Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 May


Originally posted by InSomniArmy

Love your username. I grew up playing MTG. Also grew up playing Diablo 2 and Chrono Trigger so I feel right at home in Last Epoch (pretty much jumped for joy when I saw Gaspar was my main point of contact at the end of time and Jah Ith Bear teleporting at me for the first time is something I’ll never forget). Really great game you are developing and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

I really like how it feels you have taken a lot of interesting ideas from elsewhere and found ways to improve upon them while also innovating within the genre.

Keep up the great work!

My three favorite games right there!!! ;)

13 May


Last Epoch started as an after-hours project that myself and a few other Action-RPG fanatics would pour all our free time into. Within 12 months we were able to launch our Kickstarter campaign which raised just over $250,000. This allowed me to officially bring on a few team members full time and begin laying the foundation for what EHG would become. Since then I have been able to hire over 50 full-time amazing individuals from around the world. This includes people from the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Russia and many other countries in between. As a result of the team’s passion and energy we made it onto Steam’s Top Seller list multiple times while still in Early Access and self-publishing. I’m excited...

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Originally posted by Slydesdale

This is awesome, but I have to admit I’m starting to get a little nervous. It feels like we keep getting a more polished version of the current game instead of actual updates.

What I mean is....the entire community has been pretty clear on what the big issues are. Multiplayer, loot, and end game progression. And yet the past few updates have been “check out this art”.

I’m starting to question if a 2021 release date is viable at this rate. It’s already May...

Thanks for taking the time to post about your concerns.

Polishing an Early Access game is an important part of ensuring it will be ready for release.

To touch on the subjects you raise;

  • We've shared that Multiplayer is coming in Patch 0.9 later this year,

  • We are actively working on multiple significant changes to itemisation which will affect both loot and crafting

  • Patch 0.8.2 (this month's update) focuses on endgame progressio...

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Originally posted by dunkdk


On their stream page there is a picture of their forecast, which says phase 1 and 2 is complete. Which makes us being in phase 3 where multiplayer is listed.

Yes; Last Epoch is currently in Phase 3 of its Early Access forecast, and we're actively implementing Phase 3 items.

I'm not quite following why you think it should have happened before now though, sorry.


Originally posted by dunkdk

No more specific? I saw on their roadmap that multiplayer should have been out by now

Could you elaborate on that?

"2021" is the first ETA we've offered for including multiplayer functionality in builds released to the community.

12 May

10 May

06 May


Originally posted by crookedparadigm

Will this update bring some form of multiplayer? My friend wants to play with me but he's holding off until we can play together.

This patch will not. While we are making lots of progress and testing internally there is still more work to do. We're working very diligently with many developers on it and there's no major blockers, it's just an intense amount of engineering. Thanks for your patience, we want to make sure it's done right.

05 May


Originally posted by VindicoAtrum

We’re now at the point where funding is what we need to make the game we want to make with a team we’re very confident in.

Is this to say EHG is fundraising somehow? Investment round perhaps?

It's clear from recent dev blogs that the team is growing, the capability is growing etc and that more resource could be utilised. Given the lifespans of PoE/D2/D3 it's probably not too hard a sell to an investor?

We've been approached by every publisher and investor under the sun it feels like. We've actually explored this a bit but we're unwilling to lose any decision making power or agility that has gotten us to where we are, so we are still fully independent without outside funding. The funds come from the sales of the game and we've been very fortunate that people have had enough faith in our team and vision to continue to support us by purchasing higher tier supporter packs and spreading the word to their gamer friends. It has been quite a ride, haha!


Originally posted by joeyzoo

I would love to buy Last Epoch again (me and a friend refunded it after we learned about multiplayer not being a thing yet). I know that it is on the horizon but I‘m really eager to get into the game together with my friends. Is there any ETA on the MP release? When I google the topic i always get „next big update“ from posts almost a year ago. I‘ve mostly heard late 2021 but would it be possible to PinPoint it to a Quarter?

Hey Joey, we’re excited to let you guys play together more than you can imagine. Multiplayer is one of those things that will be ready when it’s ready but I can assure you that we’re playtesting it internally, working through updates diligently, and when it’s in your hands it will be in a state we believe is solid. For more context, right now we’re addressing server side quest issues related to different party states (party leader and party members at different progressions).


You’re not the only one that experiencing some performance issues, especially in certain areas or around certain effects/events. Plenty of optimization efforts still in the works and rolling out each patch. What you’re describing seems more severe than most though so there may be some software/hardware incompatibility lurking on the machine you’re playing on. Hopefully the updates we have coming down the pipe resolve it for you though - keep a look out for patches!


Originally posted by FederalX

No, it doesn't change your DPS at all. It just allows you to apply the DoT less frequently, or stack up more DoT effects at a time. It will keep doing the same amount of damage every time it ticks, but it will tick for a longer period of time.

As an example, let's say you have a DoT that does 100 DPS and lasts 5 seconds, for a total of 500 damage. If you give it +100% DoT duration, it does 100 DPS and lasts 10 seconds, dealing a total of 1000 damage. The stat is good for DoTs that can be applied multiple times, as increasing the duration of each DoT will allow more of them to be stacked at once.

Thanks for helping the community u/federalX, that is the right answer :)


The support we’ve gained as an indie team has been amazing. We’ve grown this team and game from an after hours project I started in the summer of 2017 to what it is via a modest Kickstarter and the backing of this player base through early access sales. We’re now at the point where funding is what we need to make the game we want to make with a team we’re very confident in. You’ll see a ton of updates to content that was made when we were a much smaller low-budget studio in upcoming patches.

And we’re always listening and asking for feedback! Join our discord and forums for more Epoch discussions with the community and our team https://dis...

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04 May


I can see how that can be confusing. What I can do is have the team add a better ALT (more info) description underneath it to clarify.


Originally posted by umdv

Perhaps a chat command like /summon_loot, with a minute (or two or five)cooldown, that just drags all loot from location under character?

That's an interesting idea for sure. I'll bring this up with the dev team in our next meeting. Thanks for the suggestion