Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

17 Jan

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a recent issue causing low FPS issues under specific conditions
    EHG_Wick on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello and welcome, Travelers to another exciting entry of Making Last Epoch. Today we have the pleasure of hearing from Anna Lyon, the Senior Technical Quality Assurance Tester for Last Epoch. She will be walking us through the Bug Fixing Process and how the team prevents Bugs from entering the live build of Last Epoch.

Bug Hunting

Locating the nest

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14 Jan


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a minor menu-based UI issue affecting a small portion of players

09 Jan


While we are hard at work on creating content and addressing player feedback we of course do see our concurrent player numbers down, but you will find in the near future that the game is absolutely far from dead. There is a very bright future for Last Epoch and LE players.

We’re working diligently and faster than ever. If you look at our patch notes for major patch releases you’ll see that they’re very extensive. 1.2, or Season 2, will be no different, and very significant.

We look forward to seeing you in game!


This was the Unity 2021 Upgrade patch. This should not affect anything player facing as these changes are for internal support only such as new tools for our team to utilize.

  • This means no resets, no wipes, no graphics updates, no new content yet
  • As usual, if you notice any bugs please report them using the In Game Bug Reporting Tool where possible

06 Jan

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

SGU was just hitting its stride when it got cancelled. Had a bit of a BSG vibe to it in the best way possible.

I also realized that the episode I was thinking of was “200”, not “Wormhole Xtreme!”.

03 Jan


Hello Travelers!

A huge part of what we love from our community is the want for more! More Skills, more Classes, more gameplay, more music and - as is the topic today - more wallpapers.

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While we have had several brilliant options available here - - for some time, we have heard the requests for more and want to know what you would like to have as a wallpaper and what resolutions you’d like them in!

... Read more

Hello Travelers!

As part of our ongoing overhauls both in game and out - we are updating the Forums Player Profile Icons!

While the current roster contains some long standing favourites, the skills they represent - and the in-game icon representing those skills - have been updated several times, so now it’s time to do the same here.

Along with new Skill Icons, we’ll be adding some other in game icons such as the Egg of the Forgotten and Class Icons, though we know individuality and representation is important so we’d like to ask you - yes YOU - what you’d like to see! Just comment below and we’ll see what we can do.

Personally, I would like to see more of Gregory, our beloved Grole Senior Intern! If you would like to help make that a reality, you can use the image below to design your very own Gregory Icon! (He is there, Gregory is just a bit shy and has camouflaged into the background :sweat_smile:...

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Welcome Travelers to the Eterra Monthly December 2024 Edition!

We hope everyone had a happy holiday season and fantastic new year! Another month has passed, and we’re here with our boots on the ground to bring you the latest from Eterra!

Eterra’s Path Forward

Our team has heard that the Cartographers have released a new map detailing the Road forward to better aid intrepid travelers on their journey. Our field reporter journeyed out to get a first hand look at what travelers can expect to find in the wilds of Eterra, let’s hear from them!

"Setting off from The Surface, I followed my usual rambling route towards Shrouded Ridge to get a look at these Dungeon Improvements! Through Lightless Arbo...

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29 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yea, that’s what I was saying. I’m agreeing with you. In a different genre, it worked great.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wildstar had inspired CC. Both of those examples are from there. I thought it was a lot of fun because every ability was a skill shot.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please remember to remain civil in conversations.

We certainly understand the frustration of having to wait so long for an update - it is too long of a period since the last major release, and not what we were originally aiming for. However, for the future of Last Epoch, we felt taking the time now to directly address areas of feedback, and catching up on bugs and issues would help create a better path forward. We are actively expanding our team adding more members, adding both manpower to get more work done, as well as add more specialized roles for better organization and efficiency of task completion. We’re working faster, and completing more than ever before - though It’s 100% understandable that it doesn’t yet look that way. It’s not fun waiting now, but it’s for the goal of making things more fun later.

19 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

At least initially, I think that people will be in one of two camps.

  1. OMG that random bug that nobody believed I had forever is finally fixed.

  2. Did something change?

Going forward: it gives us access to new tools and options for developing better stuff in almost every axis. Sometimes it’s a simple as a plugin that can now be updated to have an extra option in the dialogue tree because it didn’t support the old version of unity. I don’t actually know if that is one, just a random weird example.

17 Dec


Hi there, I wanted to let you know this is being worked on by the team! I don’t have any specifics though it is on deck with our Devs!

16 Dec


As has been said, if we had a magic wand we’d have WASD movement given the sheer amount of work that is required to add that to Last Epoch.

As a player who also has low-level arthritis/raynauds and plays a click-heavy Rogue build, fingerless compression gloves help a ton as do controllers (though I do understand that each person experiences health issues differently so controllers might cause more issues instead of solving them).

It’s also worth looking up gentle hand stretches, I double up moisturising my hands with massaging/stretching which has been helping too :blush:

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’re both very close but what I actually said was that we came very close to releasing it last week and someone found a bug so we delayed it and would wait until everyone was back in the office in the new year.

I don’t know when in the new year it will get pushed out but as long as no more major issues are found, probably pretty quick.

15 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Isn’t that still only 9 then? I maybe just can’t count? It doesn’t really matter. Still too long.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I count April 2025 being 8 months after July 2024. I’m pretty sure that’s when 1.1 launched.

12 Dec


This is an old bug however one the team recently managed to crack! It should be fixed in the Season 2 Update :slight_smile:

09 Dec

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can neither confirm nor deny any changes to arena echoes at this time.