Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Hi there!

The best way to report this would be to reach out directly to our Support Team, please include detailed steps, images or a video on how to reproduce the issue in that ticket though please do not post those to the Forums.

Thank you for reporting this to us!


As mentioned in our Eterra Monthly January Edition - this bug has been fixed for Season 2!


This is known but difficult to track! It’s helpful if you can report this when in game using the In Game Bug Reporting Tool (ESC) and make a note of how long you’ve been playing and what you’ve been doing!


The team was working on the Offline Character Issue late into the night and will be tackling it again as soon as they clock on today - I’m currently reading all of the information they have gathered and gathering information from players as well!

If you are playing in Offline, not True Offline mode, please submit an In Game Bug Report from the Character Select Screen after attempting to load in!


The team was working on the Offline Character Issue late into the night and will be tackling it again as soon as they clock on today - I’m currently reading all of the information they have gathered and gathering information from players as well!

If you are playing in Offline, not True Offline mode, please submit an In Game Bug Report from the Character Select Screen after attempting to load in!


The team was working on the Offline Character Issue late into the night and will be tackling it again as soon as they clock on today - I’m currently reading all of the information they have gathered and gathering information from players as well!

If you are playing in Offline, not True Offline mode, please submit an In Game Bug Report from the Character Select Screen after attempting to load in!

17 Feb

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct


  • Added client support for system updates
  • Added performance telemetry information for tracking FPS and frame hitches to support continued performance improvement efforts


This patch requires rolling server restarts to get the servers up to version. We have also started a count-down notification in game for the server shutdown. We expect the server downtime to be very short, as it’s just a restart for the update.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers, and welcome back for the fourth installment of Making Last Epoch! For today’s look at the world of game development within Eleventh Hour Games, we’re going to be taking a look at World Design and Narrative with our resident Lore Master and Lead Writer: Kyle Melberg. Kyle has made a couple of guest appearances on our weekly Developer streams to answer questions about the lore of Eterra, and today we’ll be talking about what exactly “World and Narrative” is, and the process behind creating the expansive universe in which all the loot, lizards, and groles reside.

World & Narrative vs. World Design

Let’s start off by getting an explanation of what exactly “World and Narrative”, and “World Design” are ...

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16 Feb

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is really cool to read the guesses of what it is going to be. I have seen someone get it 99% right somewhere, I think it was on Reddit. It was before any CTs saw it so I don’t think it was a leak.

14 Feb


It’s Valentines Day - a time of chocolate, punny cards and long nights spent on the phone with your crush. Though something has been missing for while now.

Back at 1.0’s launch, we made the difficult decision to close the Discord Voice channels. This was done to ease moderation pressures on the team during a very busy time. However much like when said aforementioned crush has to leave, our players have been asking ‘But when will VC’s be back?’ :pleading_face:


Well we can now announce - Soon TM.

We have found a Discord bot that meets the needs of our players and our moderation team, and are currently working on ...

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31 Jan

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Closing this thread as there is no discussion presented or feedback being provided in thread purpose, and is only causing unnecessary conflict. If you’d like to discuss the validity of measuring a game by active player counts, please use one of the existing threads, or create a thread for that purpose.


The best thing to do is submit tickets as often as you feel you can! There’s never too many when it comes to bugs :blush:


Hello Travelers! It’s time for another recap with January 2025’s Eterra Monthly! Let’s see what we have in store!

Hotfix Rollout

We released two fixes in January, one that fixed a minor menu-based UI issue and another that fixed an issue that caused low FPS under certain circumstances.

Eyes on Eterra

In preparation for Season 2, we are continuing to squash bugs and have made some changes internally like the following (this isn’t all of them of course, just a little appetizer):


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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Season 2 - Tombs of the Erased

Comes to Last Epoch April 2nd, 2025


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28 Jan



  • Warpath if you have Warriors Fury
  • Smite, if you have the Sacrifice node
  • Coated Blades Rogue Passive


  • Bleeding Heart Amulet
  • Death’s embrace
  • Chronostasis

Thank you!

27 Jan


Thank you, sent that to the team! If there are anymore where the Skill or a Node is causing a significant impact like this, please let me know. The team probably have a list internally but it’s good to have comparisons just in case.

If it’s done by an item or Unique then also let me know just be clear that it’s the item along side a skill so we can get everything properly labelled for the Devs! :blush:


Which skill Shrine is spending the Mana?

It might be an item you have equipped triggering the effect, can you share your build?


You say that, but as someone who used to do archery frequently - I know a few people who hold the bow in the ‘wrong’ hand as they prefer the control over the bow with their dominant hand vs control of the string/release :thinking:

23 Jan


One of the funniest bugs I remember trying to help with was trying to find out why projectiles were magically getting destroyed in one of our zones.

Everyone got together, very serious; QA and developers to try to figure out what it was. You know what it ended up being? Chickens. Someone by mistake made the sound colliders on the chickens massive and put them on the wrong layer. Every time you shoot an arrow or a fireball those projectiles would bump into the collider and disappear.

Whenever I think about that day I laugh to myself, I just picture these demi-god chickens walking around with supersonic clucks, hahaha.

20 Jan

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are currently planning to take our servers offline for server maintenance on 2025-01-28T04:00:00Z. We expect this downtime to take approximately 6 hours, and will provide an update once services are restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


2025-01-28T04:00:00Z - Servers have been taken offline for maintenance.

2025-01-28T10:00:00Z - Server maintenance has been successfully completed and servers are now online again! Thank you for your patience.