Our itemization isn’t complete yet - we expect the content we are adding before 1.0 to add a substantial amount of replayability and item chase. Keep an eye on social posts a bit after the 0.8.3 release!
Our itemization isn’t complete yet - we expect the content we are adding before 1.0 to add a substantial amount of replayability and item chase. Keep an eye on social posts a bit after the 0.8.3 release!
This is the Zizaran unique, but that's not the right base type for it, and it's not functional yet. That one will be eventually be released, but I'd advise against looking for unavailable uniques and getting excited about them, because a lot of them are abandoned designs that won't end up in the game for various reasons. We are adding a lot of new uniques in 0.8.3, but I don't think many, if any, of them are represented in the files of the current version.
When does an enemy count as in that range? When its center is in that range? Because there are some pretty huge enemies where this distinction makes a world of difference and I'm never sure how to feel about "nearby".
When does an enemy count as in that range? When its center is in that range?
No, it's measured from roughly the edge of the enemy, so larger enemies especially can count as nearby even if their centre isn't that near the circle.
Do we know what nearby means in terms of the shield? Because it could be incredibly good depending on the range.
There are vfx showing the range while you have the shield equipped. It's the same range as the bubble for the "less damage taken from distant enemies" mod for rare enemies.
This may be outside the current scope of the game, but looking into the future, would we see an node trees expand as the game progresses? Or would you focus more about adding more skills rather than expanding applications for previous ones?
Skill trees are definitely not set in stone, and we frequently add new nodes or change existing ones. We try to avoid the total number of nodes going over 30 where possible, so we're unlikely to add lots of new nodes to a tree that's already fairly large, unless we're reworking all or part of that tree. In 0.8.3 in particular several sentinel and necromancer skill trees are receiving full or partial reworks.
Currently only Rogues can use bows and they're the only class planned to have a bow focused mastery, the Marksman. However we do hope to add bow support for other classes in future. This may not come soon because of two major blockers.
Adding another weapon type to a class requires a large number of animations, of course there's the animation of firing the bow, then there are the various spell cast animations which all need a bow variant, there are idle animations, movement animations, a stunned animation, and a death animation. This would all have to be done for four classes and is a big undertaking when we're also working on animations for new skills, adding new enemies, and refining old skill animations.
If a class can use a bow, but the only bow ability they can use is a basic attack, there wouldn't be any point to them actually using a bow. There wouldn't be any viable bow builds. So we've got to look at their various melee attacks assess which...
Read moreNo probs. I try and be fairly active in the forums as well. I remember back in the earlier days when that other aprg also had good forums & reddit with great discussions and polite, good tempered debate.
So, I think it is especially important to participate and encourage in that type of discussion and support, even if occasionally it is to critique and provide constructive criticism. Everyone at LE is to be congratulated thus far on what they have provided and continue to strive to provide both in game and also in communication.
Hopefully, with the current levels of participation we can continue to keep it all civil for quite a while yet. It's very important that tools like the forums & reddit remain a useful tool for existing players, devs, new players, & people interested in getting LE. IMHO, as long as we learn the lessons from "elsewhere" and prevent them from becoming toxic then they can continue to be a valuable resource. Moderation by all is needed, so that a...
I’m hoping that by having our development team more involved personally in community engagement and making sure that community feedback is very frequently discussed and acted upon we can keep the great community discourse we have for a long time to come. I’m sure it will be more challenging as the game becomes more popular but the entirety of EHG will continue to make the community and their feedback a top priority. We were all big ARPG players on the other side of the coin not too long ago!
Read moreFirstly, I appreciate someone who takes the time to write a well thought out post, so thank you.
I'd like to help address some of your points with what I know or feel:
Gold pickups. Large stashes of gold (from altars) you simply run in a circle around them and it auto grabs them. Running back to grab gold from kills is something I initially did. It's not worth it unless it's super close. Those amounts are normally tiny. Same as selling junk. It's taken me ages to stop grabbing & selling junk from the reward chest (disabling my filter). Again, it's actually insignificant and the time spent costs you more. Took me ages to get out of this habit. Affix pickup. Sometimes this can get annoying, I agree, but the "pick up one,grab all" helps with piles. The devs already stated they don't want it to be as easy to grab as with gold. I can't quote this as it's somewhere in the forums, but can't remember where.
Easy compa...
Thanks for fostering good discussion in the community, Mael!
Thank you for taking the time to write this. The quality of life changes you’re suggesting are all things we agree with and will improve after we get some more of the “meat” of the game completed. I believe the vast majority of these suggestions actually exist as backlogged items to get to when we can - so we’re on the same page.
We agree with your assessment of echoes generally being too short and are discussing ways to make those a bit more lengthy by making players want to kill enemies instead of feeling like they’re just running to the objective as fast as possible and we have some other plans to decrease that downtime between them you’ve mentioned, though that plan is probably a bit too early to talk to.
We have a few more things we’re doing with itemization before we take a step back and assess how we feel about the entire picture, but the desire for slightly more depth/chase is heard loud and clear. We’ve known that we’d be adding additional systems for thi...
Read moreWe’ll be explaining the legendary item system after 0.8.3 drops. We’re pretty excited about it and it will add good chase to all classes and all item slots.
Right now finding items with multiple good T6/T7 mods and certain uniques are very rare
Disintegrate is a dot. Dots do not hit. Your ignite chance is on hit.
This is true. Though next patch we're adding a node to the disintegrate tree that gives it chance to ignite per second equal to your chance to ignite on hit.
Thanks, i notice that they didn t drop. Never think of shatter the items
They do actually drop, they're just much rarer than most shards.
what about closing the game and re launching it? and if that is also not allowed then you could be stuck with a bunch of really shit (if not useless) trades on offer. because im guessing it will be an instance that you join with a set amount of sellers and buyers. and there is a very high chance that you will not find what you are looking for out of those sellers, so are you just shit out of luck? for x amount of time until someone decides to join that same instance with the item you want?. i love the game but im very worried about trade and multiplayer and how it will affect current loot drops and gold and all that stuff. i dont want this game to turn into poe where everything revolves around trade.
what about closing the game and re launching it?
That does not reroll it either. There's no manual action you can take to reroll it, it just happens occasionally.
i love the game but im very worried about trade and multiplayer and how it will affect current loot drops and gold and all that stuff.
We're very specifically trying to avoid trade overshadowing loot drops and crafting, and we're hopeful that it can be avoided with this sort of trade system. Even if you use the Bazaar, most of your items should still come from drops and crafting, and if that's not happening our first course of action will be to reassess the Bazaar rather than rebalancing the game or its drops.
Does Poison Effect affect the poison resistance reduction effect of poison, or is it only a separate multiplier on poison damage like bleed effect?
It does. In general, increased effect of an ailment amplifies all debuffs and damage that it applies.
From the multiplayer update thread:
Our QA team is playing Last Epoch multiplayer every single day together.
Just imagine being payed to play LE all day everyday...
Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous of the QA team! It's a great group of people who do more than just QA - they are a big part of the game design team as well
If you didn’t see our post from today:
New multiplayer FAQ: https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/official-last-epoch-multiplayer-faq/42036
July Multiplayer Dev Update: ...
Read moreDo we have a date yet?
Hyped for druid rework, I hope it's more than cosmetic and we get to perma bear
We’ve been listening ;)
We have. We don’t want people to be re-rolling spawns of locations, vendors or enemies over and over. We know players would do it if it were the most efficient way to upgrade which means it’s on us to make sure that is not the case.
sounds like the way it will actually work is players leaving and coming back to the bazaar to essentially "reroll" what's on offer until they find what they want. and then players will complain that trading is too tedious.
Leaving and re-entering the Bazaar will not reroll what's on offer.