Spoiler warning: This annoying behavior is in fact being fixed in tomorrow’s update.
Spoiler warning: This annoying behavior is in fact being fixed in tomorrow’s update.
The ISK rewards were distributed on Friday the 9th December. Thanks again for your patience and for participating.
Last year the Winter Nexus Winter Nexus Holiday Season Returns! | EVE Online ran from 9 December.
Glory to :insert your empire here: !
Please use this thread for all feedback on Factional Warfare!
I’m excited too! This is still scheduled for Q1 of next year
Hey everyone!
I apologize that this post is being made a little later than I would have liked, unfortunately when this issue was originally raised, the length that the endpoint was going to be down for wasn’t as short as we had hoped.
Just to give a bit of a shortened version of events just to let you know what the state of play is concerning it:
On 2 November the ESI endpoints for the market were essentially getting hammered so hard that it was spiking the CPU Use to 100% between 12:15 and 12:30. Just shy of 100 IP addresses had to get banned to restore it down to normality.
On 3 November, between 12:15 and 12:30, the same thing happened, except it was a different set of IPs and they were all a part of AWS.
When it happened again on 4 November, the decision was made that the endpoint was to be taken down due to the constant action it required each day and the subsequent performance issues it was causing.
Excel-lent news capsuleers,
The Monthly Economic Report for November is ready for your enjoyment.
Click this to view the report → REPORT
As always there is also the downloadable data for you here to do with what you please.
Read moreHello space friends!
We have just released an Upwell Hangars article, outlining various aspects of the development pipeline, which you can find HERE.
Hope you enjoy!
Downtime will likely pass the 15 minute mark today.
This was unexpected and we’ll keep you informed of any developments in this forum thread!
Thanks for your patience.
11:15 - Initial deployment of today’s update was unsuccessful. Redeploying now.
11:23 - Deployment complete. TQ open.
Great, thanks! I forwarded it to the Community, since Twitch things are generally their thing.
I can’t really tell a lot about the action, since it’s usually case by case, and also Privacy Policy definitely prevents me from going into details of particular cases.
I am also not the best person to ask about Twitch as I have zero idea how it works with followers and Twitch banning per se, so that would be a question for the Community
We’re aware of an issue in which participants in ‘Prophecy FFA Proving Grounds’ are not receiving the ISK rewards.
This issue will be resolved at downtime tomorrow (26th November) and anyone who has earned ISK between downtime today and tomorrow will have their ISK rewards granted to them next week.
We will update this thread once the ISK rewards have been granted. Thanks for your patience and enjoy the weekend.
-CCP Arcade
That’s very nice of you, thank you! I’ve been with GMs for quite a while though, haha
Happy to hear it, hopefully we’ll be able to keep on this trend.
In my personal experience there have not been that many cases. I definitely made mistakes myself, my colleagues usually pick those cases up when I ask them for a review. But I don’t remember that much of them, to be honest.
False positives will always happen, this is just how it is when both machine check and human check are included. We decreased the amounts of false positive drastically from previous years, this is something that I see for sure.
Good thing about false positives - they happen only once per player. Simply put, if someone was falsely banned and then unbanned, if the same case is ever picked up again, we’d be extra careful in investigating it.
And yes, we are only humans, but we genuinely try to reduce the amount of those false positives and are ready for the dialogue when the case landed on a sort of grey area. Luckily, there has not been many of those.
Yep, exactly this. Mistakes happen, I can understand it to a certain degree. Banning rampage never did anything good.
Just to clarify.
Name changing is not a service we provide. Sold characters that have been renamed due to having an offensive or otherwise, not-allowed name will not be granted a rename after the sale has taken place and will forever remain with their generic name, such as:
Caldari Citizen [CharacterID]
Attempting to add value to a character sale by doing the name change before selling a character and advertising it as such to increase the characters sale value is also not allowed.
People make mistakes, it’s natural. We don’t want to punish bad decisions so severely with a permanent ban. Some were tempted to try it and stopped after the short ban. Consider it as a warning - “we see it, we know what you are doing, please stop”. If the warning is not heard - then we take a more… permanent action. I think that’s fair.
Regarding the obvious bots. I understand that many in-game moments and encounters might seem like someone using a tool. We had hundreds of reports for some players throughout the years. All of those instances have been investigated thoroughly. If there is nothing, then there is nothing and we will not ban people just because they came up with some strategy and managing to do it good.
But once again, if you’d like to report someone specific, send us a ticket with chararcter names and we’ll have a look.
No email for now, unfortunately, but just attach video to the ticket, if possible.
Thanks for asking them! I’d be happy to see the rewards too, I always wanted to see some incentive for something good.