群的象征。



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25 Apr


Due to an internal build issue, the gallente Shadow War sites are not dropping any loot. We’re working on it and hopefully it will be fixed for downtime.


Medals have just been delivered to characters identified in the results post! My apologies again for the extreme delay.


Could you please send a bug report (F12 - Report Bug) about this including screenshots of such examples? It would be great, if you could also check, if the problem goes away by disabling antialiasing.


Reserved for updates

Capsuleer Day 2023 Issues:

  • An Issue with Capsuleer Day event sites may mean that some of the sites are unable to be completed, or harder to complete than intended. Resolved.
  • The news window for capsuleer day is not displaying. Resolved.
  • The “Historic Capsuleer Day Crate” is not able to be looted.


  • A station we deployed in Onnamon is present, but it is not dockable or interactable in anyway


  • Some localization for Capsuleer Day has not been deployed.


  • The Gallente Shadow War sites ar...
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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking any issues found in the 21.04 version of EVE Online, first released 25 April 2023.

Quick Info:

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