Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by DBKENNY

chels is awesome!



Originally posted by Frozen-Wind

It was an honour to meet the fabled Soo-Long, cousin of the Elder Dragon Soo-Won.
Me and Chelsea just about died from laughter.

I was truly not prepared. Such perfection, such length.


Starting on W2Z3 will also circumvent this bug. If you are doing a full W2 playthrough, simply restart before Z3.

29 Mar


Originally posted by PopInACup

Gonna need a new aviator or bobble head box.

Long Long Man

oh, god, what does this monstrosity look like with bobblehead?


Originally posted by WulfyZef

Please let this stay at least until a bit after april fools. Please.

Unfortunately we can't. If something went wrong with the hotfix, people might have to work on Saturday, so we avoid delaying hotfixes unless absolutely necessary.


This is my new favorite bug.

28 Mar


Thanks for sharing! This is so cool. Some backstory for anyone who cares:

This organization reached out to the me FIVE YEARS ago about this project. It took a long time to decide on which pieces to include and how to gracefully transition between them all. The concert had its premiere at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. (pretty awesome in its own right) and was then set to hit the road nationally. That is in the spring of you can guess what happened. This is actually my very first time hearing it all put together and played by a live orchestra.

I was worried that would be the end of it and was feeling bummed for all the people who had worked so hard to put it together. Fortunately, they seem to have survived and are finally going back on the road with it. If you're interested, PLEASE keep an eye on any upcoming dates announced on their site. Sign up for email updates!


Read more

24 Mar


I mean let's be honest here, the plot kinda writes itself for this one too...

After every dragon cycle, the world of Tyria enters a brutal ice age. All life is dead except for those who boarded a train, built by an engineering Asura, that endlessly circles Tyria.

Those on board each own "train cars" homes which they can endlessly customize and decorate. Each month those with the best decorated cars move to the front of the train, while the person with the worst...their car is released from the train and lost into the frozen wastes.


Originally posted by Mr_Lafar

Not to mention the money they'd make with Colin Hype Train skins! The game would live forever!

5 meow-meow beans to the OP and everyone associated with this idea!

22 Mar


Originally posted by Anon_throwawayacc20

Looks like GW2 will be on Steam before most of us get our Steam Deck. Nice! :)

Related: has anyone played GW1 on Steam Deck? And if so, what controller mappings do you use? Or do you mostly use the touch pads?


Originally posted by KekWhOmegalul

Surprise ele nerf followed by no further balance until June 28. Very nice

Changes coming for Cata sooner than you think!

"Our last patch firmed up Catalyst's support build but left the DPS build underperforming our own desires for the specialization, and so it's getting an array of positive changes in the next patch that will shore up its damage-dealing ability, make it perform consistently regardless of target hitbox size, and make the play pattern for optimal skill usage much more accessible and forgiving."


I love that this gets rediscovered every few years haha

Implementing this easter egg was pretty easy, and it’s brought people joy for a while now

21 Mar



19 Mar

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The first big PvP Tournament of EoD is starting now!

Make your way over to Mightyteapot to get in on the EPIC PvP Action!

We additionally have a French broadcast over at Waffle/Viking

Good luck to all teams!

External link →

18 Mar


Hello! Wanted to let you know that after the 3/29 build the resting bonus will span the entire Arborstone map.

15 Mar


Originally posted by TerrorBite

So do we get cat photos? This is Reddit, you have to pay the cat tax.


Originally posted by [deleted]


TBH making jokes about the health of my actual cat kinda crosses a line for me :P Not that it'll stop anyone, but I'm very attached to her.

I'm glad she's in game now and I hope people do pet her!


I mean, one of the cats added to the island is literally my cat from real life. I think they'll be fine.


Originally posted by Mydst

Avid fishing achieves still disabled?

A fix for this is coming later today, assuming everything goes according to plan.

Edit: not today, but soon™.

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DarkXcution

Be ready for vindi stacking

Actually spec stacking is not allowed, we'll be using MoTA rules for this! Class stacking is ok, but you can't have multiple of the same spec!