Merged a Duplicate Topic in here.
Merged a Duplicate Topic in here.
We are absolutely reading the feedback. The Photon UI team has spent the better part of a year making modifications to the UI based on community feedback and have no plans to stop.
Why would they go through all the trouble of fixing the stuff on the backend without fixing any of the issues with the UI that already exist? I don’t think anybody here is suggesting that the old UI was perfect - it wasn’t, it was just what we were used to.
They could not have added a new overview in the old UI. It was impossible without the backend work done by the UI team on Photon. This has all been discussed multiple times in the dev blogs the Photon team has put out over the last year.
I will include a CCP Convict’s Frozen Corpse in the contract for the ultimate winner.
I can’t stress enough that CCP didn’t do anything to fix the issues, except to complain repeatedly (and bitterly) to Deutsche Telekom for weeks, both directly and through our internal and external network partners and our carriers. Eventually Deutsche Telekom fixed the issue. If the issue is back then Deutsche Telekom has to fix it again. Please contact them, refer them to the previous incident, and ask that they look into the matter.
Hey both, can I ask where do you live (which country or state) and what ISP do you use? If you open in a browser, what does the colo= reply say?
Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 21.02 version of EVE Online, first released February 14th 2023.
Our monthly update Version 21.02 is live! Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.
Feel free to post any feedback you have in this thread.
Thank you for your generous bids so far! @Hink_Yaken you’re the current leader!
Hi everyone,
To raise funds for the ongoing PLEX for GOOD campaign and help people affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria I am auctioning off the rarest and most precious item I have obtained in my almost 19 years of playing EVE Online - a Scorpion Ishukone Watch SKIN - something which should be highly coveted by EVE Online collectors.
iscorp1920×1140 133 KBThis item is special for many reasons:
First of all its origin is very controversial and constitutes a small but infamous part of EVE Online history. I won’t go into it here but if you Google Ishukone Scorpion and Somer Blink you can get caught up.
The verification method to see if a character has visited each system in EVE is not baked in, so to speak and the verification is fairly complicated and time consuming.
We are only able to offer verification for the purposes of confirming a new record holder for a Guinness World Record for the specific category of being the fastest to visit each star system without losing a single ship in combat throughout the journey.
The current record holder is Henrique Arnolles and we covered it last year here in this news item below.
Read moreMoved to EVE Lore Discussion (Intergalactic Summit is a strictly IC forum section).
As to your inquiry, as per Contact us - CCP Games you should email [email protected]
Contracts should be fixed with the next update on Sisi.
The next mirror is probably within the next few weeks, but potentially still depending on the date of the next mass test, as it would be best to combine this.
Sorry for the late reply, but: Thanks for the bug reports!
We just deployed a fix for this on the website, and the links should be functioning again.
Moved to General Issues.
Hello everyone,
The first Monthly Economic Report of the year, for the month of January is now available.
Click this to view the report → REPORT
As always there is also the downloadable data for you ...
Read morebest to report this via in-game bug report (F12 → Bug Report) when you can reproduce it.
Topic moved and merge of branch off topic into this one. - DZ