Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

15 May


Multiplayer isn't available yet, though we have a Developer Blog on it if you're interested.

14 May


Originally posted by TwistU2

Nothing about performance?? Seriously??

Six days ago we released Patch 0.7.0d, which in our testing improved FPS by approximately 5 in combat. Seven days ago we released ...

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13 May

11 May


Sorry about that, chat should be available again now.

09 May


Originally posted by nachkarei

Hello there, sure I see no problem with that, quite the opposite even :)



Originally posted by nachkarei

Surely don't see any problem with that ! :)



Originally posted by Smooshfaced

Most of these complaints aren't bothering me, but I would LOVE to have the option of either character names OR account name in chat, like a toggle in options FWIW.

I'm sure it'll be 1 or the other, but just thought I'd throw out my 2 cents since (haha cents since) you are obviously here and paying attention to the feedback in this thread.

Also, I just have to say I love how open you guys are to feedback, very refreshing, thank you for listening!

Thanks. :)

A concern with that idea is the possibility of impersonating someone - one person naming a character after another's account.


Originally posted by GivingItMyBest

Pretty sure the item not showing the right quality is a known bug.

Yeah, it's a bug. There'll be a fix in the next patch.

08 May


Hey there,

So to answer the question of 'why', currently the game is just placing save files in the default location for the engine we're using.

I'll speak with the team about the feasibility of moving it. If doing so would necessitate a wipe then it may not happen for a while.


Hi there,

Would it be okay if I placed a link to this thread in the sidebar?


Hi again,

Would it be okay if I placed a link to this thread in the sidebar?


Hi there,

The old demos are no longer being distributed due to not having been updated for a year. They are from the game's pre-alpha stage of development. Last Epoch recently transitioned from alpha to beta, and the demos haven't been representative of the game for a while now (the Passive Grid system was replaced, every zone has been replaced, etc.).

We're working on new demos for Windows, Linux, and macOS which should hopefully be ready for distribution later this month.

07 May


Glad you liked it. :)

06 May


If you spend some time in the Monolith of Fate you'll start finding Arena Keys. :)


The settings menu should allow you to disable damage numbers.

There aren't any other options (e.g. enable for crits only) available currently, but I'm happy to discuss this with the team.


Vulkan has a build guide here which might help.


Originally posted by Shotsl0l

Maybe I misspoke or just missed something regarding the chapters/acts. Do you know a ballpark hour mark in which the content runs out during current playthrough? Excluding Arena/MoF. Just the story stuff so I know. I did the story quests up to where it said "END OF BETA" which I believe was the quest to do MoF and enter Arena?

I know there are minor updates/fixes regularly but I more so meant major features. i.e. Rogue, more skill trees etc. Not just the maintenance bug fixes, sorry.

Thanks for the reply and info though :)

I know there are minor updates/fixes regularly but I more so meant major features. i.e. Rogue, more skill trees etc. Not just the maintenance bug fixes, sorry.

Here's a quick overview of some of the changes made so far this year;


  • Base classes now have Passives
  • Added multiple new skills
  • Replaced the character models for three of the four available base classes
  • Replaced all character animations used by three of the four bases classes
  • Implemented the Set Item rarity with multiple item sets included in this patch
  • Merged the Knight base class and Sentinel mastery class
    • Added the new Forge Guard mastery class (...
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05 May


Apologies for the technical issues! We're working on them.

One of the worst offenders was loading the zone The Maj'Elkan Catacombs; for some it was a very long loading screen, for others they could even crash when attempting to load it. Our Lead Developer has identified the cause of this, and we're testing a fix which has brought this down to between 5% and 11% of the current load time. It's too early to say how impactful this will be for other zones.


Chat box interfering with NPC dialogue.

This is a known issue, but not currently considered a priority.

Priorities include - but are not limited to - fixing crashing issues & radically improving loading times.

New Supporter packs being pushed when part of them don't even work.

We're very sorry about this. The initial beta build & beta supporter packs became available at the same time, so we didn't learn of the bug until the packs were available for purchase. Resolving this is one of the team's current priorities.

(There's little to no overlap between the people working on this and those working on crash fixes).

Optimization. This is likely the biggest issue I have right now.

This is the biggest issue that many people have currently.

Not much I can say other than it isn't good enough and we'll continue to work on improving it.

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04 May


Originally posted by JerleGamer

Yes. It is the same as the pack form the website.

Thanks Jerle! Can confirm. :)

We're working on multiple bugs related to this. I'll see if we can post an update on them next week. Probably won't be a weekend thing.