Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by Sxi139

Maybe a spoiler. But could we see more asura technology in the future or inquest?

E.g. updates to WvW with new asura technology that could have been made since the last update there ?

Have you finished the episode? :-)


Originally posted by DeathWish001

I have a feeling that the cubs were named after the devs children and were voiced by a teenager.

Nope and nope. :-) Adult actors.


Originally posted by Matters-

What (if any) issues did you have developing S4E2 that come to mind in particular?

We did a lot of things this episode that were a bit risky and pushed the capabilities of the engine. We have a bunch of moving platforms, story instances that transfer directly to other story instances, wind/magnet/gravity tech, and lots of player-specific open world stuff. QA had their work cut out for them and were total troopers.


Originally posted by anet_mattp

This was a really bad cold and flu season...

Bug in the system indeed.

While doing story breaking (and re-breaking) for the entire season, we changed the plot and framing of this episode a lot, but there were already map assets, gameplay, etc. designed, so we had to retrofit some stuff. :-)


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Gathering the driftwood near the fishing event is giving us, even with max tools, ruined logs.

Just to clarify, you're getting the ruined logs in addition to the elder wood, correct? I've got a fix I'm working on for that, but they should currently be giving normal logging results, with a chance of getting extra ruined logs, unless there's another issue I'm not seeing.


Originally posted by VacuumViolator

Are you aware that several Legendary weapons have been bugged since the release of PoF? Weapons that have on-skill-use effects do not play.

Some examples:

-Flameseeker Prophecies does not turn pages on skill use

-Rodgort's flame does not get bigger on skill use

-Predator does not breathe fire on skill use

-Quip does not spin around on skill use

The weapon assets themselves were never changed. Some deep level code change caused this to stop happening. We are investigating how to get it working again.


Originally posted by MindAsWell

I have to ask, was the design of the cube based off the Rata Sum seen in the original trailer


Originally posted by melin-skyland

not sure if its a bug but when I use the Season 4 Portal Tome that I bought in the new map I only get the option to "put it away" shoul'nt there be a option to get to the new map?

Did you get the Sandswept Isles portal scroll? The tome is used to combine all of the portal scrolls for the season, so you can have all of the different portal scrolls in one inventory spot. You can insert the scrolls in the tome, and then using the tome will let you portal to any of the season 4 maps that you've inserted scrolls for.


Originally posted by Evangeder

  1. Did you actually think of "Portal" game when designing one of the rooms in

  2. What was the origin of the episode name? Is this really a refference both to bugged code at the beginning and, or?

  3. Not a question but.. The last boss fight was awesome. Oh god.. i realized in a few seconds "whaaaaaaat is going ooon?! is that a" This really blew my mind. Best episode so far, keep doing it just like that! I can't wait to play episode 3 XD

In the early phases of development I tried playing all my favorite puzzle games for inspiration. Mostly I played Portal and various Zelda games. It was research I swear!


Originally posted by Matters-

What (if any) issues did you have developing S4E2 that come to mind in particular?

This was a really bad cold and flu season...

Bug in the system indeed.


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Gathering the driftwood near the fishing event is giving us, even with max tools, ruined logs.

Yup, that's a bug. We are working on a fix. Thanks!


Originally posted by markotza

Hi! I've noticed the pages of text finally got their own UI, can we expect retroactive redo of all the other pages/books in the game?

This is certainly something we want to do, but the task is pretty low priority when weighed against other things, so it won't be any time soon.


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Gathering the driftwood near the fishing event is giving us, even with max tools, ruined logs.

Known issue, thank you for the report! We're working on it :)


Originally posted by Bluewy

There's currently a bug, that when you own the karmic retribution in Domain of Istan it works for the new map as well. Very nice story, some really cool new stuff happened!

Known issue, thank you for the report though! We're working on it :)


Originally posted by Reinate

thats not answering the question Mike ;-)

There wasn't a question in there. :)


Originally posted by Reinate

Fear not this night ... PLEASE tell me there will be a full version of this remake made.

It was simply amazing! <3<3<3

We are happy you enjoyed Maclaine's rendition of the iconic song! We love how creepy he can be too!


Hey everyone!

Today we are proud to release the next episode of our latest Living World season, "A Bug in the System"! In this release you'll get to explore the Sandswept Isles and make new allies as you battle against an Inquest cube in addition to Joko's Awakened forces. A new legendary dagger can be crafted representing the legacy of the charr and their legions. New health bar controls have been added to the options menu to make it easier to keep track of your allies. Mystlock Instabilities will now rotate each week making delving into the Fractals a fresh experience. New search-results filtering has been added to Looking For Group. Continuing with our tradition members of the development team will be joining me here for a chance to celebrate the release and you, the Guild Wars 2 community. Thank you for joining us here and we hope you enjoy Episode 2: "A Bug in the System"!

Here's who will be here with us today:

Living World Team - Aaron Roxby, Andrew Mc...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by ShadowShot05

How does something like this make it through internal testing? Genuinely curious

/u/HPetch is right in that we have the ability to turn off cooldowns in the dev environment, but we don't typically do that, and that wasn't the case here. The issue actually didn't show up in the same way in the dev environment (and I'm not a programmer, so I couldn't tell you why). It would set the cooldown of one specific heal skill, and usually not the one on your bar, so we didn't know there was an issue afoot. Anyways, a fix has been worked on and once it's been through proper testing it will make its way out ASAP.


Sorry for the confusion, everybody--the dates have been corrected.


We are investigating solutions to the problem. It is certainly not intentional. We will let you all know when we have an update.