I heard he's gonna be even more primaly
He’s going to be the Primaliest
I heard he's gonna be even more primaly
He’s going to be the Primaliest
Hi all, thank you for the feedback. I’m bringing this up internally because of this post. I’ll see what we can do
Ok, I guess you know more about it than me obviously so I'll trust you. Is there a chance as the zone levels progress the weight stays the same for these mods (as you say), but the weight for the other newly unlocked mods is slightly higher? So the weight for the newer mods keeps going up, which means the mod of what I'm looking for back at lvl 75 or so is essentially lowered because of its relative weight to the newer mods? If it still has the same weight as the new mods then my rng is insanely against the odds. I can probably even demonstrate it, as I pick up every idol (I'm a masochist, I know) I come across, mostly to see what mods are available and when.
Is there a chance as the zone levels progress the weight stays the same for these mods (as you say), but the weight for the other newly unlocked mods is slightly higher?
Most mods available early in the game have the maximum weighting and mods that start dropping later normally have a lower weighting as they tend to be more niche or powerful.
To explain the statistic, imagine a simplified example where there are four possible mods, A, B, C, and D, and each have equal weighting. In that scenario you have a 25% chance to get mod A. If at a higher level there are six more possible mods and all 10 have the same weighting you only have a 10% chance to get mod A.
the mod of what I'm looking for back at lvl 75 or so is essentially lowered because of its relative weight to the newer mods
There are no affixes will level requirements above 60, so the affix weightings at level 75 are identical to the affix w...
Read moreDoes that apply to all loot or just affixes? For example, is there different loot tables for different empowered timelines where some bases are more common to drop in one than in another?
It applies to all loot, except for boss specific unique drops.
This is just RNG, and RNG often feels less random than it actually is, because unlikely events can randomly clump together and make it look like there's a pattern. If you roll a dice three times, it's unlikely that it'll roll three sixes, but if you do the same with hundreds of dice, some of them probably will. With the shear number of different mods in the game you're going to end up with a few where most or all the drops end up randomly clumped.
Affixes have a fixed weighting once you reach the level at which they drop, so they only ever become less common when more mods start dropping and the pool is diluted. The weighting never goes down.
I'm glad we've started getting more of these showcase items lately. The game sometimes feels like it's lacking chase items, but each item pass has made the endgame items a little more exciting and I love it.
Good things to come :)
So that you guys don’t go mad searching, we have not yet released information about how the Legendary system will work. It will definitely provide good chase and you won’t feel like you’ll just never ever get one. Till then, reading the speculation is pretty fun from our end. Maybe you guys will come up with something awesome that we take into account
It definitely is a question we're asked a lot, but we understand because we're extremely excited about it too. We're working on some more formal information to put out to everyone but some quick info:
We playtest with the larger team every Wednesday and are still finding plenty of things to address but overall it's feeling good and playable ...
Read moreThat’s not good! It sounds like a nasty bug that I don’t believe we’ve had many reports of, if at all. I’ll bring it up today internally. Apologies for the inconvenience
It’s looking like the patch after next so we can implement the new form, all form updated models, rework their trees and abilities, and change/rebalance the passives. We also have plans to help those that want to stay in the forms without playing the mana puzzle game. A little more wait but we think it’ll be worth it for our Druid players.
We’re working through new bear and spriggan form model animations at the moment so a good amount of work will be done before the 0.8.4 patch cycle even starts.
Yes. All classes will have the same amount of skills at release. At least thats the plan.
This is correct
Is there a place to bring more feedback or report bugs ? Like is there a forum or something or is using reddit a good thing ?
Forum.lastepoch.com is preferred for reports!
While descriptions still need work id like to say you guys have done a great job with fixing them over the last year. The descriptions of skills and passives were really bad early last year and its clear that you guys have put in a ton of effort to improve them.
I’m really glad you’re feeling the difference. Still plenty of work to be done but we’ll get there!
We agree that there’s a lot of things that should be worded better and will be doing a large pass before 1.0 of the game and are constantly adjusting larger offenders in the mean time. It’s crucial that reduce the cognitive load and elements of uncertainty in skills and passives since the amount of options is so high. Thanks for your patience and if you have any questions feel free to come ask in our Discord!
If you get stunned, it will not proc.
Its a bug, asked the devs.
I've had another look and found the exact cause. It doesn't proc unless you were already below 30% health when you were hit.
This has a large overlap with whether the damage stuns you, because bigger hits are more likely to stun and also more likely to bring you below 30% health from above 30%, or outright kill you, than they are to leave you below 30% and alive when you were already below 30% health.
How about making spires shoot only when you're being actively attacked by other enemies? (I.e they're spotting for the artillery). It's probably about the same level of risk but a lot less annoying and stressful.
That’s an interesting idea. Will raise that
I've raised this with the game design team and I think we agree that the fact that there's no time to take a quick breath is not ideal. In general we are much happier with the state of spires in comparison to pre 0.8.2. because they are not introducing a mechanic that can be completely ignored but we agree there's room for improvement. I'll see what we can do.
We updated minion AI with the 0.8.2 release and minions should be keeping up with you in general and be a bit more intelligent. We did notice that MA and FW move a bit more slowly than is ideal though so we've buffed their movement speed internally. This buff will likely come out in 0.8.3 but maybe I can convince production to push it through in a hotfix.
Hey guys, reports like these are most helpful when placed in our bug report forum found here: forum.lastepoch.com/c/bug-reports/23
Apologies that you guys are experiencing difficulties. Hopefully our support staff will be able to assist
Theyll probly take away the movement skill from bear form
Bearform will receive major changes, but it will still have a movement skill.