Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

16 Apr


I love seeing the community make reference guides like this!

It's wonderful to see how squad formation has become more accessible, and we're not done yet! Proliferating support roles- and boon availability- across more professions creates more flexible squad compositions, makes it easier to join a group and be able to contribute on the profession you prefer to play, and raises the floor by helping more groups get the essential power boost from boons with less complex organizational overhead.

Look forward to more incremental steps with every profession update! As I've previously mentioned in a blog on our website, Warrior Banners and Ranger Spirits will be overhauled this summer. That'll be in our professions update on June 28th!

Banners will allow Warriors to opt into a quickness support role, while Spirits will allow Rangers to opt into Alacrity coverage.

I've seen mentions in the comments here and elsewhere that it's become more important to watch ...

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14 Apr


Originally posted by everial

If any anet folks are reading, really appreciate y'all doing these updates!

Thank you! We appreciate you reading them. :)


Originally posted by slavi13222

"In fact, many of us might be outside touching grass and enjoying the sunshine at this very moment!"

guys i think they're trying to tell us something

It snowed briefly at my house this morning. Definitely didn't expect that to happen as I was writing the 'enjoying the sunshine' line...

12 Apr


The team is looking into it!

EDIT: Fixed.

09 Apr


Originally posted by TannenFalconwing

Go forth knowing that I still refer to the concert as the best meta event ever put into the game. The one event I will always do not for the reward but for the fun of being there. A panicked mess of fast paced, musical mayhem set to some killer beats. Bravo, good sir. Bravo.



Originally posted by tobakett

What!!! Ok I'll be honest, I'm a total casual (even though I've been playing for 15.5 years since GW1:Factions), and only JUST discovered that meta event the other day. I have never in my life had so much fun with an event, I was giggling like crazy. The last few months have been HELL in real life for me and that moment of sheer joy is something that just made my soul happy. So thank you for that. ❤️

That means so much :) I’m glad I could give you some joy in a hard time.


We just made this post on the forums:

We've received some questions about this today based on an official response given through Support, and so we want to clarify that our policies on real-money trading as laid out in the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct have not changed at all. We have no intention of banning people just for advertising services like these.

However, we have no way to identify why you’re trading in-game currency with other players, and that means we can’t guarantee that if you’re making a large number of high value gold trades to other players that you will not be identified by our anti-RMT measures as engaging in potential RMT activity. We also can’t take action against any players who scam you out of currency or services you’ve arranged with them when you make out of game trades. For those reasons, this isn't something we can give our official stamp of approval to, and you are doing it at your own risk.


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08 Apr


Originally posted by evenaardez

Thank you connor, could you provide us with some juicy gossip now?

Everyone at arenanet… genuinely loves the game 😮


Originally posted by onecharliezero

I think I saw that you created the Metal Legion concert event? That is one of my all time favorites in GW2. I've never seen something like that in an MMO before. So awesome and so fun. Thank you for that and all your other work on GW2.

Metal Legion will ALWAYS be one of the highlights of my career. It was wonderful collaborating with art, narrative, and audio to make that bonkersness happen


Originally posted by TheLazySage7

Bit sad. Liked him. But people come and go. The ebb and flow of life.

They do — and every person who moves around brings new ideas to the fold :) I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Guild Wars 2!

I’ll miss being a part of it, though, for sure.


Originally posted by JessyKenning

Is this the cat killer?

I will miss many things about working here but every mention of me being followed by this meme I’m ready to leave behind ;)

Love ya’ll nonetheless. I’ll be around.


Originally posted by noshirdalal

🤣 You’re amazing, Bobby. Please give all my love to the rest of the team - y’all are just incredible.


07 Apr


Originally posted by PantherCaroso

I wonder how this will be framed. Will it be in EotN's scrying pool?

I wonder how this will be framed. Will it be in EotN's scrying pool?

Nope. It'll be in the journal just like any other LW season and should feel like it's happening now, not like a flashback.

04 Apr


I've bound 'Attack My Target', 'Return to Me', and the passive/active toggle all to my mouse wheel. It's made pet management a lot of fun. (My mouse has buttons for tilting the wheel left and right, which helps!)
I'm using:
Tilt Wheel Left: Attack My Target
Tilt Wheel Right: Return to Me
Press Wheel: Toggle passive/active

I feel really fancy in raids being able to seamlessly sic my mech on things like flame turrets in Sabetha, orbs on Gorseval, pawns in MO, etc, while I'm staying on the boss.


Originally posted by noshirdalal

Yes you should, Bobby. Don't you dare leave me here all by myself!

Yes you should, Bobby. Don't you dare leave me here all by myself!

I got you bro.

01 Apr


Originally posted by mossti

To clarify, you are more than welcome in this thread for as long as it suits you 😂

To clarify, you are more than welcome in this thread for as long as it suits you 😂


31 Mar


Originally posted by bigcat98

Then get out

Then get out

Too late.


I shouldn't be here.


This is Amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing :)

30 Mar