Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

14 Mar

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Greetings Gamers!

To celebrate the launch of EoD, Hardstuck will be hosting a showmatch consisting of the top PvP teams currently in the game this Saturday March 19th! We're excited to see what the best of the best have been theory crafting since the launch of the expansion, and expect to see some awesome PvP!

Where: MightyTeapot

When: 16:30 CET/11:30am EST

And your teams for this weekend will be:


Rank 55 Dragons

The French Worms



Team USA

Hannibal's Heroes

We'll have 5 total matches played on Saturday, with the final being cross region...

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10 Mar


Originally posted by Rathmun

What's the threshold on the value it will recycle? This seems like good information to have in the tooltip for the module. (Or something that could be made adjustable, though that would require additional dev work.)

I'm not actually sure where it settled. Last I heard it was somewhere around 10s


Originally posted by bigtoolchad

i can imagine jade bot recycling 8g Lunar items for 1 karma

We also imagined this, so included a check on the value of the item being recycled before recycling it.


Originally posted by enifish

Cool! I can't believe it hits such low notes while being so small, and United Legions is probably my favorite Icebrood Saga track.

I'm also baffled by the physics of it, but it has a great, hefty sound to it. And thanks for the kind words!


We're working on the bugs! Thank you for reporting them.


Originally posted by Thomas2140

Fantastic! Love the challenge of the meta and love to see that we get a new way of obtaining the mount. Now I would just like to see more rewards to make the event worth the time investment. At this rate if people are just throwing away hours upon hours for no real reward…

Just wanted to note that we're aware of and agree with the feedback regarding meta rewards. We'll take the first steps towards addressing this in the March 15 release, but our ultimate goal is to ensure that the End of Dragons meta events are worth returning to, similar to Heart of Thorns metas. Thanks for the feedback. :)


Whoa, this is awesome! I don't know if Michael is on Reddit at all, so I'll share it with him. Thanks, OP!


Originally posted by enifish

u/maclaine I feel like a have a million questions but I'll limit myself to 1: do you have a picture of this "travel" didgeridoo?

I'll do you one better. Here's a video!

This is the track I used it on.


Originally posted by SpitefulShrimp

He's a downvote farmer, he doesn't have time to click links

I know. It's just crazy to me how some people spend their time. Anyway, moving on.

09 Mar


I'm glad that people are enjoying it! I love it too. If you're curious, Joyce is an amazing artist in her own right and has a beautiful album of her own music available for streaming and purchase. It's a reflection on her experience as a Korean in America and re-connecting with her heritage.

Fun fact about Joyce that I didn't know until we were nearly done with the soundtrack, but she studied gayageum in Korea with Yuny Park, the woman who played all of the gayageum parts on the rest of the soundtrack. Small world!


Originally posted by Serious-Reaction-562

I watched the whole thing. What a bad interview.

You watched a written interview?

07 Mar


We had a big debate internally about if it was too obvious. Only after the first round of playtests were we sure it wasn't haha

05 Mar


Originally posted by PyroJemmy

I groaned when the void was introduced because it looked like an excuse to reuse older enemies in the last half of the story, but the story helped justify it and the final fight made it all worthwhile. Getting to fight Primordus, Jormag and most of all Zhaitan felt so satisfying. It went on a long time, but it was a fitting climax for the story that started nearly ten years ago. Great job, ANet.

Connor, you are not forgiven.

:) … ),:


Really glad people are enjoying this fight. Ben Arnold was the main implementer behind it, I helped out a little here and there.

Was quite a conversation, figuring out how to execute the “final encounter” of the Dragon saga. We’re all pretty proud of how it turned out.


Originally posted by ikbennieuwopreddit

Fighting all the dragons in a row was amazing. But the very final form where the dragons were somehow back again, that ruined it a bit.

Oh boy! This comment caused me to realize a line during that final phase isn’t firing on live, so thank you for that ;)

(Tl;Dr: it’s all one entity, just shifting forms)


There are a lot of fun quest step texts we got in this time, but this is one of my favorites

04 Mar


Originally posted by BAR0N_AL0HA

I thought the goal was for strikes to be more accessible than raids and the CMs would substitute for raids. Has that now changed? Because the impressions in this thread seem to indicate they may be more difficult than originally intended, if they are being compared to raids/wing 8.

That remains the goal - and this is the reason we did not include hard enrage timers in these Normal Mode Strike Missions. Allowing groups to learn the mechanics and power through regardless of their damage output increases the accessibility to a much wider audience compared to raids.


He's just a boisterous lad. His vocal chords are used to communicating through water so it's gonna carry a lot further without all that liquid resistance.

But for real though, I'm looking into it. Thank you for calling that out!


Seeing this support for the content fills my heart with joy. Y'all are in for a treat with the CMs. Thanks for playing and giving your candid feedback.