'ey all. I think I've got a fix for this. Won't be out for tomorrow though, sadly. (A little more detail: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/423892/#Comment_423892)
'ey all. I think I've got a fix for this. Won't be out for tomorrow though, sadly. (A little more detail: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/423892/#Comment_423892)
Hey guys! So it turns out that this was totally my fault; in a nutshell, the bug was indeed fixed, but due to a goof-up on my end this never made it to the live client. The fix should go live with the release of the content patch next Tuesday, if all goes well. (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29247/superior-elements-still-bugged?)
Hey there! Thank you for sharing your lovely story.
I wanted to confirm - your entry will still be valid until 11:59 PM Pacific Time tonight. There was an error in the localization of some of the EU rules, but the valid entry times should not be different.
Hey there! Thank you for sharing your lovely story.
I wanted to confirm - your entry will still be valid until 11:59 PM Pacific Time tonight. There was an error in the localization of some of the EU rules, but the valid entry times should not be different.
So glad everyone is enjoying these! Now if only they would drop for me... :)
We also had a ton of fun at the beach after the camera crew left, keeping in tradition with POOF's shenanigans we shot this video of Anthony! :D
Eh, don't make jokes about that awful marketing attempt. That's like continually bringing up your abusive ex-husband, hoping that there's going to be some comfort knowing that it's behind you... but each time you bring it to the forefront of everyone's memory, the rage builds.
No. That's not what it's like. At all.
Suggestion: don't make light of domestic violence. The gross exaggeration undermines your point.
I got the Mustard Out 😜
Okay but Where Do We Go From Here?
I got my roommate, his girlfriend, and a friend from down the hall all into GW2 thanks to this Friendships sale and stuff. We roam a lot in WvW and we're going to start doing fractals and dungeons soon.
This makes my heart so happy.
A super massive thank-you to ANet for giving us the opportunity to do this. (Definitely gave us a lot of memories to laugh about for years to come too!)
(A shoutout to /u/anet_lis for getting it all set up!)
Hugs to you all for being open to being part of it! ♥
I'm really loving this friendship campaign. It's not only an advertisement for GW2 but MMO's in general. Keep up the good work!
I'm a sucker for these feel good stories. POOF looks like a great online family.
I'm a total sucker for these types of stories tbh
This is awesome! Great likeness!
The trailer is fantastic, but have you guys through of doing release pages, similar to what was done in the first living world? A lot of other MMOs do this as well.
We still do release pages! :D
That is so nice to hear. Thank you so much. The Marketing team along with our AMAZING in-house production team who brought this trailer to life really did such a wonderful job and the continued feedback from players helped get us here. :-)
Yeah, it's worth pointing out that our trailers have always been a cross-team collaborative effort :)
If I haven't done Living World S4 Ep1 yet, will that go away when Ep2 is released?
It won't go away, and it's free to unlock as long as you log in to the game before Episode 2 releases. :D
Read moreI will welcome more time, but I still think they need to fix them, not just add more time.
- Fallen Masks produces paths that are too different from each other.
- Some are really fast, while others take way longer. If it's not possible to calculate paths that are always equal (e.g.: Having a calculated average time between every possible mask combination, then using those times to make sure the total path has the same distance), then it'd be better to have just 1 fixed path.
- Shooting Gallery has invisible objects.
- Even with settings set to max, some environment objects go invisible for some people if they are not close enough. So players trying shoot at targets are actually wasting time shooting at an invisible vase, leaf, branch of rock. If it's not possible to guarantee everyone will see these objects at all times, then remove the objects or their collisions, or make the targets actually targetable so people can see the "Obstruct...
I will investigate some of these issues, but I can't make any guarantees on a timeline.
Thanks for the feedback :D
I will be adding additional time to a number of adventure timers for an upcoming release:
That's a great tattoo! Your artist knew what they were doing.
A lot of artists won't do watercolor style tattoos because that style usually doesn't have a black outline or clients will insist that they don't want a black outline.
A black outline keeps the colors crisp and vibrant over time, rather than spreading into a blob of colors.
The part at the top, where there isn't a full outline, will probably fade nicely--kind of like how a real fire is less intense at the top of the flames and will probably give a cool effect to the piece.
Out of curiosity, how does a company know when to create a coupon code that's valid for a few weeks and promote it in some places versus just discounting the game for a few weeks and promoting the discount? Tracking advertising RoI?
This is super broad but gives a pretty good idea of how many different strategies there can be.
I was hoping one of these would show up. Clever use of Mesmer skills!