EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Thanks for this - it’s one we are aware of and is something we will look at for a future release :slight_smile:


The Native Mac Client should only be downloaded if you select the Singularity test server. It should not be downloaded if you didn’t change from TQ.
The Native Mac Client is only the essentials - binaries and a few gig of content to get you in game. It’s not anywhere near the full client download, unless you have that option turned on in the launcher.
I will certainly check some of the machines we have been testing on though, to see if any have done anything unusual in this regard :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, there is no way to choose between installed clients in the launcher for this test.


Awesome, thanks! I know I’ve said it a few times, but if you get issues, please bug report (F12) from within the client and attach a screenshot. It will include system specs and we can see the problem first hand. Many thanks for the feedback :grinning:


Hi. The client can not yet be used on Tranquility. However, this public test is the first step for us to get there :slight_smile:


Your account needs to have been copied from Tranquility, so it will only be available, if it was present on Tranquility at the start of February.


Check your post processing setting, and try ‘High’ if it’s not on that. Post Processing has a number of features which help with the overall image quality. For example, CAS: Sharpening The Renderer | EVE Online


Great to hear that the experience is great. It would be great, if you could send a bug report from the client about those flashing textures, so that we can look further into it.


Yes, best to also send a bug report about this, with as much details as possible.


I have personally not observed any washed out graphics on high settings (but I tested only on M1 MacBook Pro). Can you please report more details like what screen resolution you are using and if there is any scaling active? Maybe you can also find the exact setting, which triggers the problem. A screenshot about this (through a bug report) would be perfect.


Hmmmm, this is weird then. The current mirror on Singularity is from the middle of February, so it should be using the password, which you had on TQ in February.

edit: Corrected date


I can confirm that your account exists on Singularity. If you changed your password recently, then it would be good to try your old password.
Unfortunately we are not able to assist with changing the password.


This is great feedback, but please file a bug report from inside the client. Details in the article: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/native-mac-client-playtest

Currently, we don’t know what OS version you have, CPU, GPU, client settings, and so on. This makes it almost impossible for us to be able to reproduce, which we really want to do! :slight_smile:


Wine will get downloaded like normal for TQ as we’ve not made any changes there.


Unfortunately I am not aware of any way to avoid downloading the Wine client for TQ.


Avaria Kamakuza and Otikka Muutaras: Unfortunately your accounts are too new and do not exist yet on Singularity.


The test client has been deployed. As long as you’re running the latest launcher, you should be able to select Singularity, patch and join in now :slight_smile:

Please try to keep feedback in the correct threads where possible - it will really help us make sure we don’t miss anything :grinning:


Everyone, things are looking good. Thanks a lot for your patience today - Tranquility is back accepting connections!

Fly safe o7


Good day! The extended downtime has started and we should be back in about 30 minutes. I will keep you posted if it looks like we can finish sooner or need a bit more time.

Thank you.


Good morning. It has not been deployed yet - that will be today. I will update this thread and unlock the feedback threads once it is live :slight_smile:


I don’t believe any outage last night was due to the upcoming test. I’m not aware of it, so it was probably unrelated.