Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

09 Dec

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers,

Today, we’re sharing our updated Roadmap, letting you take your first look at what’s coming for Last Epoch, including what big features to look forward to in Season 2. Let’s look at what’s on the board with an updated Roadmap graphic before jumping into more information about Season 2.

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As mentioned in our last update concerning the Season 2 timeline (previously referred to as “Patch 1.2” - ...

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03 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t think it’s completely off the table. I’ve sent this as a DM to OP already when I deleted the several duplicate versions of this topic. I think more persuasive feedback would be in the form of “when x happens, I feel y.”

I’m personally on the fence about it at the moment. Doesn’t mean I’m right or that anyone agrees.

What do you think the benefits of adding it would be? Are there any issues it could create? Are there ways to mitigate those issues?


No one getting the ‘Dead or Alive’ reference :smiling_face_with_tear:

Glad you liked the blog though!

02 Dec


Well you’d see a lot of kitchens and nerd filled offices! EHG is a fully remote company with no centralised studio location!


Hello again Travelers! We’re back with our second Making Last Epoch blog post and today we are joined by Wellington Weishaupt, our 3D Modelling Manager! He’ll be sharing some insight into the process behind creating the in game models for the Acolyte’s Necropolis Gear and the Ronin MTX, from ideation to creation to implementation. Over to you Wellington!

Concept? Art!

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Everything starts with a concept or idea that should be modelled, rigged, animated and, la...

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29 Nov

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We received a message from the future through the Epoch that you needed an awesome pie recipe. Who are we to deny the will of the Epoch?

The reason for the rework is ...

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    EHG_Wick on Forums - Thread - Direct

Travelers, another month has come and gone and it is now time for a look at what’s happening. Let’s dive into our third installment of, Eterra Monthly!

Eyes on Eterra

Travelers, we’ve said it so often it hardly needs repeating, but the feedback we receive is so critical to the decisions we make in the studio. So, please continue to share your thoughts and ideas with us no matter how big or small. An incredibly long list of this feedback is already in the works and being morphed from idea to reality. While the list is far too long to include in this article, we can share a few items on the road to reality.


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27 Nov

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, Llama is right. They are uniques and they can’t drop with LP and can’t become Legendary.

26 Nov


#BDSuperiorityNoGuidesNoLootFiltersJustVibes :sunglasses:

25 Nov


Yep! Last Epoch Tools is a really helpful site. I use it everyday :blush:


If you haven’t already, please reach out to our Support Team at this link - - They will be able to help!

22 Nov


Hey guys, just a reminder to stay on topic please, thank you :blush:

And to get the conversation back on track, Auto-pickup is still not on the menu, but we are cooking :eyes:


Well I do now :grin:


If you import your character here - - you can click the ‘Loot Filter’ button on the left to get a loot filter based on your current build. You can also ‘make’ a build manually and have a filter created for that instead!

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20 Nov


Hello Travelers,

We are pleased to announce that the Last Epoch Soundtrack is available for players who purchased the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition of Last Epoch, purchased the Deluxe or Ultimate upgrade packs and Kickstarter backers who bought the Ancient Warrior (Alpha) or Ardent Gladiator (Beta) supporter packs or above. This Soundtrack includes 32 brilliant tracks from our fantastic composer Erik Desiderio!

The Soundtrack can be found in your Last Epoch DLC in Steam if you have the following versions of the game;

  • Players who purchased the Deluxe or Ultimate upgrades from our In-Game Store
  • Players who purchased the Deluxe or Ultimate Editions of the game, including players who purchased the Deluxe or Ultimate upgrades, on Steam

... Read more

18 Nov

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, you asked me to check this out on stream last Friday so I’ve finally gotten around to reading it. Overall it’s a fun idea with some neat nuggets in it. I think that there are a few angles that you can approach this type of thing from. I’m coming at it from the perspective of “If we were going to add a 6th base class into Last Epoch, what would that look like?” So what are we looking for from a 6th base class and its masteries? I think the most important thing is to create a framework to explore new gameplay and thematic styles. I said this on stream already so it’s probably no shock, The Warrior feels very thematically and mechanically similar to Primalist and Sentinel.

There are elements in here that are things which were cut from the game due to some technical limitations and others that just haven’t made it into the game yet so you’ve got some good stuff in here. I just think that the high level concept for the class doesn’t work given that Primalist and Sentinel exis...

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08 Nov

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

As long as it’s not attempting to circumvent rules by simply swapping names and discussing real politics, yes that’s fine. #MinimusIsTheOneTrueLeader

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not sure why a thread about how discussing real world politics is against the rules devolved into directly talking about real world politics, but here we are. I’m going to be cleaning up this thread from posts which violate the Code of Conduct.

Please note that discussion of Real World Politics, Religion, and Ideology is against the rules. This isn’t pushing any agenda, as no real world politics are allowed, no matter which side, idea, country, or other is being promoted. Last Epoch is not an appropriate platform for these discussions. People play games to escape the real world and have fun, and that’s what we want to keep the space as. For more information, check out the Code of Conduct, and ...

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31 Oct

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dungeon keys can only drop after the point in the campaign at which they exit. This allows subsequent characters to utilize them as campaign skips, while preventing first playthroughs from being RNG in if you get a campaign skip or not. While T1 Lightless Arbor starts at level “22”, it’s not a particularly easy task at that level. This is as it’s intended to be for more experienced players that have already beaten the game once to utilize as a skip (though we have been discussing the exact difficulty balance of this).

Each dungeon also has multiple tiers, scaling all the way to endgame. In the case of Lightless Arbor, once you complete the campaign, it automatically unlocks a higher level T2 version of the dungeon that will be closer to your level.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll pass this along to the lore team. While unrelated to lore text, I just wanted to also mention that if you right click on a key, it will open your map and center on the area for where it’s used.

I also want to note for this discussion that the “Alternate Path” is not describing a different physical approach to the dungeon, but rather that going through Dungeons is an alternative campaign path, as they start in one area, and exit in another, several chapters later.