Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

25 May


Hey Emergency, we have people both reporting that they've gained a significant improvement and others reporting a regression. For the people that report FPS loss we often find that repairing the game files and restarting the PC does help them.

You're completely right that there are some areas and enemies/abilities that are still weighing down areas which we'll be targeting more in the 0.8.3 cycle.


Originally posted by DaDa462

Moxjet, I wanted to give your invitation real thought overnight.

Someone else here pointed out the opportunity to tie rewards to kill count. That technically already exists in the chest we open after a monolith, but it could be made more substantial. As it stands, I'd certainly rather clear maps quicker than get a little extra juice in one chest.

I thought about other games that are essentially map repetition, and what makes some have much greater playtime-longevity than others. I think these two features are important:

- Have near-term goals as well as long-term goals (blessings)

- Have randomized side-quests / mini-games / puzzles, etc. in monoliths that keep things interesting with useful rewards

I'm not advocating a PoE clone but there are good ideas out there to tweak. We could say the monolith web is delve-inspired in itself.

Spitballing examples:

A monolith web mechanic where you get a special reward for completing 3...

Read more

I agree with the vast majority of replies from those of you that posted below my initial response. A couple issues that we believe we need to address sooner than later is feeling like you're following indicators from the start of a lot of monoliths, more variety in objective and starting locations, and more locations in general which will come with more development time.

We've also have many more bosses and mini-bosses coming. I completely agree these are necessary. They just take a bit more time to develop.

As we get closer to 1.0 I think we'll have this in a good spot. And of course, 1.0 is just kickoff.

Again, thank you and the others for the constructive criticisms and taking your time to make thoughtful posts like this.


Stability gain increases with both corruption and how far an echo is from the centre of the web. Because of this, as long as you're killing the shade to increase corruption, or running echoes far from the centre your stability will go up much faster. For example at 200 corruption echoes far from the centre of the web can give 75 stability, so you only need around 18 of them of them to unlock the final quest echo, which is much less than pre patch, and it can go higher than that.

Even if you don't increase corruption by much, as long as you're doing echoes further out from the start (e.g. ones giving around 45 stability) it'll be as fast as it is pre-patch. It's just the initial run of an empowered timeline where it's particularly slow.


Don’t worry, we have more types of content planned for the monolith and individual echoes. This patch and system update gives us a very solid foundation to build on as a primary end game system.

For someone that has evaluated the system and come to this conclusion, I’m curious if there are different objectives or content types that you know you’d like to see as we expand it. If not, that’s completely ok of course. We have our own ideas that will make their way in for future updates.

Thanks for the honest feedback.


Sounds like we should add more treasure chest sparkles to make this more obvious!


Really appreciate the kind words and I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying the new content :)


Very glad you guys are feeling the minion AI improvements and it’s making playing those classes more enjoyable. Now to update some of those minion models! :)

20 May


Originally posted by HakuninX

I'm a huge fan Arpg's and I mostly play so-called "zoom-zoom" builds. Will Last Epoch always be like Grim Dawn in term of build speeds? And when will we have multiplayer and a trade system?

Thank you so much Judd!

We definitely don't want to make the game too "zoomy" but there of course will be builds that are a bit faster than others if that's what you're looking for.

Multiplayer and trade systems are in the works but will be "ready when they're ready". Good progress but still more to go.


Originally posted by TheKensai

Hi, I bought the game years ago, I migrated to Linux this week, and performance is an issue right now. Is there more improvements planned for a better Linux performance/support?

I am using Nvidia official drivers and the game on OpenGL is giving me 30 fps and on Vulkan with -force-vulkan only prrsents a blank screen.

We have some performance updates coming in 4 days! Hopefully they'll help but if they don't please let us know on the forums. We'll have our main dev that focuses on performance back on performance related things heavily for 0.8.3 as he was helping with server-side multiplayer optimization quite a lot this last dev cycle.


Originally posted by Dethmonger

First off, thanks for all the hard work, I am absolutely loving the game so far, and it only seems to get better and better every patch.

What are your long term plans with post release content, such as seasons/leagues. What kind of things can we look forward to being different between them?

Thanks for the kind words!

We'll have leagues/seasons - our term for them is "Cycles". There will be a large variety of updates we'll make in those releases including end game systems, features, new masteries (maybe even classes a bit down the road, items, mechanics and anything else we feel would make the game better. Oh, and they'll of course come with a ladder and economy reset.


Originally posted by Farazon94

Do you have any plans on releasing additional classes before/with 1.0 aside from the sub-classes that are still to be added in the game? Regardless if that is or isn't on the table yet, do you have any idea of what a future class might look like and are you willing to experiment with innovative and unique concepts that go beyond the relatively standard Rogue/Warrior/Mage/Druid(Primalist) archetypes that are seen in majority of games?

No additional classes/masteries outside of those announced before 1.0 but we already have plans for additional masteries that we haven't talked about yet. You guys may be able to guess some if you know the game well and have a sense of what is missing from the toolkits and pairings.


Originally posted by Kraygfu

Any plans on making the Druid synergize better with skill points in Werebear form? Currently feels like 90% of the time my other skills are useless.

Yes! Druid is going to be receiving some significant love after the 0.8.2 patch. We have the new bear form model and the new unannounced form being rigged/animated at the moment and they're awesome. We'll be revisiting a number of skills and passives with that update.


Originally posted by rediteer342

How are you and the team doing today?

Super good and super busy. Last days before patch are usually quite intense to get last minute polish in.


Originally posted by Haldalkin

LOL the AMA got removed because he did not have "adequate proof" even though he was flaired for a scheduled AMA? That sub is... strange.

Haha yea, the mods had sent me a message to add proof but I was so caught up in answering people that I didn't see the message until it was taken down and I went searching. Was a pretty effective way to send me the message I suppose!


Originally posted by DanielSecara

Sorry to be „that guy”, but the answers seem computer generated PR fluff. I mean, look at the reply given to Lizard and to the question about auto-cast, just to name a couple.

I mean, I get it, they cant go into too much detail, but come on! Also, sometimes a simple yes or no would suffice. Using the same patterns („looking forward”, „the team is committed to”) is disingenuous, especially to the veterans.

I know your heart is in the right place, but make it more personal. Dont treat us as your customers, but as players from a community. Maybe even friends.

Hi Daniel, I'm sorry you feel that way! May I ask what question you'd like a more direct answer to? Some things of course I can't reveal entirely but maybe there's something you are curious about that I can.

19 May


Originally posted by hezur6

Holy f**k! Just when I thought I had barely scratched the surface of what the game had to offer you guys just go and make almost an entire new endgame.

One suggestion though:

Stash tabs are EXACTLY 17 tiles high. Make a tab for armor and it doesn't fit. Make a tab for any piece of equipment that's 2x2, it doesn't fit either. It's tilting me so much, please make it 18 :(

Haha I can sympathize with that. Will talk to the team

17 May


Originally posted by Porn_Steal

Are you hoping to release within the next week or so?

All we've said so far is sometime this month. :)

Perhaps the Patch Preview will help narrow it down...


This is a bug with the minion AI where it can't work out how to get close enough to Lagon to attack him, because his centre is too far off the walkable area. It will be fixed in 0.8.2.