EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

02 Jan

    ISD_Drew on Forums - Thread - Direct

thanks, its being looked into.

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow 3 January 2023 we will start a scheduled maintenance upgrade on the EVE-Search cluster on Tranquility shortly after downtime. This entails that dynamic player data, such as player and corporation names will not populate into this new cluster immediately but rather will become findable in the search over a period of approximately 24 hours.

Therefore, you should not be alarmed if certain search results do not appear to work until after we have mentioned in this post that the scheduled maintenance has been complete.

Lets hope we can all find ourselves sooner rather than later.


22 Dec

    CCP_Convict on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Sorry about the prolonged radio silence on this issue. Regretfully I don’t have more news right now. It’s unlikely we’ll be able to dive deeper into it until the new year.

Just wanted to touch base to let you know we haven’t just closed the book on this and moved on and if we’re yet able to determine there was some mistake with the data we pulled for the rewards in this event we still want to rectify that.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

The EVE EoY reports final blows for kills

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct


If you wanted to know the stats of your character but didn’t get the e-mail, or it was not on the character you flew the most, you can make the request via support: 'Year in EVE' Character Statistic Emails

    CCP_Arcade on Forums - Thread - Direct

Statistical capsuleers,

Many of you will have received an email recapping the achievements of your characters over the past year.

If you have not received the email or wish to get statistics about a different character on your account, please send an email to support@eveonline.com with the name of the character you wish to receive ‘End of Year’ stats for.

The character you are requesting stats for must be on an account associated with the email address you are sending the request from.

In January we will collate the requests and send out a new batch of emails.

15 Dec

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sisi has no pirate faction capitals, and no supercapitals, seeded. They can be built, and of course if you have one on TQ it’ll be mirrored over to Singularity.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Will gladly add some clarity!

Wen an account is created, it is automatically on the mailing list in question. However, those who opted-out of that correspondence (i.e. requested no e-mails from CCP) will of course not receive the e-mail message containing the stats. To be re-added to the mailing list, you can send in a support ticket and they’ll get you sorted :+1:

Note: If you’ve gotten e-mail messages from CCP, you don’t need to opt-in, you’re already on the mailing list and it’ll be automatically sent.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

CCP Chair approves of this message

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

As @Nana_Skalski mentioned, it is a visual bug where an element of the Streamcast SKINs escaped for more freedom.

14 Dec


i can confirm that, hard connection problems today, connection losses, and times with heavy inputlag …

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

From my understanding, elements of the tech that enables multiple overviews is exclusive to Photon

    CCP_Kestrel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Noted, thanks for reporting.

13 Dec

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

In today’s patch we made an update to the respawn timers on some Invasion sites, and we wanted to add more clarity to that.

This primarily affects the Observatory Flashpoint anomalies in Pochven. These sites are both highly profitable and very hotly contested, leading to a vibrant ecosystem in the region. Since last year, these sites would respawn instantly upon completion such that there would always be 3 Observatory Flashpoint in Pochven, and to encourage growth of this new region remained with the then cooldown effectively being zero.

While we are satisfied with the destruction and engagement that these sites bring, we’re mindful of their impact on New Eden’s economy. During our initial designs, these sites were meant to have more of a throttle in ord...

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    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been addressed in today’s patch

    CCP_Explorer on Forums - Thread - Direct

And this year’s Winter Nexus has now been announced: Winter Nexus Returns! | EVE Online.

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.11 version of EVE Online, first released December 13th 2022.

Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues.

Quick Info:


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    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known Issues:


  • Hangar depth of field effect is overly strong. Workaround: This setting can be toggled off in the graphic settings under ‘Effects’.

Science & Industry

  • Upwell Structure refining bonuses and rigs are not applying to the new ore types (Mordunium, Ytirium, Eifyrium and Ducinium).
  • The new ore types are not included in the descriptions of the reprocessing skills and mining crystals associated with them.

User Interface

  • Photon UI: Structure deployment window content is overflowing.
  • Container selection in Multifit window is broken.
  • Photon UI: Dragging skill within skill queue broken...
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    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Feel free to post any feedback you have in this thread.

Quick Info:


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    CCP_Merc on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are indeed addressing some of those points in the next update.

Windows in compact mode will be getting their minimize and close buttons visible at the top-level again. We experimented with placing the window controls in a sub-menu in order to give windows such as chat more room for tabs. However, it’s been pretty clear from the feedback that this is detrimental to usability, so we’re reverting back to the old setup.

Scrollbars are getting a visual overhaul as well. They will now have a visible track to better indicate the extent of the scroll area, and the handle no longer expands in a funky way when you hover the mouse over it.

Content area separation is something that we are aware of as in need of some improvement. In the upcoming update we added better feedback when interacting with resize handles, and we added some separation lines in a few places, but it’s something that’s still in on our to-do list to improve further.

Thank you, by the way, for t...

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