EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

16 Jan


Hey all,

We are aware that some players are encountering errors when attempting to complete the ‘EVE Online Quarterly Survey January 2023’.


We’re investigating and will keep you informed via this forum thread.

Thanks to anyone who has been able to complete the survey! It’s genuinely appreciated.

Update 16th Jan 11:00 - Survey has been closed while we investigate.

Update 17th Jan 10:50 - After further investigation we have decided to close the survey.

If you were unable to submit a survey response and still wish to be included in the PLEX draw, please contact support via ...

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12 Jan

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

We’re looking into the connection issues with TQ and websites.
We’ll keep you updated in this forum thread.
Thanks for your patience.

14:23 - Update: TQ and websites are working again. You should be able to connect.
We’ll continue to monitor.

15:10 - Update: Everything is stable now. Marking as resolved.

11 Jan


This topic was automatically closed after 114 minutes. New replies are no longer allowed.

10 Jan


“Unexpectedly went offline” would be better phrasing as we don’t know at this time how it happened. A later investigation may possibly include discussing the incident with AWS Support.


At roughly 17:30 UTC today, the character search cluster was inadvertently taken offline making it impossible to search for player characters and create private contracts to said characters.

The search cluster was put back online at ~18:30, but will need approximately 12 hours to fully repopulate. During that time, players attempting to search for other characters or creating private contracts may face issues. Will update this thread when the search function is completely back online.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Fly safe!

e: Search was fully functional a tad early at ~06:30

If you are experiencing issues with searching for a character in-game, please file a support ticket.


I believe you can make the window smaller by unlocking it in the top right corner, and then shrinking the width down.


could you please file a bugreport while you are having this issue and we’ll take a look! thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

Updated it. :slight_smile: :handshake:

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 21.01 version of EVE Online, first released January 10th 2023.

Quick Info:

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    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Hello, everyone!

Our monthly update Version 21.01 is live! Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Feel free to post any feedback you have in this thread.

Quick Info:

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09 Jan


We don’t believe it’s intended to be malicious, it’s more than likely an errant third-party dev miscoded something causing it to increase the number of calls. It appears the issue started on Saturday 7 Jan at 18:13 UTC, so if you’re a budding developer that was developing something new around that time, it may be worth checking into!

We aren’t looking to punish the individual responsible for the uptick in requests, but if we do discover the individual that may have accidentally caused the issue, they’re welcome to drop me a message. I can pass that along to the development team to see if we can restore the service before the additional work is put into reinforcing the endpoint.


Hey everyone!

I’ve been advised that this afternoon we’ve temporarily taken down one of the ESI endpoints:

esi-characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/" is the exact endpoint.

  • Routes will return empty lists rather than corporation history once the request cache has expired
  • This affects all versions of the endpoint: legacy, dev, latest, v1 and v2
  • Before this weekend, the average number of daily requests was around 50k per hour, however, it has been spiking to 3 million per hour.

Similar to the issue we had towards the end of the year with the Market endpoint, it seems that these requests are also coming from AWS, so banning the offending IPs won’t resolve the issue. Until the endpoint can be protected better, it will be taken offline.

As per the Market endpoints post, once I’m advised of any further developers on this I’ll relay them into this thread.

    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Hello everyone,

The Monthly Economic Report for December is ready for your enjoyment.

Click this to view the report → REPORT

As always there is also the downloadable data for you here to do with what you please.


04 Jan


The search cluster has finished its indexing dance and search is functioning per usual. If you are experiencing problems, please let us know.


Hello there! We are aware of the intermittent issues that were affecting the character transfer service, and are looking into the issues. The uptime is more reliable now, though there are still certain issues plaguing it which the teams are tracking down.

For those having problems with Cloudflare, there was a Cloudflare issue that was resolved at 21:07 PST on Jan 3rd which may have been affecting some users, predominantly in Europe.

We’ll be keeping an eye on this for any unexpected downtimes :+1:

03 Jan


We’re adding the info to the launcher now.


Maintenance has started and thus in-game search will be affected. We’re adding this info to the launcher for better visibility.

I’ll make like the great Steve Buscemi and keep this speech short.


02 Jan


I’ll allow it.

More on the topic at hand, as a former ISD member myself, threads like these are very heart-warming to volunteers, and very much appreciated.