Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

04 May


Originally posted by wheresmattynow

nice personal response to their issue!

btw you tag and notify users with a u/ instead of an @.

u/moxjet200 u/JustOutOfTime

Thanks for the tip, u/wheresmattynow! Long time lurker making more posts these days :)


Hey all, yes sorry that this happens sometimes! It’s on our radar and while we don’t have a silver bullet for it yet this upcoming patch we are increasing the pickup range which should help in a lot of cases. @justoutoftime I’m sorry - this image literally pains my soul haha. We’ll fix it!

02 May


Originally posted by FederalX

The only thing that might trip you up is that melee minions have a lot of issues hitting the last boss of the current story.

This has been fixed internally and the fix will be included in patch 0.8.2.

30 Apr

27 Apr

26 Apr


Originally posted by Musophobia9

Dev mentioned on one of their recent livestreams they may add sounds to the loot filter similar to the way you can choose colors for drops. However, they won't allow people to add their own sounds

This is correct. Thank you, Muso!

25 Apr


Essentially the game is not server authoritative yet and someone has discovered that they can cheat/exploit this and are exposing it. We have a few social systems like the ladder that we have to monitor a bit more closely for this reason for the mean time. Multiplayer release will come with most logic existing on the server instead of the client and change the majority of what that post is referring to - and should alleviate their concerns. Sarno removed their post because it’s against our ToS to cheat and having more people obtain info on how to do this just causes more manual work for us before these systems are brought to server authority.

I can see how that person would be concerned if none of this was changing for multiplayer, but it is. The way we’ve developed it will allow us to support offline single player as well in the long run.


Originally posted by destravale

Oh really? I asked in the discord and they said they are still working on deciding where to put servers.

Yes, we aren’t ready to provide an exhaustive list yet.

23 Apr


I'm sorry to hear that! If you've reached out to our support team through our support site, they'll get back to you as soon as they can.

I'll close this as we don't provide support via Reddit.


Good luck!

21 Apr



I'm not sure whether you've seen this post; it's our most recent one regarding Multiplayer.

We'll be releasing multiplayer later this year as part of Patch 0.9. We're currently working on Patch 0.8.2, an endgame-focused update.


Originally posted by WarokOfDraenor

Oof. Right. I just hope they have a SG server for SEA players.

Servers in Singapore have already been confirmed. :)

20 Apr


Originally posted by flutterkind

Ah, that makes sense, thanks. Is there a table of item types and their respective multipliers?

I'm not aware of one. This is the list (from lowest to highest) though.

  • small idols 17%

  • humble and stout idols 38%

  • grand and large idols 67%

  • other idols, rings, relics, helmets, gloves, boots, belts, and quivers 100%

  • shields, catalysts, and amulets 117%

  • body armour 150%

  • bows 160%

  • 1h weapons 175%

  • 2h weapons 320%


The item database shows the base values of the affix. However the actual value of an affix depends on the item it's on.

Affixes on 1h swords have 175% of their base value, so in this case the base value of 71% to 100% is multiplied by 1.75, resulting in the actual value of 124% to 175%. As another example, affixes on quivers Quivers just have 100% of their base value, so if you had the same t5 Chance to Shred Armor on Hit affix on a quiver it would just be 71% to 100%.


Originally posted by Arcades

You could probably e-mail support to exclude it from the items they provide you. As far as I know, there's no option to exclude physical products in exchange for more currency (like POE).

Perhaps, just keep it as a collectible in support of this game.

19 Apr


Hey Morbo, very happy to hear Last Epoch is making the genre more appealing to you!

We’re aware that the inability to do this is not ideal and it’s in our log of things to tackle. We have some good stuff coming for Druid in a couple patches and hopefully we can improve this functionality with that release.

17 Apr


The order does not affect it. The drops work more or less the same as they do for other timeline bosses, except instead of dropping from any of the individual bosses they drop in the centre of the arena once all the bosses are dead. This distinction is probably what's causing the item database to fail to pickup the drop chances.

Bhuldar's Wrath is by far the most common drop and while you're a bit unlucky to have gotten neither of the others after 8 runs, it's not that unlikely. I think the chance of not getting Herkir's in 8 runs is around 29%. Keep in mind that Logi's only drops in the empowered, level 100, version of the timeline, so if you're running the basic version it can't drop.

16 Apr


Originally posted by Disciple_of_Erebos

Sorry to ask but did we know Orobyss was a god previously? I haven't played for a patch or two so maybe I missed something, and I haven't done much endgame, but I don't remember any lore saying the Void was caused by another god. That's interesting.

It's not new information, although I don't know whether it's been known through in-game means yet. Old social posts have mentioned the six gods, I believe our previous lore page did, and our Discord server has their icons in the form of emoji.