EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

25 Nov


The macOS client is a universal binary that has both native Intel and native M1 support. The game does not run through Rosetta2 and has not since launch. We did use Rosetta2 during some of the first playtests however, which is what may have caused some confusion.

The launcher still requires Rosetta2 however.

24 Nov


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For the last few years, we’ve been investing in foundational improvements of EVE, such as with the transition to a 64-bit client to set EVE up for a thriving third decade. This is the next step in that journey and it will happen on 11 January 2022. After this date, we will no longer provide a DirectX 9 capable client.

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Restart your client and it should show up correctly.


By the time you sent this message it was already back online :stuck_out_tongue:


TQ is now back online!


Hello Capsuleers,

Tranquility downtime is being slightly extended today as we fix some errors in the cluster. This isn’t expected to take too long and we’ll provide updates as the situation progresses.

Thank you for your patience, we’ll get you back in space shortly.

Update 11:18: Tranquility is now online and accepting connections. Fly safe ( or don’t, I’m not your boss )

23 Nov


Thank you all for the great discussion and feedback so far.

The OP has been updated with the following information:

  • Mining Crystals stats have been updated
  • Inserted Note: On initial release Type C crystals will not trigger a PvP timer. This will be revisited after release.
  • Attributes & Bonuses for Barges/Exhumers have been published
  • Attribute changes for mining modules and drones have been published

Disclaimer: Singularity has not been updated with the above information yet.



With the latest patch deployment for Singularity we removed a bunch of items and skills, which were related to the compression changes. I’ll try to reimburse the removed skillpoints in the next few hours.

edit: The reimbursement has been completed, the skill points have been added to free skillpoints.


The mining frigates are not being changed in this upcoming patch, with the exception of adding the new bays. There are some plans for them in the future, and we agree that they are specialized mining ships.

22 Nov

21 Nov


We haven’t published the new values for the mining modules, only the new waste profiles. :wink:

We plan to publish them along with the Barges/Exhumers attributes.


The OP has been updated to make it more clear as to what is not changing from the current state of TQ with the Orca:

“The Orca retains the 10% Drone Ore Mining Yield per level on the Industrial Command skill.”

20 Nov


No, I did NOT come up with type C

My contribution to the dev blog is solely limited to the skill and crystal squish (meaning skill categories)


34% chance to have waste.