Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by Magic2424

Curious to see the changes to wolf unique. Hopefully it isn't nerfed too much

The intention isn't to nerf it.

Though we did spot a bug with the 20% Increased Minion Damage Per Active Wolf affix which was non-trivial to resolve, so that is being replaced with flat melee physical damage for your minions.

03 Jun

02 Jun


Hey everyone!

While we try to maintain an active presence here on Reddit, we do ask that any posts about such issues be posted in that thread. This is something we will be periodically reviewing, and the more places responses get posted, the harder it will be to find them all. Thanks!

31 May

30 May


Originally posted by Vestus65

Wow, I just purchased the game over the weekend and started following this subreddit. Very impressive to see how quickly you reacted to community feedback! I'm loving the game so far, really looking forward to watching it develop.

Thank you for supporting us! :)

29 May


We don't currently have an ETA for the Rogue, though we are actively working on her.

28 May


We don't currently have an ETA to share.

We're still in the process of determining what will be included as part of the next patch to better prioritize work over the short-term.

16 May


Thanks! ❤️


Hey there,

Can you please post in Technical Support and either upload or link to both of these? If your account doesn't have the necessary permissions, feel free to PM me your account name and I'll bump them up a bit.


Originally posted by Floyd_19

Nope, that’s just one spec for the rogue class. The other two are Falconer and blade dancer (I think)

That's correct. :)

15 May


Originally posted by cesarito27

It would be nice to have a free respec after a patch that has such high impact changes... think of all those poor ward Mages

Good changes overall, keep up the good work!

It would be nice to have a free respec after a patch that has such high impact changes...

This is planned for the future.

We intend to make significant changes to how skill trees are saved, and this will be included as part of that.


Originally posted by SSFIsTheNewVegan

You no longer have to attack the door in the Welryn College.

Thank you, my dumb ass had to go through that map several times before I realized I just needed to sneeze on the door for it to open.

You certainly weren't the only one who didn't find that intuitive. :)


Originally posted by DeadpanLIVE

Absolutely! I'd be honoured :)

Thanks! Appreciate it. :)


Hi there,

Thanks for the thread!

Would it be okay with you if I placed a link to this thread in the sidebar?