EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Yes there is an issue with the Mutated Drones and their orbit velocity.

That and the Porpoise Drone Mining yield should be fixed next weekly deployment ( 11 January)

05 Jan


Apologies for the late reply on the Porpoise.

We have identified what’s wrong and we’re working on a solve. Thanks for letting us know and checking up on it here in the thread.

I’ve added it to the known issues at the top:

  • Porpoise 50% bonus to Drone ore mining yield Role Bonus is not applying to Drone mining yield.

04 Jan


For those waiting for the November (and December!) MER - there is a slight technical delay. As soon as those are resolved, and as soon as I have an update, will be sure to post ASAP

03 Jan


How high is your fps while experiencing this problem?
Could you please send a bug report about this, if you haven’t done yet?



I was finally able to test this issue on new shiny hardware :slight_smile:
Using the pre-installed macOS 12.01 I could easily reproduce this issue on a 14” MBP M1 Pro, where the screen is cut off. But: After I updated to macOS 12.1 the issue is no longer reproducible. It seems like Apple managed to fix this already on their side.

Could you please check, if this bug is also fixed for you after updating to macOS 12.1?


Yes, there has already been a restart of sorts aside from the unscheduled but intended one we’re performing now to try and get TQ back to a good state.


Update: 13:20 UTC: Tranquility is now back online and accepting connections.

Update 12:55 UTC: Restart procedures are underway. We will be taking some extra time to monitor the cluster’s health before we open the doors. We are aiming to have TQ open to players by 13:20 UTC.

Tranquility has been experiencing some stability issues following today’s downtime.

An unscheduled restart of Tranquility is being performed at 12:40 UTC to attempt to rectify the issue.

Updates here and on the EVE Status Twitter account.

21 Dec


You should have added your disclaimer to this post.

Disclaimer: The cryptocurrency has NO real money value and is purely simulated (no real cryptocurrency and no real blockchain)

Locking thread.


Please remain on-topic and refrain from inappropriate posts…thank you.

My main is on there :sunglasses:


Thanks for pointing this out, @DeMichael_Crimson. While I agree that the numbering is confusing, a proper fix would not be feasible at this time.

20 Dec


Hey all, we’ve just pushed a fix for the search function, so you should be able to find yourselves again.
Happy holidays o7


Sent you a message!

19 Dec


We checked - no videos were withheld for having too much SP (yours included!) :+1:


For those that are waiting, you can head over to: https://yearineve.fuzzwork.co.uk/ and select the character with the highest SP to claim your video \o/

18 Dec


If you’re having trouble logging in please put in a ticket, but in the mean time - I’ve just sent you a link to your video :slight_smile:


I’m not currently at the office so I can’t pull your video manually, but you should be able to log in via the above link (https://yearineve.fuzzwork.co.uk/) and claim your own video :partying_face:


We agree, so that option is viable


Great news, your video exists and is available to you now thanks to CCP Aurora.

Head on over to: https://yearineve.fuzzwork.co.uk/ and log in with the character with the highest SP and watch your video!


We agree it was extremely lame, there’s a new option!

Head on over to https://yearineve.fuzzwork.co.uk/ and log in with the highest SP character on your accounts and the video will there for your viewing pleasure!