Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by Magic2424

Make sure you do the side quests, they give either passive points or idol slots which are both incredibly important.

Defences: after campaign, the most important thing is to get 100% glancing blow. Builds either go for ward or protections on top of your glancing blow but rarely both. This game protection works differently than other games. there is no cap or magic number of protections you need to get

Personally, i would say this game really shines when you are trying your own builds, its pretty easy to respec (other than your class/mastery which is final) and there aren't too many end game systems so the repeatability ATM is trying new builds and making new characters.

The people who stream this game regularly love the game and are more than willing to answer any questions along with people on the discord

There is a certain quest that you may feel is bugged shortly after you choose your mastery. You may need to make use of the fact you can time trav...

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The devs have said it is okay to autocast this way.

Could I please ask for a link to where this was stated?

04 Apr


Originally posted by Rumpo82

Hi, what does this mean for those who picked up the game via Steam? Thanks.

Hey there,

It won't have any impact for you. :)

03 Apr


Originally posted by nice-scores

𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Nice Leaderboard

1. u/RepliesNice at 4619 nices

2. u/cbis4144 at 2686 nices

3. u/Pewpewlongmeat at 1877 nices


247906. u/NoMight178 at 1 nice



02 Apr


Originally posted by SolCyn

u/EHG_Sarno if opportunity permits, would you ask the folks involved with Primalist development to take a look at the Maelstrom 'Gathering Storms' node. It will trigger once but, when that initial effect dissipates, it will not trigger again unless one logs out of/back into the character. Can replicate the issue consistently. Posted to the LE Bug forum... hoping it gets checked. Cheers.

Our QA team does investigate all reports posted there. Thanks!

31 Mar


Originally posted by Papalockratin

Also chat just does not work now

Thanks for the report!

Could you restart the game client and check whether chat works for you then?


Originally posted by Papalockratin

Now the overlay zoom does not work at all

This is a global issue which we'll fix in 0.7.7e. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by fushuan

I can take another shot at any time, it's the Imperial scholar captured at the outcast camp. I'll post it for sure!

Edit: Done

Thanks. :)


I'd imagine that this was not intended. 😀

If you have a less cropped version of that screenshot, could you please post it in Bug Reports?



We plan to have a configurable loot filter built directly into the game client. It's scheduled for implemenetation during Phase 4 of our Early Access Forecast (we're currently in Phase 2), however that timing is only an approximation.

30 Mar


The upgrades went well and all services should once again be available.

Thanks for your patience!

29 Mar


Originally posted by enjoyluck

I don't like the gamble and vendore chance. Personal opinion.

"I really did like as a new player that you had a chance to get some cool leveling uniques early on. To try em out and figure out if you will use em. That experience was great. Comprere to other action rpg's like poe/diablo. That was a cool ting. To bad you removed it/ nerf it. Now it will feel bad to lv a new toon in ssf. I hope you bring it some how back. Even if you make it cost more."

Its true that people like me just dislike nerfs when it comes to fun. Even if i understand the reason behind it.

Sorry for bad english btw.

Would you like to receive unique items more frequently, or would you like to specifically receive unique items from NPCs?

As uniques (and set items) in Last Epoch aren't more powerful than well-crafted (or insane drops) equipment, we have a lot of freedom to adjust how common they are. We don't think some of the most interesting items you get coming from an NPC in town feels particularly good - and that's why we're making these adjustments. We do want gambling one to be possible.

28 Mar


Originally posted by Rayalas

On my Paladin I'm getting an unplayable amount of stuttering. Must be one of his skills but I haven't experimented too much...

But on any other character I've tried, the game runs significantly better than before. Actually have my graphics up to high!

I'm really impressed with the little I've played so far.

Sorry about this! It's likely caused by Holy Aura. We're investigating this.

24 Mar