Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

29 Oct


We agree that this is an issue and support players should get credit for their contribution.

We are discussing and experimenting with some ideas internally, but a global change like this will take a while to get the numbers, feel, and testing right. Be prepared for it “When It’s Ready!”


Originally posted by LinkHughes

The wager is not over, my dear Dara. We shall see which guild hall is the community's true choice. Come fly, friends! #TeamLostPrecipice

I'll be leading an internal team in an attempt to win a vote and take Gilded Hollow for ourselves since the initial claiming event was done with NO VOTING and we were PRESS-GANGED INTO IT. There were shenanigans at the highest level to get the Anet guild involved in that dry, dusty Lost Precipice business. SHENANIGANS I SAY.


28 Oct


Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for listening and I'm glad you are enjoying it, I am very fortunate to have an amazing team.

Thanks, James Ackley Audio Director Arenanet

26 Oct


Originally posted by Doom_Box

Why is there a smiley face hidden on the tangled depths map?


24 Oct


Hey there, I made this adventure :)

Great job with this, I balanced gold tier around having the Blazing Speed Mushroom mastery, and getting gold without it shows exactly the kind of precision movement I was hoping to see! My PB for this was 1:15 before we shipped HoT, so see you on the leaderboards ;)

23 Oct


Originally posted by madmax21st

That's a backstab. OP now ded.

No way, reverendsmooth and I, we're on the same team!



22 Oct

14 Oct


I always support different views and opinions in Tyria. Please provide me with your exact location and a time you'll be present so that I may send some...ambassadors... to greet you.

14 Aug


<3 On behalf of all those who had a hand in Timberline Falls, Thank you very much for the kind words.

07 Aug


Originally posted by dulfy

They said you get loot if you die, didn't mention about wping away though.

I can clarify this a bit. If you waypoint away before something dies and it dropped loot, you won't immediately get it. If you return to the area, you will get the loot as soon as you can see it. It will basically pick up all loot you can see.

The exception is WvW, since loot bags always spawns at your feet. If you waypoint, the loot will spawn at your location and should get immediately picked up.

If your inventory is full when something drops, it will be left on the ground and you will have to pick it up manually after you clear out some space.

Edit: Unrelated note while I'm here, that purple star is placeholder (I reused the living story quest marker while I wait for the art request). It should have its own icon at some point.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Dagos

The patch seemed to fix the sound for me but others still cant hear it.

edit: switching outfits seems to have broken it too

Out of curiosity, if it's not set there already, try setting the Sound Quality slider in the Sound Options panel to the farthest right (Highest Quality) and report back if the problem happens any more or less frequently.


Originally posted by crod541

I'm currently in SW and trying both boomboxes. Neither seems to work most of the time. When I first logged in I could hear them both, but after wp'ing somewhere they don't work anymore. Whenever the large white texts comes on the screen it seems to make the boombox come on (only if I already had a song selected). Also weird, I can here the sounds from taking it out, and the little beeps when choosing a song, but not the actual music. A friend I was standing by also said he couldn't hear anything from the boombox the entire time. It's not nearly as in-depth as /u/Rarey 's tests, but I hope it helps, even if just to know the problems weren't fixed by the latest patch.

Damn. Thanks for the info. I really wish I was able to get a repro on my machines so I could debug it first-hand. I'll try to get to dig into it in the near future, and hopefully suss out what might be the problem with it working some of the time, but not all of the time.

Oh, just to double-check, anyone who's running into issues with the music has the musical instrument slider towards the right at all times, yes? Just so long as it's never all the way to the left, which would effectively mute all its music. If we can rule that out for certain, it'd be good to know.

28 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


I appreciate the level of testing ya did on this. Just now I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on the live game or in development builds. Is this fixed for you with the latest patch?

07 Mar


Originally posted by Gwash3189

If you don't mind me asking, how are the tests written? In a custom test suite? Or a popular framework?

Are the tests written in BDD or TDD style? How do you guys go about testing something in isolation? I can imagine mocking important points of your infrastructure would be difficult.

We built a thin (200ish lines) harness in python that has a TDD style markup. Its very similar to something like nUnit or visual studios mstest harness. Has basic fixtures and a bunch of specialized attributes so we can do test selection and reporting.

Testing certain stuff in isolation can be hard. Some areas of the game are easier than others, and we work with the other programmers to improve those areas so they can be tested with automation.

We don't really mock the infrastructure, what we do is use specialized maps that reduce the amount of noise the tests are exposed to, and many of our tests use test content that can give us the ability to skip prerequisites, etc.

06 Mar


Originally posted by J0M021

As someone who works in QA, I would have loved to be at GDC to hear this.

I'm on twitter (@lancehit), and I'll definitely post any links to the talk there, once they're available.


Originally posted by bsawler

One of the interesting key points was the sheer number of groups that need to ingest these test results.

There's the product management team as a whole that need certain subsets of data.

The engineering team needs to know when things break due to code issues (features not working as intended).

The design team needs to know when certain actions aren't able to be completed (say due to a portion of a map being broken).

However, the results of tests are largely informational, NOT part of the main release process (i.e. all tests must pass or they absolutely cannot release). They aid the build process, not block it.

Automation results are still a key part of the release process, just not in a way that blocks developer workflow. There are far too many people contributing to each branch to stop all development when a test breaks.


Originally posted by octal9

then shoot off an email for verification.

Hmm. I didn't receive a verification email; after submitting I saw only the "Thank you for signing up!" page.

I use a similar address format to the OP; [email protected]

The verification email is only sent if the address was not yet in our system.

If you saw the "Thank You" msg then you're all set.


Originally posted by MakubeC

What do you mean by 2 seconds? Do they test all skills and mechanics of the game in 2 seconds...? Also, THANK YOU for this information. I was very interested.

on average, every 2 seconds we are finalizing a test result. The tests take about 5 minutes to run each, but because we run them in parallel, the test completion rate is compressed significantly.