EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

11 Jan


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o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Monthly Economic Report for December 2021 is now available!

Technical issues with a particular research database caused a delay with the publishing of the MERs from November and December 2021. The problem was recently resolved however and we’re pleased we can finally bring you these much anticipated reports. Thank you for your patience...

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o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Economic report for the month of November 2021 is (finally) available for your viewing pleasure!

Technical issues with a particular research database caused a delay with the publishing of the MER from November 2021. The problem was recently resolved however and we’re pleased we can finally bring you this much anticipated report. Thank you for your patience!

As always, the raw data can be downloaded by clicking on this ...

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An update! The issue has been resolved and the MER for November and December will be released this week (ideally tomorrow)

Thanks for the understanding :slight_smile:



It is most likely that the GPU doesn’t support DX11 (feature level 11_0). You can check this by using GPU-Z and checking the value highlighted below:

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It must be a minimum of DirectX 11 (11_0). If this is the case, the ...

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Sorry for the lack of updates.

One issue specific to Blue Ice belts was resolved today, however there is a lingering issue that we identified which, in rare instances, causes Ice Belts to not properly respawn. That fix is currently in testing and we hope to have it deployed in Thursday’s patch.

Thank you for your patience, and apologies for disrupting your mining operations.


This is actually an intentional change, as far as I understood. :slight_smile:

10 Jan


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Hello everyone,

Another monthly update (Version 19.11) begins today. Please use this thread for general feedback and reporting on issues for Mac clients found in this version.

Quick Info:

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Hi spacefriends,

A new monthly update for the New Dawn Quadrant went live today, 11 January. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:

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Greetings Capsuleers,

The New Dawn Quadrant is ongoing and a new monthly deployment (20.01) is now live.

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:

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Quick update on the fix for Ice sites. I know you have all been very patient with this one and I understand it’s taking a while now.

It’s still in progress and we’re actively working on getting this one fixed as soon as possible. However, it will most likely not make it into tomorrows patch.

I will continue to update on this until it’s resolved in the new known issues thread that comes with tomorrows patch.


As I previously mentioned above, the fix for the Mutated Drone Orbit Velocity will be in tomorrows patch.


It does!

My manual lookup method for your video isn’t proving to be fruitful @Arianna_Lexandra but I’ll give you a poke via DM shortly!

07 Jan


If it’s at all helpful (and depending on your browser) you can ctrl click, middle mouse button, or setup the preference to open links in a new tab.


We didn’t listen!


Should have read “previous Community Beat” but the link was malformated and just ate the text :frowning:


Hard to not be happy talking to players :smiley:


There is unfortunately a technical blockage that is preventing the MER graphs from being created in the proper formats. The data team is looking to restore that information, and the November and December MER will be posted as soon as this is resolved.


Greetings Capsuleers!

The latest installment of Community Beat is here!

The Beat is aims to shine a spotlight on things that are going on in the EVE Online Community - both in-game and out, to help pilots discover new parts of the community that they may not have been aware of before.

It was awesome to hear your feedback from the previous Community Beat, and we look forward to more of that going forward. If you have an upcoming event, or thoughts on what you want to see - let us know!

Until next time,

Fly safe o7

06 Jan


Your main is considered the character on the email with the highest SP - I was able to locate your video and send it to you in a private message on these forums. Enjoy!


Yeah sorry not mentioning the Ice guys, I’m going through all of your replies and the issues one at a time. Please don’t feel ignored if I don’t mention it specifically right away but I prefer letting you know once I’m actively looking into something so that your aware of it.

Most of the time they are either already working on it or it’s ready to go out and I just haven’t checked that particular issue yet.

That being said, I’m looking at the Ice belts.