Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

14 Feb

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02/14/2023—Late Notes General Orders from Above: Alacrity duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds in PvE. Profession Skills Engineer Flame Jet: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.25 to 0.2 in WvW. Guardian Hunter's Ward: Reduced power coefficient on the final impact from 1.666 to 1.333 in WvW.
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Just to clarify: Are we talking about the Claw of Jormag in Frostgorge Sound or Actual Jormag in Dragonstorm? I want to make sure our people are digging into the correct one.
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I am almost positive this is not supposed to happen. 😄 (It's definitely not.) I've alerted the right people that this is going on, thank you for flagging it!
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Hello World vs. World community! I want to drop in with some additional context about the update to rewards in WvW. Today’s release of Objective Scaling Rewards affects Towers, Keeps and Castle WvW objectives. This update gives increased rewards for those objectives, and due to the wide-reaching nature of the change, we have released it in a testing state with several event types giving out non-final rewards. This will allow us to observe if the system is working as intended while reducing the potential for major issues. Assuming everything goes to plan, we expect to further increase those rewards in an update later this week. We’ll be carefully watching the live data and collecting feedback as we move into iterating on this system in future releases this year. We are excited to hear your thoughts!
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Hello World vs. World community! I want to drop in with some additional context about the update to rewards in WvW. Today’s release of Objective Scaling Rewards affects Towers, Keeps and Castle WvW objectives. This update gives increased rewards for those objectives, and due to the wide-reaching nature of the change, we have released it in a testing state with several event types giving out non-final rewards. This will allow us to observe if the system is working as intended while reducing the potential for major issues. Assuming everything goes to plan, we expect to further increase those rewards in an update later this week. We’ll be carefully watching the live data and collecting feedback as we move into iterating on this system in future releases this year. We are excited to hear your thoughts! February 16 Update: Hello World vs. World Community, I have an update about Objective Scaling Rewards! As we mentioned Tuesday, we released the ... Read more
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Obligatory 👀 post.
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Heh. Staffers get the option to make custom avatars. So naturally this is mine. 😆

Originally posted by Artaica

Time zone issue, I see devs all the time. I just did DE with Roy a few weeks ago, a full EoD meta train with Bobby Stein a few days before that, and I have both Complement the Creator and Carry the Creator achievements for doing strikes/raids with an Anet employee. Every other day I see an Anet tag in Mistlock or Arborstone.

Are they super high-end players? Not really, but I wouldn't reasonably expect people who spend 8-10 hours a day working on something to be super enthusiastic or engaged with it during their free time.

I play the game every night. Only do raids and fractals on special occasions. Mostly do open world stuff, metas, story, etc. since it's casual friendly and easy on steam deck.

There are actually a lot of devs who play the game but some choose not to tag up, and others may play on alt accounts. We're in there.

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I run the Narrative Department, so...I'm still on staff. 😉

13 Feb

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02/14/2023—Late Notes General Fixed a crash related to selecting players who are under the effect of stealth abilities. Profession Skills Elementalist Call Lightning: Follow-up lightning strikes from this skill occur faster and will now always strike three times. Damage coefficient on follow-up strikes has been reduced from 0.425 to 0.32. Rock Barrier: Fixed an issue that caused this skill's full cooldown timer to activate when interrupted. Necromancer Augury of Death: This trait no longer reduces the recharge of shout skills. This trait instead grants additional life-siphon damage and healing when shouts strike enemies in melee range. "Rise!": This skill now deals additional damage and summons additional horrors when striking targets within melee range of the caster. The maximum number of shambling horrors that can be summoned is 5 in PvE and PvP and 3 in WvW. Reduced cooldown from 40 seconds to 32 seconds in PvE. Reduced cooldown from 50 sec... Read more
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02/14/2023—February 14 Release Notes General Unlocked outfits, gliders, mounts, miniatures, and mail carriers can now be favorited by clicking the heart that appears on the top right of the skin in the corresponding tab of the Equipment panel. A new Randomize checkbox has been added to the Outfits, Glider Skins, Mounts, Miniatures, and Mail Carriers tabs. When this option is enabled, players will see the following behavior: Each time a glider or mount is summoned, a random favorited skin will be used. If no favorites have been set, a random unlocked skin will be used. Each time you load into a map, random favorited outfits, miniatures, and mail carriers will be selected and applied. If no favorites have been set, random unlocked skins will be selected and applied. A new button that allows players to randomize their skins or dyes has been added to the Wardrobe and Dyes tabs of the Hero panel. Changes are not applied... Read more

11 Feb

10 Feb


I am insanely jealous.

09 Feb

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It's gone now, much like Lunar New Year. 😄 Sorry about that!

08 Feb