Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by FrodoFraggins

So I assume that trying to balance CoF SSF against the bazaar is impossible? I'd be curious to know what kind of balance is being sought.

CoF SSF is already about 4x less optimal than CoF with full parties. but since leaderboards are separate it shouldn't matter in that regard.

With perfect gear distribution spread and coordination you could probably get up to about 3.8x. However we're talking bots playing with perfect information about all gear that drops. The additional time it takes to coordinate the drops, make the trades and organize the builds in general eats up a not insignificant amount of time. Then you each get different prophecies and won't always be completing the same content for your prophecies. So with very veteran players, I'll give you 3x at best. Average use case is probably 2x on a good day. I don't really have any data to back that up, I just think that the 4x suggestion is wishful. We can then balance the group find vs solo with a little more granularity by adjusting the difficulty scaling per additional party member. We aren't aiming for a 1:1 here though, a full party that is planned out well with people who work together should probably end up a little better than a solo player. Uncoordinated groups will probably be a little worse ...

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Originally posted by P33KAJ3W

Quick question on 1.0

Is it awesome?

Lol, from my completely unbiased perspective, yea it's awesome.


Originally posted by blizzars

u/ekimarcher also regarding loot filters, I saw a post on LE forums from a while back about having the loot filter rules apply on items in your inventory. If you have X item to recolor as red when dropped, can it also be recolored as red when viewing it in the inventory?

Are there any plans about this? It would make it easier to see “why did I pick this up?”

No, we don't have this functionality available.


Originally posted by Atreides-42

Damn I wish more companies' pr just said "No" like this lol

Ha! And that was my "leave the door open a crack" answer. I've got a few that I'll literally say "No." to.


Originally posted by LocoPwnify

Found it, thank you!!



Originally posted by LocoPwnify

So I want to gift my friend Ultimate edition, however I know he has the base game. Any way of not paying the full price?

I think you should be able to gift the upgrade version of the ultimate edition instead of the full version. The upgrade versions do have a slight issue right now if you are in a region with significantly different pricing than the US as the upgrade pack versions aren't price localized. They should be and we are working on getting that to work still.


Unlike equipment affixes, idol affixes never have a minimum level to start dropping, only idol shapes do. This is to prevent it ever becoming the best strategy to farm idols at a lower level to remove the chance of rolling affixes you don't want that only start dropping at higher levels.

This isn't a concern for equipment, because there are many other aspects of equipment drops that get better with levels, such as average tier, average number of affixes, average forging potential, etc. So, it's ok for equipment affixes to have minimum drop levels.


General optimization is number 2 on the list just behind multiplayer as you pointed out. The new lighting system (which is doing the heavy lifting on the graphics upgrades) is more performant than before. So you get better and faster. win-win

The steam deck is still technically an unsupported platform for the time being.


Originally posted by SorrowHead

Thank you for answering, i hope you will consider adding this feature in full release.

From what i saw in some older posts, your concern is about streamers giving a bad look to the new players with their custom sounds, some of them might be of a poor taste ( or at least that's how i understood the reasoning from the first glance). I think that's a valid concern for a studio, specially when you're opening to the masses with the public launch.

But after the full release and initial exposure i think the potential risk is negligible. I can only compare it to PoE with its own filter, and i dont think it ever got them in any kind of trouble. If there's any potential bad press or attention from a certain streamer using custom sounds, you can always ban them and move on.

This feature is for players to customize their experience, making memorable moments for themselves and bringing their personal touch to the game, just like how people do with the loot filter itse...

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That is one reason that did add to the consideration.

1.0 is content and feature locked. We are days away from polish lock too. It's far to late to add it in full release. We would have needed to decide to add it months ago.

I'm still pushing to add it every time it comes up in a meeting and well written feedback like this is how things get changed. We are far from finished developing the game and I'm still hopeful we can add this at some point.

1.0 has been so long coming for us that I also can't wait :)


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Despite Poe's custom "zing" sound being so iconic for the game?

Do you maybe plan to add a small collection of your own hand picked sound effects that one could select for filter rules?

That is significantly more likely but we have opted not to include it for 1.0.


This is a frequently requested feature that we have so far not been interested in implementing.


Sorry but this will not be included in 1.0.


Currently cosmetics are online only.

21 Jan


Originally posted by SyFyFan93

Any plans for a battle pass of some sort? Some people hate them, but I actually don't mind spending $10-$15 every three months for something that I can work to progress through.

No plans for a battle pass.


Originally posted by 2074red2074

Are you gonna avoid FOMO too? I hate when a skin goes up and I have a month to buy it or it's gone potentially forever. I mean rotating things like Halloween skins only being for sale in October is fine, and limited-time discounts are fine, but I hate "now or never" stuff.

Are the cosmetics from the Steam packs gonna be available forever too?

We generally don't like to do hard time gated "never to return" cosmetics. In the past we have had a few time exclusive packs like our Kickstarter and alpha packs from way back. Holiday stuff like you said will probably happen but we don't plan for it to be "this" holiday only. We prefer to bring it back. Deluxe and ultimate edition cosmetics are not limited time and we don't plan to sunset them. It is possible that we might update the cosmetics in the pack once they are a little dated. I think if we did that, we would still have them as individually purchasable in the store.

The golden guppy pre-order bonus is a limited time availability item.


A very strictly cosmetic only, no convenience or boosts, mtx shop. There is no mechanical game advantage at all to be gained from spending any more money than the base game. This is a really important hard line for us.

Edit: please stop downvoting the person asking about a battlepass below, they were very respectful and acknowledged the contrasting point of view.

20 Jan


Originally posted by AngryCandyCorn

I was looking it more as a way to determine whether or not trying to simply go max damage was worth the opportunity cost, but I can understand why you wouldn't want the community at large to know everything.

Well you need to be able to survive the hits the boss does but the adaptive DR system doesn't really affect that. After that it's just do your damage.


We could get into the specifics of it but that information is usually sought after in an attempt to be able to do the boss fights faster.

The fastest way to fight the bosses is to do as much damage as you can as fast as you can.

Edit: I should probably mention that the system isn't quite working as well as we would like so we have a replacement system in the works that isn't quite ready yet but will be coming in the not too distant future.


I'm sorry, we don't have any details on timing for this yet.


Originally posted by Bobbo90

Thanks for your upfront answer. I'm afriad tho. The new update brings excitement, but not having any form of price check seems like a major miss on the whole auction house part. Having a lot of items and not be able to find a proper value of them in a easy way, that will seriously really suck. Whats going to happend is that players will do a few runs in monlith and be stuck with so many items that they have no idea how to find the value of.

With the gradual progression of your path through the monolith and MG ranks, players will be able to learn the skills they need to be successful without risking throwing away a mirror tier item or something.