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External link →As an EA title, it's really good. However, we get character wipes between builds so you will be restarting a few times. However, each of the available classes are fun so restarting isn't like the worst thing ever.
I did hear that it won't be as much as it does currently but personally I like to support dev's that make games that I like.
However, we get character wipes between builds so you will be restarting a few times.
This is not correct; it sounds like some kind of technical issue may be occurring.
I'd suggest posting in our Technical Support forum with as much information as possible regarding when you've lost save data.
Haha took me a second but that's pretty funny
Looks so good. I always play casters. I love what you guys have done with the mage class. So excited for the future of this game!
The models look wonderful! Is there a side-by-side to really show off the difference?
The new models aren't quite ready for that just yet. :)
Looks great. Any clues for what else is in store for 7.8?
Not yet, buuuutt you can expect to hear a bit more about the patch over the next couple of weeks. 😃
Good suggestions, added them :)
Hi all,
I've added some flair for the sub! Do you guys think there are any others that should be added?
External link →Agreed❤
Pun ignored. 😦
I am honestly surprised it took this long for this meme to come forth. Good one 🤣
It was worth waiting for, though - this meme is gold.