Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

17 Jul

16 Jul


We've posted a turntable video of the entire model on our forum.

Check it out here!

15 Jul


Originally posted by Bernardo1979

Lonely Camp sounds a little bit like Harry Potter :P

I listened to it again after your comment!

Now that it's been pointed out to me, some of the notes do remind me of HP. :)

14 Jul


Originally posted by plodex

Please put them both in somewhat the same spot. Forcing players to look all over the place for various vital information is bad design 🤓

Thank you for the feedback!

If I may, here is a quote of one of my posts on our forum;

Thank you for the feedback.

My personal preference would be for them to be separated, as whether I use a high Mana cost skill may be determined by whether I currently have a specific buff, whereas I would be more inclined to check the debuffs in response to what enemies are doing. Them being separated means that my focused checks involve me parsing fewer icons; it...

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13 Jul

12 Jul


Originally posted by dvlsg

Thanks for the response, certainly not expecting anything immediately.

I'm open to just buying the full soundtrack too, if that's an option in the future.

If you've purchased a supporter pack which contains beta access you'll be able to download it in the future. :)


Originally posted by addictedsc2

Hey, Sarno, this might be a bit off topic to this thread but I'll post it here since it's still to do with sound. I read the "What we've been working on" post and it was briefly mentioned that you guys are working on implementing VA for the playable characters. Are there plans for VA for NPCs?

Btw the sound tracks are great and really set the tone for the game, can't stress enough how important sound is to an ARPG game.

VA won't be limited to the playable characters; we're just prioritizing those as they can be utilized to convey useful information - for example, "I don't have the Mana to do that!", or, "I cannot equip this!". We plan to tackle these situations in other ways, such as through using sound effects - but if some VA can help in the meantime, it makes sense to get it in as soon as we can. :)


Originally posted by dvlsg

Really enjoying the music released so far.

Any chance these will end up on spotify / apple / google play / etc?

I'll need to ask about this before committing to anything publicly.

Due to it being Friday I won't be able to follow-up until Monday or Tuesday.


As we work on the soundtrack we periodically upload tracks onto YouTube so that interested travelers can listen to them outside of the game as well. Recently we uploaded some tracks from Chapter One! You can find them in this playlist.

Prefer individual links! We got you;

Read more External link →

11 Jul


Originally posted by pdxdude84

Anyone have a link to the public roadmap?

We're working on one which will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

It isn't available yet.

10 Jul

04 Jul


Originally posted by Vichornan

All I can really say is that our mtx will be less than some other companies

Hey thanks for the answer. I hope you guys keep up the regional pricing via steam for ingame purchases too (like using steam for cosmetic points with regional pricing) . Seeing such fair pricing for other currencies simply makes spending on a game feel so much better! Also bought and currently downloading your game!

Hmm that's something to think about as well. Will bring it up with the team, thanks! Welcome to the community traveler!


Hey there! It's pretty far out to tell at the moment. There's a ton of factors involved in this decision as well. All I can really say is that our mtx will be less than some other companies. I know we've all agreed on that and stated it in a public setting before. Don't know if that helps!

02 Jul


Originally posted by ekimarcher

We have been working with different methods of setting, saving and detecting screen resolutions for different window modes. This has resulted in some legacy methods causing some problems for some users.

We have found that in many cases, deleting the graphics.ini file has helped to reset things and get it going smoothly again.

I'm on mobile right now and not 100% sure if the exact path but it's basically in your appData folder under local/LastEpoch. The game with automatically recreate it on start up.

Adding onto this response, the directory for each supported Operating System can be found in this support article.

01 Jul


Originally posted by ColdCitizen

If you do not mind me jumping ship. May I ask if this game will be sp with a local multiplayer like grim Dawn or will it be fully online la POE?

At release Last Epoch will have both offline-only characters played locally (similar to Grim Dawn), and online-only characters played in a server-authorative environment (similar to Path of Exile, Diablo III). It will never be possible to take a character previously played offline to our servers, though we've discussed possibly allowing online characters to be duplicated for offline play. Another thing we'd like to do is offer LAN support for offline characters, however we're unlikely to have the time to get this done in time for launch.

30 Jun


Originally posted by LazelimGiros

So where can i see my melee critical strike multiplier? I still don't know if the item works or not... IMO one of the most important thing in arpg's is that the players sees the progression via stats and character sheets.

Like Ekimarcher said. It's a system we're currently working on. He's one of our programmers.

29 Jun


Hey there!

Thanks for supporting us. :)

To address your questions;

  • We've a Developer Blog on trading here. At this point it's over a year old, and does come across as a little more restrictive than our current plans - but we haven't posted an update or new blog on the subject since, so it's likely still the best resource for the subject. It is our intention for trading to initially be more restrictive than we'd like, as it's ha...
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26 Jun


Sorry, nothing as of yet. Going to be a bit. We're focused on releasing the rogue in a much more polished state than some of our other releases have been. This way, we're not playing catch up and players can have a better first experience with the class.