How incredibly nice! This community has some really good eggs :)
How incredibly nice! This community has some really good eggs :)
that feel when you realize you get a bank from the crafting stations
That feel when you realize people aren't excited to unlock your NPC :'|
Hows it look on charr? :o
Really, really good. I say this as a charr main, this will be the first cape I'll be using. My sister did a killer job on it. :)
Will this also work if you're clicking and holding the skill? As I stated above, since I've bound the raptor leap (and similar skills) to 2 and the griffin ascent/skyscale descent to 3, those keys don't work when riding Aurene in War Eternal or when in the new tank, so I've had to resort to clicking them. And due to fast targeting for my ground targets, the 2 skill is unusable (have for the time being had to figure out how to redo my keybinds for all this) since it just targets the AoE at my feet when clicked or if clicked and held.
It does!
We tried it with two people today and it went fine up to the gate were two people for opening the gate with the harpoon against the defiance bar was not enough. We timed it and had ammo for it but it was about 15-20% left after we used it and then it regained before we could get out and get more ammo for it. That is when we left to go for a squad. A bit disapointing for us because we are lore nerds and want to lift every rock and check every corner which a squad are not interested in (and rightfully so i don't blame them)
Anyway is there a way to by pass this or did we just somehow mess up even though we times it so well?
The gate's breakbar scales based on player count so getting the gate open solo is even possible. Did you make sure to hold down/spam the skill once the harpoon attached? The skill flips to a secondary function to pull back on the harpoon to yank things down. You also don't need ammo for the harpoon (ammo is only for the first two skills), it's on a cooldown :)
Read moreHello!
First of all thanks a lot for this new release! I actually really loved the whole co-op aspect of the 1st instance, I first did it with 3 other guildies and we all were enjoying it so much :D
Having people running around at different events, cooperating to make sure everything was done, and then spending some time at the end flailing around for a while until we figured out how it worked just felt so great and rewarding! That co-op part was just loads of fun :D
It also made me want to replay that instance a few time to see all the events I might've missed out on in the first run, so I was happy to jump in again as other guildies were starting the story.
I understand that it can be a pain in the ass doing it with random people who don't communicate, but grabbing 2-3 guildies or friends works really nicely, and maybe this could encourage people to communicate more, and/or motivate them to do stuff with guildies ?
I do hope we get more e...
That is so good to hear, thank you so much! :3
I'm always happy to take a further look into cases where someone believes they were banned unfairly, but keep in mind that we cannot discuss actions taken against an account with anyone besides the account owner.
That being said, I've not been able to find any tickets (that includes the notifications we send to folks who might have their account suspended) matching your description.
If you have a ticket number or display name I can look up, feel free to PM me. Again, I can't comment on the case with anyone but the account owner, but I'll be happy to take another look.
Still, please keep in mind that we don't suspend users based on reports alone, so if your friend was actioned, it's possible they may have done something else that wasn't noticed by you or others in your guild. I don't want to claim your friend is being dishonest with you, but it would not be the first time I have seen such a thing happen.
For me, the tank harpoon did no defiance bar damage at all. It fires, hits the gate and nothing.
Have you tried using the harpoon skill repeatedly after attaching the harpoon to your target? The skill flips and you can hold down/spam several times to yank the harpoon and break the breakbars.
Ranoah‘s event can get bugged. 15/16 targets destroyed and then nothing. The last target can’t be destroyed.
Hey there! This and the below mentioned issue with Cinder's event are two edge-case-y things we're already aware of. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Found the NPC named after you
AnetBenP: Tournament victories are for the T2 version. The T1 version doesn't need 120 wins.
Quick clarification.
T1 Legendary/No FX - Requires 120 Ranked wins
T2 Legendary/FX - Requires 20 AT match wins
Hey there! Just wanted to chime in and mention that 5-10 is the recommended amount of players. But it's purposefully not a requirement to have that number for story accessibility. You can certainly complete it with less (even solo if you're up for the challenge), it just will take longer and will be more difficult.
I will gladly play with you if you need a buddy though!
Aaaa thank you, I'm glad you like it! <3
I'd never have learned 3D modeling if it weren't for Guild Wars 2, giving me so much motivation and inspiration. My sincere thanks to your whole team for all the work and love you've put into the game. I can't wait to see where it's going with Steel and Fire!
ohmygosh that's so cool! Keep at it, your art looks great. And thank you, I can't wait for you to play it ^_^
This is so cool! I love the composition and lighting and I love the badass flames shooting out of the tank. My eyeballs can't get enough of this charr awesomeness :D
I have a wireless gamepad but the game doesn't take the input (naturally) so i can't map stuff, how do you do it? For android i mean
One of the things I'm working on in my spare time is adding natural, native support for gamepads in gw2, but it's not released yet, so the way I do it won't work for you... but hopefully it will one day soonish :-)
Maybe they just copy and pasted the balance notes into the generic update template.
Im leaning towards them accidently labbeling an update as a bug rather than some narritive where they are trying to cover it up. Just seems more probable
Basically this. Some stuff was overperforming. Cmc made some adjustments. We'll keep watching.
They just target nerfed the biggest 3 offenders in 2v2 balance. Holy f**k, that's hype. I do love how they listed balance changes as bug fixes, though.
Bug fixes is a catch-all term. We'll try to be more clear in the future.
Hey! What are you doing down here? Shoo! I was here first!
Anet have finally arrived in the previous decade with a 4k trailer.
The editing for this trailer is amazing, really brings the hype. Props to the dev who worked on it!