Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by tigrrbaby

i think the idea is that the individual player metrics are combined to make the alliance metric

^ This is correct!


Originally posted by moriz0

this is excellent, but one suggestion:

wvw guilds can create wvw alliances (500-1000 players max, still not decided)

this is far too big. an alliance should have a max player cap of 300 and/or a max guild size of 5.

"lack of granularity" is sited as one of the reasons to use this system. if alliances can have 500-1000 people in them, this additional granularity goes right out the window again. you KNOW all those big servers will try whatever method necessary to fit all of their friends into a single alliance, basically creating "Blackgate 2.0" or similar.

anet absolutely need to set the alliance population caps low, or find a way to actively discourage stacking an alliance. otherwise, they might as well keep the current system and not bother.

We started with 500 since 500 is the max size of a guild, but those numbers could change in the future. We are aware that servers will try and form alliances filled with really skilled players, and that there needs to be a limit so that they can't create a "Blackgate 2.0" which is why there is going to be a cap. This is one of the numbers we will be constantly testing and tweaking to make sure the system meets our goals of balanced team.


Originally posted by -OhAnnie

So if I play the game in Spanish but I always played in international servers (English) Will I still be moved with other Spanish players even if I don't play with them? ...

I think you should add an option to choose "International". If Iplay the game in German/French/Spanish that doesn't mean I wanna play only with people from my country.

An international option is a great idea! I will bring that up with the rest of the team.


Originally posted by Shiiyouagain

McKenna "The Absolute Madwoman" Berdrow

This would have been a better reddit name :P


Originally posted by frvwfr2

Implementation question: how will this work with Discords and stuff? Will anet update the api for this new system? How is that all going to work?

We plan to update the api.


Originally posted by Lksaar

These changes are really good, I'm looking forward to them. I assume people will be assigned random worlds when they start with GW2? If not, how does the game determine if a player is french/spanish/german? Ingame language?

Guilds will be able to set their language. An alliance will take the language of the guild that created it. If you aren't playing with a guild then the system will use whatever language you set the game as to sort you into a world that is that language.

23 Jan


Originally posted by madmanslullaby

Fixed a bug in which announcements displayed incorrectly at the end of mount races.

Anet fixed the bug! Anet wins! fixed the bug! Anet fixed the bug! Anet wins! wins!



Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey, thanks for taking the time to reply! I'll be sure to take all of this into account when I'm getting my application together. I guess my only other question is whether you have any suggestions for projects that show my competence in those areas. My university education has been more on the theoretical side so I don't think my small arsenal of school projects is really demonstrative of my abilities.

I don't have any specific suggestions, no. There's a wide range of things to choose from and there isn't really a wrong thing to program. I'd say take a concept that you find interesting and build a program around that.


Originally posted by Nosch_

Is it actually called hover pancake internally :D That would be awesome !

Well, mostly just by me, admittedly — after the 'manta pancake' art showed up just about the same time as PoF was showing off mounts, it was hard to resist. I've mentioned this before, but I'm super-biased — I did the physics for the skimmer's movement so it's my baby; and I'm kind of terrible at GW2 combat, so being able to just skim past (or hover over) large swaths of enemies when I just want to get from A to B is really appealing to me. :-)

22 Jan


I am always down for skimmer art. :-) This is so fantastic! It captures the doofy, weird, adorable feeling of the hover pancake perfectly. Thank you for sharing this!


I went from programming intern to gameplay programmer at ArenaNet. My application consisted of my college projects and the tutoring that I did in college for CS. What I would suggest is applying to a lot of different places. Going through multiple interviews with different companies to learn the interviewing process can be more helpful than you'd initially think, and you might find that you'd prefer to work with a different company. What you want for the programming intern position is experience in design patterns, mathematics, debugging skills, as well as knowledge about programming fundamentals.

I recommend programming in your off-time and building small projects that do small things. Make sure you're able to explain what you write, how it works, and why you choose to approach problems the way you do. These portfolio pieces show what you are actually able to do, not just what you know about, and are essential for showing that you're good for the position.

19 Jan


Congratulations! New life is certainly the most precious gift in the world.

Best to you and your new little family. :)

18 Jan


Originally posted by Spartan05089234

Beautiful story. Wishing all the best to you.

I can't help but be reminded just how garbage anet's PR team is. This would've made a better story than ' "AHHHHHHHHHH" - randomuser' on their Facebook ads.

1) You're talking about marketing, not PR. They're not the same. 2) That "garbage" team is the same team that saw Sia's tweet and decided to donate enough so Sia could reach the funding goal.

11 Jan


Originally posted by Xanadias

Are gadgets here general doodads, all your triggers and objects, or just specifically the larger structures? If it's the latter, my guess/tip was right and I win a bet! giggles

Also, it's really great that this is finally fixed. Thanks to both you and /u/Anet_Raymond =)

what was your guess/tip?


Originally posted by Quarks10

I'm not 100% sure on these, but figured I'd put my thoughts in lieu of nothing else.

  1. 32 bit Mac client is retired, 64 bit client is in beta (launched June 2017 or something), but from experience the 64 bit mac client runs decently well.
  2. OpenGL wrapper for DirectX, I think. I did see one crash that mentioned Metal drivers in the dump - it's possible that you can change which driver your OS tries to use, but keep in mind it needs to wrap DirectX in some way. Because of that, your performance is going to be inferior to DirectX regardless.
  3. Game is only built on DirectX. You can't natively use OpenGL

The 64-bit Mac client doesn’t use a DirectX wrapper.

09 Jan


Originally posted by JusticiaDIGT

You can now zoom out very very very far in the Dhuum chamber, maybe also in other raids or bosses.

Can you link a screenshot of the abnormal camera zoom?

07 Jan




i registered a reddit account just to correct you on this: "put her in charge of future zones"

23 Dec


Welcome to the game!! =)

19 Dec


Originally posted by LucidSeraph

edit Besides Malchor, I think you guys should be looking for NPCs either in central Tyria or in the Crystal Desert who are 1. On or near the edges of things (buildings, cliffs, etc) and who are 2. In a pretty bad emotional state / contemplating jumping / who have lost things. This NPC is almost certainly NOT in a story instance that you can only access once (eg, NOT the Domain of the Lost), NOT in Heart of Thorns or related maps (since this is a PoF specific thing).

Edit3. Thanks to Faerla's reply... I'm going to personally wager that since all the other pieces of this collection were PoF related, and in the central PoF maps, the relevant central NPC is likely in a main PoF map, NOT in Central Tyria. And still absolutely not in an instance.

I think you guys should be looking for NPCs either in central Tyria or in the Crystal Desert who are 1. On or near the edges of things (buildings, cliffs, etc) and who are 2. In a pretty bad emotional state / contemplating jumping / who have lost things. This NPC is almost certainly NOT in a story instance that you can only access once (eg, NOT the Domain of the Lost), NOT in Heart of Thorns or related maps (since this is a PoF specific thing).