Moxjet, I wanted to give your invitation real thought overnight.
Someone else here pointed out the opportunity to tie rewards to kill count. That technically already exists in the chest we open after a monolith, but it could be made more substantial. As it stands, I'd certainly rather clear maps quicker than get a little extra juice in one chest.
I thought about other games that are essentially map repetition, and what makes some have much greater playtime-longevity than others. I think these two features are important:
- Have near-term goals as well as long-term goals (blessings)
- Have randomized side-quests / mini-games / puzzles, etc. in monoliths that keep things interesting with useful rewards
I'm not advocating a PoE clone but there are good ideas out there to tweak. We could say the monolith web is delve-inspired in itself.
Spitballing examples:
A monolith web mechanic where you get a special reward for completing 3...